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Dementia Village Project Planning, Control, and Management


This research presents options for Sunset Homes’ proposed Shopping and Leisure Village for people with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. We are one of several potential project management teams, and we need to make a case for why this project should continue and why we should lead it. Project management and the business case are the focus of this research.

The care facility known as “Golden Years” in Lancashire built a Dementia Village in its backyard. The initiative will enhance the environment for locals and visitors alike. A distinguishing feature of Sunset Homes is the emphasis on creating a sense of neighbourhood.

The 90 residents of Sunset Homes with dementia are looked after at its Golden Years unit. The demands of the 80-year-old residents of the care facility have been met. The proximity of a small town to the Dementia Village indicates this endeavour’s importance.

According to the case study, Sunset Homes has yet to do this. This pilot study may encourage Sunset Care institutions to begin similar initiatives.

Between September 2023 and August 2024, the Dementia Village will be constructed. Architectural plans, building permit applications, and cost estimates are all part of the preparation process. Planning, training, and other project operations will cost a total of £425,000.

A business case and personnel management are needed for this undertaking. Strategic alignment, financial impact, timetable, and funding are all summarized in the business case. Conflict resolution, sponsor selection, and project management are all fundamental tenets of people management.

The following section will focus on the business case and workforce management for the Dementia Village project. Concentrating on these will give the board of directors a sound rationale and strategy for the project’s success.

Planning and Control:

The successful conclusion of the dementia village project relies on the planning and control phase. Planning a project involves determining its purpose, scope, and desired outcomes. Porter (2008) argues that location, current infrastructure, and laws are all crucial considerations. Determine the resources and activities needed to accomplish the endeavour’s goals (Boardman, 2014). This is the first step in building a thorough plan for the project.

In the control phase, the management team’s efforts ensure the project’s success. Controls, research shows (Boardman, 2014), allow for monitoring key performance indicators, distributing adequate resources, and timely completion of projects. Any departure from the plan can be easily spotted thanks to efficient management systems, and any necessary course corrections can be done without delay. As a result, there is decreased likelihood of failure, better utilization of resources, and continuous improvement (Porter, 2008).

Decision-making and project management can benefit from careful planning and control using various tools and strategies (Boardman, 2014). Using Gantt charts, issues can be identified, and resources prioritized (Kerzner, 2017). If project teams use risk assessment matrices, they can improve their risk identification and understanding, improving their risk mitigation efforts (Pinto, 2016). Meeting with stakeholders frequently and providing updates is essential for keeping them in the loop (Müller & Turner, 2019). In such gatherings, participants can share concerns, generate ideas for addressing those concerns, and evaluate the outcomes. If you put the time and effort into planning and managing your project, you can make it a success.

Methodological Uniformity Second, the company’s or the stakeholders’ overarching strategic goals and objectives should inform the dementia village project’s planning and control phase. Kerzner (2017) argues that a project’s long-term viability depends on how well its goals mesh with the company’s overall vision. Examining how effectively the dementia village project aligns with the company’s mission, vision, and values is integral to the strategic alignment process.

Understanding stakeholder expectations is crucial for achieving strategic alignment. Managers, caretakers, doctors, and people of the community all benefit greatly from this practice (Boardman, 2014). To better serve the interests of all parties involved, it is possible to incorporate stakeholder input and feedback into project planning and control. Planning the dementia village with community input helps ensure it meets residents’ requirements and contributes to community growth (Boardman, 2014).

Strategic alignment can be seen in selecting project goals that contribute to the strategy. To do this, projects need measurable, tangible objectives that align with the company’s overall objectives (Kerzner, 2017). Dementia villages are a promising model for improving community engagement, quality of life, and specialized care for those with the disease. Both the immediate and long-term effects of the project, as well as the larger goals of the organization, should be reflected in the targets set for it. Coordinated project planning and management make it easier to achieve strategic goals.

It is crucial for the dementia village’s design and management reasons to do a cost analysis. Understanding the financial implications of potential actions is crucial for making well-informed decisions and guaranteeing the project’s long-term viability (Porter, 2008). The local economy, including the number of jobs produced, the amount of money brought in, and the level of economic activity, are only a few factors considered in an economic impact analysis (Porter, 2008). The project’s economic viability and contribution to regional economic development can be assessed by analyzing these results.

A cost-benefit analysis can help determine how much of an effect the dementia village will have on the budget. The analysis compares the costs and benefits of the project in order to determine its overall economic impact (Porter, 2008). Its development, operation, and upkeep may increase healthcare access, the number of available jobs, and the amount of money brought in by tourists (Boardman, 2014). Decision-makers can assess the project’s financial health and return on investment by analyzing the project’s short-term and long-term effects on the economy. This data is essential for raising capital, attracting investors, and maintaining momentum.

The economic research should account for any unforeseen implications of the dementia village project. In economics, “externalities” refer to unintended consequences caused by a company (Smith, 2014). If the program succeeds in raising demand for locally produced goods and services, it will help local suppliers and businesses. External expenses, such as traffic or the environment, must be considered and managed (Boardman, 2014). Planners can use intangibles to improve a project’s bottom line and lessen the impact of unintended outcomes (Boardman, 2014).

Careful design and management are essential for the success of a dementia village. Successful projects result from careful planning that details how tasks will be completed, how resources will be allocated, and when they must be completed (Porter, 2008). Intelligent scheduling helps with timing problems, resource distribution, and team communication (Kerzner, 2017). By slicing the massive undertaking into more manageable chunks, chunks and setting concrete goals, schedules make it easier for stakeholders to track its development and make course corrections as needed (Boardman, 2014).

How quickly or slowly construction of the dementia village proceeds is heavily dependent on the CPM. Kerzner (2017) claims that CPM helps quickly zero in on the activities that impact the project’s total length. By assessing the task-time relationships involved in the project, CPM helps project managers make the most of their operations and resources (Smith, 2014). This aids in pinpointing the sources of the project’s holdups. If a project team stays focused on the most vital path, they are more likely to prevent delays (Boardman, 2014).

Kerzner (2017) states that Gantt charts, project management software, and critical path approaches (CPM) are all valuable tools for comprehending and managing a project’s timeline. Tasks, durations, and dependencies can all be seen clearly on a Gantt chart (Smith, 2014). Teams can use them to track progress, make associations between tasks, and spot schedule issues. Gantt charts provide instant communication and cooperation among teams. These tools are available to project managers, who can use them to create timetables that are not just transparent and adaptable but also efficient.

Fifthly, expanding support networks for persons living with dementia requires responsible financial oversight. A financial feasibility analysis, cost estimates, and careful budget management are vital to turning an idea into reality. A thorough economic analysis is required to get finance and assess the project’s viability (Kerzner, 2017). This section summarises the project’s return on investment (ROI), anticipated profits, and associated costs.

A dementia village’s budget can be improved with accurate cost estimates. Accurately predicting project cost is a prerequisite for effective project planning, budgeting, and management (Boardman, 2014). Bottom-up, comparative, and parametric methods are just a few ways costs can be estimated (Smith, 2014). Total project costs are calculated by adding the prices of the project’s subcomponents in a bottom-up estimate (Boardman, 2014). While comparable estimating leverages past data from projects with a similar scope and scope of work, parametric estimating generates statistical models based on project specifications. These methods provide project managers with a solid foundation for making accurate cost projections and resource allocations.

Cost control is used to manage the project’s budget. Cost overruns can be avoided or remedied via regular comparisons of actual to projected project expenses (Kerzner, 2017). The administration of project funding uses EVM. EVM compares real work expenses to planned and actual costs and schedules (Boardman, 2014) to indicate how well a project is being managed. Project managers can identify problems by comparing costs and implementing solutions, including shifting resources, renegotiating contracts, or expanding or contracting the scope of the project (Smith, 2014).

Effective risk management is essential for the achievement of dementia villages. Assessing and reducing the project’s possible financial risks is essential. Cost overruns, inflation, market volatility, and funding uncertainty are just some of the financial risks that can be revealed by risk analysis (Kerzner, 2017). Using risk response tactics and financial safeguards, project managers can lessen financial risks without compromising timeliness (Smith, 2014).

Compliance with rules and reporting standards is crucial for effective cost and risk management (Porter, 2008). According to Kerzner (2017), projects are often required to adhere to a company’s stringent financial accounting, tax, and reporting standards. To ensure legal and regulatory compliance, project managers must establish reliable financial controls, maintain correct financial records, and produce credible financial reports (Smith, 2014). Transparency, accountability, and honesty in financial management and reporting are all bolstered by higher financial standards, which in turn strengthen the management of Alzheimer’s Village.

Dementia village administrators may use these figures for planning and managing finances. Allocating resources, controlling expenses, and ensuring a project’s long-term viability are all feasible thanks to financial planning, cost estimating, budget management, risk reduction, and compliance with financial regulations (Porter, 2008). The project was successful because it fulfilled these conditions.

People Management:


The success of the dementia village initiative hinges on the competent management of human resources. Ability, knowledge, and collaboration from project personnel, stakeholders, and volunteers are crucial to success. Managing your team well increases your initiatives’ productivity, morale, and creativity.

People with the appropriate backgrounds and experience are sought out and selected for the dementia village initiative. Project managers are in charge of putting together teams with the right skills to finish the jobs at hand (Bass, 2006). It could be necessary to conduct tests, interviews, and background checks. Project managers can increase the likelihood of success by assembling a dedicated and hardworking team.

Communication is essential during the team-building phase of people management. In order to effectively exchange knowledge and work together, team members should always have open lines of communication (Bass, 2006). Communication and project alignment are both boosted by regular team meetings, status reports, and critiques (Harvard et al., 2016). Managers of projects should also encourage team members to voice their opinions, suggestions, and problems to one another. Together, this boosts efficiency, morale, and problem-solving on the project.

Team building and training are part of the project management for the dementia community. It has been shown that trained teams perform better (Bass, 2006). The skills of project management, dementia care, communication, and leadership are all within the scope of these courses. Managers of projects can aid in project success by making room for individual development inside the group.

Effective management of employees is essential for any organization. The dementia village project. Managers may build a high-performing team committed to achieving project goals through strategic hiring, open lines of communication, and consistent professional development (Harvard et al., 2016). Influential people management practices increase job productivity, satisfaction, and happiness.

Team composition:

Dementia Village’s success depends on the project team. Team composition should consider diversity and skill. Project managers should want a multicultural team (Bass, 2006). Multiple viewpoints and ideas simplify complex project difficulties. Healthcare, architecture, social work, and community development specialists can build the dementia village (Harvard et al., 2016).

The team needs project-specific and generalizable expertise. Dementia, geriatrics, project management, and citizen engagement experts (Rabinowitz, 2018). These skills can help the team understand dementia patients’ problems and find solutions for the dementia village. Analyzing team members’ roles beforehand improves project contributions (Harvard et al., 2016).

Project managers should encourage teamwork and solidarity to get the best out of their team. Open communication, mutual respect, and trust can create a secure space for sharing ideas, hearing criticism, and cooperating (Rabinowitz, 2018). Team development, meetings, and cross-functional collaboration increase relationships and project ownership (Harvard et al., 2016). The dementia village will benefit from a strong team.

Thus, dementia village project people management relies on team composition. When forming teams, project managers should consider team members’ backgrounds, abilities, and personalities. The supportive environment helps the project team succeed.


Dementia communities require authoritative management. In order to motivate their teams, project managers must also act as leaders (Kerzner, 2017). This manager must be technically savvy, able to communicate effectively, and adept at developing cohesive teams. Project managers must share their vision with their teams and keep them motivated. Staff enthusiasm and loyalty can be boosted when the project manager sets a good example and creates a friendly working environment (Harvard et al., 2016).

Leaders in dementia communities must be able to make decisions and find solutions to problems. To achieve project objectives, project managers must grasp complex situations, identify potential risks, and make educated choices (Kerzner, 2017). Harvard et al. (2016) found that when team members make decisions on a project, they feel more invested in it. The project manager is more effective while working with a team.

Leadership calls for open dialogue and peaceful resolution of disputes. Through transparent channels, project teams can more effectively communicate, create and achieve goals, and tackle obstacles (Rabinowitz, 2018). The management of the project needs to promote two-way communication and valuable criticism. Managing tensions within a project team and among stakeholders is essential (Harvard et al., 2016). In order to keep their workplaces pleasant and productive, leaders need to be able to manage problems and enable meaningful talks (Kerzner, 2017).

Strong leadership is needed to manage the people involved in the Dementia Village Project. A motivated team results from a visionary project manager with excellent judgment, problem-solving, communication, and conflict-resolution skills. Staff morale, output, and outcomes can all benefit from transparent leadership, friendly working conditions, and collaborative effort.


Staff for the Dementia Village project are managed by effective communication. Through transparent communication, team members, stakeholders, and citizens can exchange ideas and criticism. To keep everyone on track, the project manager should have team meetings, send email updates, and create progress reports (Kerzner, 2017). Project managers may reduce misunderstandings, encourage collaboration, and maintain stakeholder involvement by providing timely, accurate information.

Dementia villages need both types of participation. Teammates become closer through interactions and competition (Rabinowitz, 2018). Project managers ought to promote teamwork. Collaboration and creativity increase.

For effective communication in dementia villages, active listening and empathy are essential. Project managers must consider the communities and team members (Rabinowitz, 2018). Through empathic communication, managers can improve relationships, teamwork, and problem-solving (Harvard et al., 2016). Open communication with residents and their families is crucial for person-centred memory care.

Project managers should modify their communication to meet the team’s and stakeholders’ needs. While some team members prefer in-person meetings, others prefer virtual or text meetings. Communication necessitates flexibility. The project manager should consider the cultural and linguistic diversity of the team and stakeholders to facilitate communication.

In the dementia village, managing the population requires effective communication. By creating open lines of communication, encouraging casual interactions, practising active listening and empathy, and adapting communication styles, the project manager may enhance collaboration, trust, and engagement among team members and stakeholders (Rabinowitz, 2018). The project team for the dementia community is kept on track through cooperation and communication.

Engaging Stakeholders

There are many people involved in the dementia village project. Stakeholder involvement is crucial for success. Residents, family members, healthcare providers, community members, and regulatory authorities should all be identified and evaluated by the project manager to address them (Rabinowitz, 2018) adequately. Having this knowledge will aid the project manager in attracting and retaining the interest of stakeholders.

Maintaining constant contact with your stakeholders is crucial. Managers of projects keep everyone in the loop by providing updates, resolving issues, and soliciting comments. Collaboration among those involved is necessary for the success of the dementia village initiative. Stakeholder participation in decision-making has been shown to increase project buy-in and confidence.

Project managers need to modify their strategies to include stakeholders based on feedback. Family and friends of those with dementia can help design and construct the village. Collaboration between healthcare professionals and community members can improve credibility, best practices, and community needs (Rabinowitz, 2018). By learning about the perspectives and priorities of each stakeholder group, the project manager may craft more effective tactics for involving them in the project.

Their opinions and needs inform care for the residents of a dementia village. The project manager may foster cooperation and inclusion by identifying key stakeholders, establishing frequent communication channels, asking for input and feedback, and tailoring engagement strategies to stakeholder needs (Harvard et al., 2016). The viability and longevity of the dementia village initiative are contingent on many people getting involved.

Resolving Conflict:

Conflict arises in every endeavour, including the dementia village project, because there are many stakeholders. Resolving conflicts leads to better teamwork, less time lost on projects, and fewer disruptions overall (Rabinowitz, 2018). Managers of projects need to work together to make sure everyone is happy.

Open and frank discussion is the key to ending arguments. Managers of projects should calmly urge team members to share ideas, concerns, and desired outcomes. Conflicts can be resolved by active listening and empathy (Rabinowitz, 2018). Project managers encourage stakeholder participation by creating an atmosphere where people feel comfortable disclosing information.

Project managers are the ones who enable debate and discussion. According to the notion of mediation by a third party, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, Sixth Edition (PMBOK® Guide) (English, 2017) published by The Project Management Institute. Disputing parties can learn to understand each other’s perspectives and work together to reach a mutually agreeable resolution through mediation. It has been shown that mediation enhances both dialogue and teamwork (Rabinowitz, 2018).

Confrontation avoidance is a different viable strategy. The project manager can manage potential conflicts through stakeholder involvement, open communication of project goals and expectations, and early discovery and resolution (Kerzner, 2017). Managing projects effectively can make businesses more peaceful and productive (Harvard et al., 2016).

Participants in a dementia village need to learn how to manage their conflicts. Project Management Institute’s PMBOK® Guide, Sixth Edition (English, 2017). Project disputes require teamwork to resolve.


The Golden Years care home’s Dementia Village initiative demands meticulous planning, effective control, excellent people management, and a deep understanding of dementia patients’ requirements. This report has explored project planning and control, people management, and their importance to project success.

To build a firm project foundation, we stressed the need for a thorough needs assessment and feasibility analysis in planning and control. Site selection, infrastructural needs, and regulatory compliance help the project team minimize risks and maximize resources. A well-defined project scope, timeline, and budget enable effective project control and monitoring.

Teamwork and stakeholder engagement in the Dementia Village project depend on good people management. A broad and talented team with knowledge of geriatric care, design, psychology, and project management ensures a complete response to dementia’s complex needs. Inspiring, practical, and empowering leaders foster innovation and collaboration.

Open communication channels help team members and stakeholders align with project goals. Stakeholders receive updates, progress reports, and feedback mechanisms. Actively involving residents, their families, care home employees, and regulatory authorities promote their participation, support, and project success.

Conflict resolution is essential for team cohesion and project resolution. Negotiation, compromise, active listening, and fair decision-making improve working relationships and dispute resolution.

In conclusion, the Golden Years care home’s Dementia Village initiative requires careful planning and people management. The project team can overcome problems and meet goals by following best management practices like needs assessments, project planning, and control mechanisms. The project can also improve dementia patients’ quality of life by building a diverse and competent team, inspiring leadership, promoting open communication, engaging stakeholders, and resolving conflicts quickly.

Every project is different and may require changes. Monitoring, assessment, and feedback should be done regularly to ensure project improvement and adaptability. This study can help the Golden Years care home to build a Dementia Village that is a model of dementia care and safe and enriching for patients and their families.


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