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Critical Reflection Essays

The Importance of Culture, Gender, and Positionality in Transformative Learning

One of the key themes that has emerged in research on transformative learning is the role of culture, gender, and positionality in shaping and influencing the process of perspective transformation. Transformative learning involves a shift in one’s perspective and worldview resulting from critical self-reflection and questioning assumptions (Hoggan & Kloubert, 2020). Transformative learning centers on ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2492

Drama: How Exploring Different Cultural Issues Helps Understand Social Dynamics

Elements of drama like arena, plot, audience, setting, characters, voice, diction, props, costumes, and performers help explore different cultures. Exploration of different cultural issues helps understand social dynamics through diverse cultural contexts, empathy, and emotional experiences, fostering critical reflections, and breaking stereotypes through sparking dialogue about the complexities of human society. Diverse cultural contexts provide ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 810
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Critical Reflection on Enhancing Student Engagement and Participation During Math Instruction

Introduction and Context Through my experiences as a maths teacher in Middle school, I have gained insights into the significance of enhancing student engagement and participation levels in promoting learning that focuses on students’ needs and interests. In the critical reflection, I will critically assess my instructional practices, knowledge, and strengths and weaknesses as a ... Read More
Pages: 20       Words: 5417

Reflecting on the Political Landscape

Introduction In the complex architecture of political life, many stimuli influence an individual’s perception, resulting from family-educational background, class and cultural influences, key events and experiences, and group identity or rhetoric used by politicians. In my case, I was raised in a racist society in which the historical nature of segregation was shaped. In this ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1001

Critical Reflection and Action Plan Development

Introduction Leadership is the power to influence a team and push them towards reaching their goals. It requires strong communication, motivation and clear direction in order to successfully achieve the desired vision. Leadership is an essential part of organizational management, as it helps define the path that the organization should follow. It acts as a ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3710

Critical Reflection: Music

A successful music artist requires excellent strategic planning due to the fast evolution in the modern world with new inventions every day, including high technology, internet and social media, and globalisation (Lesota et al., 2022). The music industry involves building a brand that will be unique, attractive, trusted, reputable, and entertaining, to gain a competitive ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1133
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