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Critical Report on Existing Research

Contextualizing the Research Question

The research question, “How can the movie industry work to reduce its potential influence upon adolescent smoking behavior?” is essential to investigate because it addresses the potential impact of smoking portrayal in movies on adolescent smoking initiation. By exploring this question, we can gain insights into the role of the movie industry in shaping youth behaviour and identify strategies to mitigate the negative influence of smoking depiction on adolescents(Glantz & Bareham,2018). To create efficient interventions and policies, it is essential to comprehend how the film industry can help decrease youth smoking behaviour. The findings of this study have implications for media regulation, tobacco control, and public health.

This is because it explores the potential impact of smoking portrayal in movies on the initiation of smoking among adolescents, which is an important area of investigation. Understanding this issue is essential because it enables us to look at how the film industry affects young people’s behaviour and to come up with solutions to counteract the harmful effects of smoking representation on this group (Liu et al., 2017). By examining this issue, we can learn important lessons that can guide the creation of efficient interventions and laws to discourage youth smoking.

This study’s conclusions have important ramifications for public health, tobacco control, and media regulation. By being aware of how We can create evidence-based recommendations for industry stakeholders, policymakers, and public health experts that will help reduce youth smoking behaviour (Glantz & Bareham,2018). These suggestions might put policies that support realistic portrayals of smoking in films, limiting young people’s exposure to smoking imagery and promoting media literacy initiatives that educate the public about smoking’s potentially harmful effects.

Additionally, addressing the film industry’s impact on adolescent smoking behaviour can support more significant tobacco control initiatives. It can be used to enlighten discussions about how the media can help healthy habits and the necessity of cooperation between the entertainment sector and public health organizations (Glantz & Bareham,2018). In the end, the study’s findings may help improve the environment where children grow up individuals, safeguarding them from tobacco’s adverse effects and enhancing their general well-being.

Research Approach and Methodology

To investigate the research question, the following research design and methodology will be employed:

Broad Approach

A mixed-methods strategy that combines qualitative and quantitative research techniques would enable exploration from various angles and offer a thorough understanding of the problem (Abutabenjeh & Jaradat,2018). This method allows researchers to collect quantitative information about smoking behaviour and statistical associations and qualitative information about business practices and teenagers’ perceptions (Sileyew, 2019). Researchers can delve deeply into business professionals’ and teenagers’ perspectives and experiences using qualitative techniques like focus groups and interviews (Abutabenjeh & Jaradat,2018). These qualitative data can offer deep insights into the context, drivers, and difficulties surrounding how smoking is portrayed in movies and its potential impact on young people (Sileyew, 2019). Conversely, quantitative approaches, like surveys and statistical analysis, can offer numbers to examine trends, correlations, and associations between variables, like smoking portrayal and teen smoking habits (MacInnis et al., 2020). Combining qualitative and quantitative data can improve the validity and reliability of the results and help us understand the research question more thoroughly.

 Sources and Access:

Researching adolescent smoking behaviour and media influence requires using various academic sources (Abutabenjeh & Jaradat,2018). Theoretical frameworks, empirical data, and insights into prior interventions can all be found in scholarly articles, books, and research reports, which are essential sources (Sileyew, 2019). Scholarly Articles, The primary source for academic research is peer-reviewed journal articles. They frequently offer extensive research, theoretical foundations, and empirical data regarding adolescent smoking behaviour and media influence. Experts thoroughly evaluate these articles to guarantee their reliability and calibre (Abutabenjeh & Jaradat,2018). You can find academic articles from many disciplines, including psychology, public health, communication, and media studies, by searching PubMed, Google Scholar, and PsycINFO.

Books written by subject-matter specialists can offer thorough summaries, theoretical viewpoints, and historical context of adolescent smoking behaviour and media influence. They might provide critical evaluations, case studies, and suggestions for approaching the problem (Abutabenjeh & Jaradat,2018). Books can be constructive for broadening your understanding of the subject and figuring out the main ideas and arguments.

Research reports, including those from reputable institutions, government agencies, or organizations, frequently include helpful information, statistical analysis, and policy implications. These reports might consist of the results of extensive surveys, in-depth investigations, or experimental studies on teen smoking and media exposure (Abutabenjeh & Jaradat,2018). Such reports can be accessed to offer insightful information about the state of the research today and help with the study’s design.

While employing these, It is crucial to critically assess the veracity, applicability, and currentness of information from academic sources. Researchers should consider elements like the author’s experience, the journal’s standing, the methodology used in the studies, and the publication date (Abutabenjeh & Jaradat,2018). By consulting various academic sources, researchers can build a solid theoretical foundation and ensure their study aligns with the body of knowledge regarding adolescent smoking behaviour and media influence.

Industry SourcesTo gain insights into the movie industry’s perspective, interviews or surveys will be conducted with industry professionals, such as filmmakers, producers, and executives (MacInnis et al., 2020). These sources could be accessed through professional networks, industry associations, or direct contact with relevant individuals. Adolescent Participants: Adolescents’ perspectives on the smoking portrayal in movies and their smoking behaviour will be explored through surveys or focus group discussions. Using convenience sampling, participants can be recruited from schools, youth organizations, or online platforms.


Media Texts, A systematic approach will be employed to select a representative sample of movies from different genres, periods, and ratings (Guetterman, 2020). Random or stratified sampling based on genre or rating could be used to ensure diversity and representativeness. Demographic Considerations: Adolescents from diverse backgrounds, including different age groups, genders, socioeconomic statuses, and smoking statuses, will be included in the study (Guetterman, 2020). Stratified sampling or purposive sampling methods will be employed to ensure a varied and balanced representation.

Data Analysis

Qualitative data from industry interviews and focus group discussions will be analyzed using thematic analysis to identify key themes, patterns, and perspectives (Guetterman, 2020). Quantitative data from surveys will be analyzed using appropriate statistical techniques, such as chi-square tests or regression analysis, to examine relationships between variables and identify factors associated with adolescent smoking behaviour.

The Rationale for the Research Design

The chosen research design and methodology are suitable for investigating the research question because It helps ensure a Comprehensive Understanding. The mixed-methods approach allows for a holistic exploration of the research question, combining industry perspectives, adolescent experiences, and quantitative data analysis (Guetterman, 2020). This comprehensive understanding is essential for developing effective interventions.

Secondly, due to the Theoretical and Empirical Foundation, by using academic sources, the research design ensures a solid theoretical foundation based on previous research on adolescent smoking behaviour and media influence (Guetterman, 2020). This enhances the validity and credibility of the findings.

Thirdly, Industry Insights, Including interviews or surveys with industry professionals, provide unique insights into the movie industry’s practices, challenges, and potential strategies for reducing the influence of smoking depiction (Abutabenjeh & Jaradat,2018). This knowledge can inform policy recommendations and collaborations additionalyAdolescent Perspectives; by involving adolescents in the research process, their perspectives on smoking in movies and its influence on their behaviour can be captured (Abutabenjeh & Jaradat,2018). This participatory approach ensures that the research addresses the needs and experiences of the target population.

Ethical and Practical Considerations

  1. a) Ethical Considerations: Ethical approval from relevant research ethics committees would be sought to protect participants’ rights, privacy, and confidentiality. Informed consent would be obtained from all participants, including adolescents and industry professionals (Liu et al., 2017). Measures will be taken to ensure respondents’ anonymity and the data’s secure storage.
  2. b) Practical Considerations: The research design considers practical constraints like limited time and resources. Undergraduate researchers may need more support regarding access to industry professionals and funding for data collection (Liu et al., 2017). Mitigating strategies involve leveraging existing networks, utilizing online surveys, and seeking collaborations with academic or advocacy organizations.
  3. c) Challenges: Potential challenges include recruiting a representative sample of industry professionals, obtaining cooperation from movie studios, and ensuring active participation from adolescents. Addressing these challenges may require persistence, clear communication, and establishing trust and rapport with participants (Liu et al., 2017). It takes careful planning and proactive measures to address the difficulties in enlisting industry professionals and guaranteeing participation from teenagers. Here are some strategies for dealing with these difficulties: Using professional networks to connect with industry professionals is step one in recruitment (Sileyew, 2019). You can also use industry associations, online communities, and existing professional networks. These networks frequently offer chances to interact with people who know of and have insights into the movie industry and its practices. Direct Contact: Use professional social media platforms or email to contact business professionals (Sileyew, 2019). Explain the study’s significance and purpose, emphasizing how their participation might affect its findings. Showcase how their experience and viewpoints can be used to address a pressing societal issue. Incentives: Provide rewards to increase participation (Sileyew, 2019). Offering honoraria, networking or recognition opportunities for professionals, or sharing research findings and suggestions with participants are a few examples of how to do this. Persistent Follow-Up: To keep engagement high, be constant in your follow-up communications (Sileyew, 2019). Keep in touch with prospective participants regularly, address any issues or queries they might have, and emphasize the value of their participation in the study. Establish rapport with industry professionals by exhibiting genuine interest in what they say, respect for their knowledge, and a dedication to keeping information private and following ethical research procedures.

Getting Teens to Participate:

Recruitment Techniques Use various recruitment techniques to connect with adolescent demographics (Sileyew (2019). This may entail collaborating with youth groups, schools, or websites teenagers frequently use. Working together with knowledgeable teachers, therapists, or community leaders to facilitate participants’ access is essential. Involve Gatekeepers: Approach gatekeepers who can influence how adolescents participate, such as parents, teachers, or organizational leaders, and ask for their support and cooperation (Sileyew, 2019). Inform them of the study’s goals and the measures taken to protect the participants’ rights and well-being per ethical standards. Age-Appropriate Communication: To effectively engage teenagers, use appropriate language and communication techniques for their age (Sileyew, 2019). Ensure they understand the significance of their input in forming interventions or policies that affect their age group by outlining the goals and advantages of their participation. Anonymous or Confidential Participation: Reassure teenagers that their answers will remain anonymous or private to foster frank and open discussion (Sileyew, 2019). Remind them that their personal information will be used and protected only for academic research. Incentives and Recognition: Use the proper rewards or incentives to encourage adolescent participation (Sileyew, 2019). Gift cards, participation certificates, or acknowledgement of their contributions to the final research outputs are some examples of this.


The proposed study investigates how to lessen the film industry’s impact on young people’s smoking behaviours. It makes use of a mixed-methods methodology that combines qualitative and quantitative approaches. A solid theoretical and empirical foundation is built using credible databases and academic sources. Surveys and industry interviews are conducted to comprehend film industry professionals’ practices and potential solutions. While qualitative data will be the subject of thematic analysis, quantitative data will be analyzed statistically. It addresses ethical issues like getting permission and defending participants’ privacy and rights. There are suggestions for networking and collaboration while acknowledging practical limitations. Despite obstacles, the research design provides ways to ensure active participation and collect a representative sample. Overall, this thorough and supported research approach has the potential to advance the fields of tobacco control, public health, and communications by offering advice on teamwork, policy implementation, and interventions to lessen the impact of the film industry on adolescent smoking behaviour.


Abutabenjeh, S. and Jaradat, R., 2018. Clarification of research design, methods, and methodology: A guide for public administration researchers and practitioners. She is teaching Public Administration36(3), pp.237-258.

Glantz, S.A. and Bareham, D.W., 2018. E-cigarettes: use effects on smoking, risks, and policy implications. Annual review of public health39, pp.215-235.

Guetterman, T.C. (2020) ‘Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research sampling strategies’, Education [Preprint]. doi:10.1093/obo/9780199756810-0241.

Liu, J., Zhao, S., Chen, X., Falk, E. and Albarracín, D., 2017. The influence of peer behaviour as a function of social and cultural closeness: A meta-analysis of normative influence on adolescent smoking initiation and continuation. Psychological Bulletin143(10), p.1082.

MacInnis, D.J., Morwitz, V.G., Botti, S., Hoffman, D.L., Kozinets, R.V., Lehmann, D.R., Lynch Jr, J.G. and Pechmann, C., 2020. Creating boundary-breaking, marketing-relevant consumer research. Journal of Marketing84(2), pp.1-23.

Sileyew, K.J., 2019. Research design and methodology (pp. 1-12). Rijeka: IntechOpen.


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