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Construction Industry Essays

Unveiling Gender Dynamics in the Construction Industry

The construction industry is often recognized for its male-dominated nature, reflecting societal customs and historical gender prospects. This essay looks at how labor practices within the building and construction sector have had a big part in shaping gender identities and contributing to gender inequalities, with a specific emphasis on the inescapable issue of wage differences. ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 670

Contract Law in Construction

Introduction. Contract law is the framework for interpersonal agreements and commercial transactions in the United Kingdom, as in most countries worldwide. A contract is a written or verbal agreement that legally establishes the rights and obligations of parties involved in a transaction or relationship. In the UK, a contract is binding only if it meets ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3280
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Interior Designer Involvement in Construction

Introduction The function of interior designers is becoming more and more critical in the fast-paced construction industry of today. When incorporated into a new building project at the appropriate time, interior design may significantly impact both utility and aesthetics. To improve the synergy between architectural and interior design elements and create aesthetically pleasing and optimal ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2391

Deaf Construction Business Plan

Introduction Our company, which focuses on empowering the Deaf community and providing professional construction services, will be led by passionate Deaf individuals dedicated to enhancing society. We value diversity and recognize that everyone brings a unique perspective. Our team will consist of experts fluent in American Sign Language and knowledgeable about Deaf culture (Lualdi et ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 889

What Are Some Ways That Civil Engineers Use To Design Buildings That Are Resistant to Different Kinds of Natural Disasters?

The building and construction industry in the current technologically advanced world has changed a lot and there are various emerging trends and best practices that have been adopted by engineers worldwide to cushion buildings against natural disasters. In the recent past, there have been tremendous efforts that have been made to ensure the structural integrity ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2997

High-Performing Project Teams in Construction Industry

Introduction The success of every person or organization depends on their ability to communicate effectively, which is a crucial component of human interaction (Daim et al., 2012). Achieving objectives and fostering understanding are all facilitated by effective communication. High-performing project teams that communicate well are more likely to succeed, and it is possible to construct ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2174

Hilti Fleet Management (A): Turning a Successful Business Model on Its Head

Introduction Hilti is a multinational corporation that manufactures and sells tools, equipment, and services to the building and construction industries. The primary market for the company is developing countries. Despite this, the company has struggled in recent years due to increased competition in its industry as well as the ever-changing needs of its customers (Frishammar, ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2209

The Most Common Modes of Dispute Resolution Available to the Construction Industry

Introduction Being a complete industry, construction projects are often agreed upon subject to a legally binding contract, heavy capital investment, and multiplied performance stages, all of which are considered disruptive enough to hinder the timely or adequate compilation of the project. Situations like these lead to complex disputes that traverse different locations, parties’ sizes, or ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2573

Acquisitions Business Management

Introduction Cost estimation is an essential part of the acquisitions business management process. While cost estimates determine the budget and resources necessary to complete a project, they also help guide decision-making throughout the project. In this paper, two journal articles on cost estimating in acquisitions will be discussed and compared and contrasted. The first article, ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2227

AMEC Maritime Construction

Introduction AMEC Maritime Construction is a global corporation that plans and constructs a broad range of maritime projects for clients all over the globe. The company operates shipyards all around the world and is well-known for its ability to complete high-quality projects on schedule and on budget. The goal of this study is to look ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4196

Legal and Ethical Concerns in Construction Industry

The construction industry, just like most other industries, relies on adherence to ethical and legal guidelines to thrive. The interaction and operations of contractors, developers, and partners are regulated across different states to ensure they adhere to the set ethical standards. Unethical activities in the construction industry predispose workers and future residents to life-threatening risks. ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2987

Challenges Facing the Malaysian Construction Industry

Abstract Practical strategic thinking is critical for organizational success because it supports the development of vital plans that match firm objectives and maintain a competitive advantage. This paper will highlight the application of strategic thinking at the firm level in the Malaysian construction industry, identify various challenges facing the industry, and various applications of strategic ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3547

BIM for the Built Environment

The construction industry is a multifaceted field associated with uncertainty, operational inefficiency, and dependency. Although the industry has often been criticized for its failure, it is still thriving. An increase in population, increased demand, and increase in shareholders have always ensured that the business stays afloat. With the emergence of technology, the construction business has ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3359

The Effectiveness of Production Management Methods and Techniques in the Construction Industry

INTRODUCTION Production management refers to the coordination of all activities linked to the development of a commodity and/or service through the translation of inputs into outputs. A study by Alves, J.R.X. and Alves (2015) reveals that production management is an administrative role that plans, organizes, coordinates, directs, and supervises an organization’s material supply and processing ... Read More
Pages: 17       Words: 4541
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