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Culturally Competent Nursing Care Practices

Nursing is a discipline and a practice profession. Nurses use freedom, responsibility, and choice as guiding principles to practice health care. The types of client health levels on which nursing should focus are social or individual and community client health status that it would attain in different settings. The meta-paradigm of nursing is crucial in developing culturally competent care since it significantly influences how nurses conceptualize and perceive patient cultures that need much help (DELIKTAS et al., 2019). The meta-paradigm comprises four key elements: the person, the environment for nursing, and health models. They all play critical roles in influencing the patient’s perception of cultural sensitivity and the nursing practice.

In the model of the nursing metaparadigm, an individual is a particular kind of person who possesses various cultures, languages, and values. From this perspective, an individual is perceived in the context of globalism and about biochemical, physical, psychosocial, and intellectual dimensions (DeLaune et al., 2023). With such a model, nurses can help society develop and identify cultural variations among the patients. The information enables the nurses to develop culture-specific care plans, and such practice has multiple beneficial outcomes for the patients.

The environmental model in the nursing metaparadigm pertains to the social experience, setting, and context of the landscape or geography where individuals live. The model includes internal and external variables determining an organism’s response. A nurse who understands the environmental model is much more capable of embracing the societal beliefs, norms, and values in a particular area. The consciousness enables them to deliver culturally appropriate care that respects the individuals’ traditions and does not include any actions contrary to cultural values (DELIKTAS et al., 2019). The culture care theory underscores the need to apply cultural aspects in the ing fre

e health model from the nursing metaparadigm, which considers health a dynamic process involving wellness and sickness. When suffering from sickness, the patients need much care considering their cultural knowledge and attitudes (Team, 2023). Cultural sensitivity can be integrated into the health model through which nurses provide complete care involving physical health aspects and control culture and emotion. This approach ensures that the patients are cared for in a culturally sensitive way, resulting in positive health outcomes.

Under the nursing model meta paradigm, discipline is a practice profession that mandates holistic health care based on human freedom, responsibility, and choice. As such, nurses should promote evidence-based practice for individuals and communities through a clinical judgment that constitutes critical thinking. By comprehending the concept of cultural proficiency, nurses can develop an appropriate nursing model that will help them implement their care strategies accordingly to meet different patients’ expectations (DeLaune et al., 2023). It highlights the significance of cooperation between the nurses and patients about their cultural backgrounds, leading to positive health and wellness results.

In conclusion, the nursing metaparadigm plays an integral role in culturally proficient nursing care implementation due to its holistic approach to identifying and addressing individual cultural needs. The person environment and health nursing models provide an all-rounded and culturally respectful approach to patient care as a team. Thus, while the nursing profession is forever changing in terms of its technological advancements and goals set for it to achieve, cultural proficiency plays a guiding role not only when nurses are providing holistic patient care but also in enhancing our perspective on the reported positive outcomes due to cultural integration within healthcare.


DeLaune, S. C., Ladner, P. K., McTier, L., & Tollefson, J. (2023). Fundamentals of nursing. Cengage AU.

DELIKTAS, A., KORUKCU, O., AYDIN, R., & KABUKCUOGLU, K. (2019). Nursing Students Perceptions of Nursing Metaparadigms. Journal of Nursing Research27(5), 1.

Team, S. E. (2023, June 27). Nursing Metaparadigm Concepts Guide – Simple Nursing. Simple Nursing.


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