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Dear in Love and in Doubt

Dear reader, I understand how challenging it is to find your lover in bed with another partner. Before choosing what to do with him, the first thing to consider is the impact that cheating could have on you. First, allow me to talk about sexually transmitted infections.” Sexual intercourse with multiple partners could result in the spread of sexually transmitted diseases such as Gonorrhea, Syphilis, HIV, and AIDs,” (Edith et al. 23). If your partner is allowed to have sex with multiple partners, then the chances are high that he will spread these STDs to you.

The other issue to talk about is how his cheating affected you both mentally and spiritually. When people we love cheat on us, there is a high chance that this damages our emotional wellbeing and wellbeing. It makes us feel inadequate. You must have wondered what was wrong and whether you were good enough. “Cheating could result in self-esteem challenges for you as well as your partner,” (Beltrán-Morillas 520). This is an essential factor to consider when deciding how to move forward.

Having a cheating partner also determines your religious beliefs. Some religions do not find the infidelity of a man a serious issue to contend with. In Islam, for instance, a man is allowed to be polygamous and have as many wives as even four. In other religions like Christianity, cheating and infidelity are sins that are not permitted by both men and women (Shiri et al. 188). Your religion highly influences your take on this cheating issue.

Psychologists also have a view on this issue of infidelity. They attach infidelity to attachment trauma. This is to suggest that some people’s infidelity cases can be assumed to arise from specific traumas related to their past attachments. Therefore, they are unfaithful because, maybe in the past, they were hurt in their relationships by people they should have trusted. Looking at it in this manner might make you dive deeper into your lover’s past and see whether past traumas cause him attachment issues (Warach et al. 70). In this case, he would instead go through therapy to heal from the trauma and then see whether there will be behaviour change in his cheating habits.

Ethics is the final thing to consider when deciding what to do with your partner. “There are women that are okay with cheating and can live with it while others cannot tolerate it,” (Paulinus 38). The fact that your partner has already cheated and acted like it is okay is a fact that will be a repeated pattern in your life. The question is whether you are willing to have a cheating partner, and the choice of what to do is up to you.

As I wind up, I hope you have heard a lot of perspectives about your case. I pity that you have to be in the dilemma that you are in. No right or wrong answer exists for how you respond to the case. You must search deep down in your heart as you decide whether you want to continue with that boyfriend.

Works Cited

Beltrán-Morillas, Ana M., et al. “The relationship between the motivation to commit infidelity and negative affect and self-esteem: How cheating in romance might signal positive wellbeing in adolescents.” Psychological Reports 125.1 2022: 517–544.

Edith, Ubochi Nneka, et al. “Sexually transmitted infection (STI): A malady with skewed marital unfaithfulness, the Nigerian experience.” Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology 15.1 2023: 22–29.

Paulinus, Chikwado Ejeh. “A philosophical examination of the concept and nature of infidelity in marriage as a socio-ethical issue in contemporary society.” GPH-International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research 5.07 (2022): 36-42.

Shiri, Sedighe Gholami, and Fatemeh Ghodrati. “Explaining the Basics of Sexual Behavior Based on Islamic and Non-Islamic Discourse.” International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding 10.9 2023: 188–205.

Warach, Benjamin, and Lawrence Josephs. “The aftershocks of infidelity: a review of infidelity-based attachment trauma.” Sexual and Relationship Therapy 36.1 2021: 68–90.


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