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Corporate Social Responsibility Essays

Employer Branding at Royal Bank of Canada’s (RBC)

Introduction Modern recruitment is based on employer branding that makes the company look like an outstanding workplace and attracts top candidates. Against this background, emphasizing the employer branding values pertinent to the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), this elongated study will underline its significance in recruiting. RBC, a major financial organization, shows how top companies ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4134

Critical Evaluation of the Evolution of 2 Traditional Leadership Theories and 2 Traditional Management Theories to a 2023/2024 Context

1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Context Efficient management and leadership are important elements in accomplishing objectives and sustaining a competitive advantage in any entity. Samimi et al. (2022, p.101353) insist that the management and leadership of an entity play a crucial role in shaping its direction and vision in today’s work climate. Moreover, they provide a persuasive ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 3016
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The Role of a Corporation: Understanding Corporate Social Responsibility

Milton Friedman is well known for his opinion that in business, the only aim is making a profit for shareholders. This shareholder primacy view has been the focus of many discussions. Others claim that this has resulted in significant businesses pursuing greed over and above ethics, thereby harming society. However, another group contends that shareholder ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1164

The Moral Imperative of Corporate Social Responsibility

Introduction Nowadays, companies go above and beyond just following the law. Whether or not corporations have a social obligation beyond legal compliance is an important and divisive topic. Proponents and opponents of CSR expansion, as well as the ethical implications for businesses, will be discussed in this article.  Legal Compliance vs. Moral Responsibility: Specific rules ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 628

The Pros and Cons of Shell’s Involvement in Nigeria

Introduction Multinational corporations (MNC) involvement in the economic development of host countries is a dynamic and controversial issue (Itu and Atiye, 2023). It illustrates the complex interaction between corporate roles and the growth of the hosts. One organization that demonstrates this association is Shell, a global energy giant in Nigeria. Shell’s presence in Nigeria has ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 3944

Maximizing Profits at the Expense of Social Responsibility in Business

Introduction Indeed, the CSR area has long discussed what the purpose of business should be. In this best case, the key controversy is that Milton Friedman and his followers advocated for profit maximization as the number one priority, unlike other people arguing that businesses can be successful by doing good because making a profit has always ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2075

The Evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility

Abstract Considering the dynamic area of business ethics, this research emphasizes the growth of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the twenty-first century. Critically analyze the current perspectives, challenges, and achievements in ethical business practices. The importance of corporate social responsibility, or CSR, in previous business crises like the Enron and Martha Stewart scandals, is examined ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 951

Expanding Nova Energy Drink Into South America

Expansion and revenue growth are primary business objectives. They enable firms to reach more customers and thus generate higher revenues. Our beverage manufacturer is based in Oregon and operates in the United States (US). Our flagship product is the Nova energy drink, and we are contemplating introducing the product to the South American Market. The ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1995

Analysis of the Corporate Operations, Culture, and Social Responsibility Practices at Apple Inc.

Introduction Apple Inc. is revered worldwide for its innovative products, unique design language, and steadfast dedication to quality. This essay analyzes Apple’s managerial impact, company culture, social responsibility, employee-centric approaches, and sought-after employee traits. Tim Cook, a savvy operations and supply chain manager, and Jony Ive, a creative designer whose products are iconic, led Apple’s ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2636

The Dynamic Interplay of Transnational Corporations and the State in Shaping the Global Economy

1.0 Introduction The business field has experienced various changes in modern society. Globalisation is one of the aspects that has brought these changes by enhancing business activities across different countries (Dicken, 2015). For the global market to operate effectively, various forces are behind its success. Transnational corporations and states are some of the notable details ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2482

Analysis of Amazon’s Ethical Issue of Disregard for Workers’ Rights

Introduction In the context of ethical issues, this report mainly focuses on the issue of Amazon disregarding worker rights globally. Using the 5Ws, PESTEL, and the 7-step decision-making tool whilst encompassing various theories to analyze the ethical issue in-depth and comprehensively. It is evident that the company’s relentless pursuit of profit margins to maximize its ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2498

Maple Leaf Food Inc.

Maple Leaf Foods Inc., Canada’s leading processed meat and poultry distributor, has shown an immense dedication to giving back to the community via a multidimensional strategy that incorporates many aspects of social obligation. According to Janes (2022), the company’s commitment to CSR is to increase food security, promote sustainable practices, improve animal welfare, and support ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 604

Coca-Cola Risk Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility

Introduction Modern business operations are significantly influenced by corporate governance and corporate social responsibility (CSR), both of which play pivotal roles in determining the sustained viability and prosperity of enterprises. The configuration of corporate governance frameworks is responsible for delineating the organizational direction and control mechanisms, constituting elements that harmonize the interests of diverse stakeholders ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4360

Global Supply Chain Case Study

Introduction Multinational organizations like Apple Inc. must manage their supply chains in countries with varying cultural, legal, and social norms. “Apple and Its Suppliers: Corporate Social Responsibility” examines Apple’s supplier chain’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) issues, including employee treatment in Chinese manufacturing facilities like Foxconn and Pegatron. This paper examines the case’s key points, including ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 829
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