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Constitutional Law Essays

The Three Branches of the U.S. Government and Their Functions

Introduction The doctrine of the separation of powers is a central necessity in the intricate American governing system designed to ensure that one entity does not attain all-encompassing authority. This doctrine is rooted in the bedrock of the U.S. Constitution and divides the power of government into three parts, each having special duties advocated by ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2782

Prospects of Reinstating the Death Penalty in Georgia

Summary Conclusion: Suppose Georgia would review its statute and examine the Furman v. Georgia constitutional issues critically. In that case, chances are that there is a promise of reinstatement of the death penalty in the state. In Furman, the Supreme Court, overturning the old death penalty statutes because of arbitrariness and capriciousness, sets forth the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 700
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The Right to Treatment – The Constitution Holds That an Individual Confined or in Custody Is Entitled to More Than Custodial Care.

The primary holding in O’Connor vs. Donaldson (1975) was that the state has no right to commit an individual to a facility against their will unless such an individual poses a danger to self or others and is incapable of living without state supervision. In this case, however, Donaldson was forcefully confined even though he ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 639

The Fourth Amendment in the United States

Abstract The subsequent academic paper provides a comprehensive examination of the Fourth Amendment in the United States, focusing on its historical roots, fundamental goals, interpretive structure, the requirement for warrants, the standard of probable cause, impact on law enforcement practices, and current debates. The Fourth Amendment, formally adopted in 1791, emerged due to the colonial ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2644

Violation of First Amendment Rights

Rule: Strago may argue that the University curtailed his liberty of free speech found in the First Amendment. One constitutional right in the First Amendment stipulates that every individual has the right to air their views freely on matters of public concern, regardless of whether the views may differ from others (Boyer and Cynthia 215). ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1259

Analyzing the Exclusionary Rule in Modern Criminal Proceedings

John L. Worrall’s Criminal Procedure (Justice Series) chapter 12 examines the exclusionary rule, which bars unconstitutional evidence from criminal prosecutions. The chapter discusses the exclusionary rule, its use in modern criminal prosecutions, and its objections and difficulties. Chapter 12 will be summarized in this essay. The essay will first discuss the exclusionary rule’s history and ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1127

Public Law and the Challenges of Transparency and Accountability in the United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom (UK), public law, such as constitutional law, protects democracy at all costs by establishing principles that govern the interaction between the Government and legal citizens or institutions; public laws keep tyranny at bay. Moreover, through public law North Ireland, Scotland, England, and Wales can reinforce the state sovereignty of the United ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1409

Legal Issues and Precedents in the United States

The Fifth Amendment of the US Constitution includes a “Takings Clause,” which states that private property cannot be taken for public use without just compensation (Epestein et al., 2020). In this case, the city of New Athens used its power of eminent domain to condemn the properties owned by the little old ladies and sold ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 839

The Power of Judicial Review

The power of judicial review, which allows courts to drop laws that are deemed unconstitutional, has been a fundamental aspect of the United States’ legal system for centuries. However, scholars like David O’Brien argue that this power is anti-democratic because it enables unelected judges to override the will of the people and the elected branches ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 759

The US Constitution

Constitution is the supreme law of United States. The document became effective in 1789, and since then, it has undergone 27 amendments to meet the ever-changing needs of the people. The initial ten amendments were called the Bill of Rights, which protects individual freedom and justice and limits government powers. The other 17 amendments protected ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 731

English Legal System & Constitutional Law (Including Retained EU Law) – A Case Study on DPP of Jamaica vs. Mollison

Introduction In this assignment, the topic of discussion is the case of the director of public prosecutions of Jamaica vs. Mollison. The decision was held in 2003 And the comment of justice Ruler Bingham ‘Whatever covers there might be … between the activity of chief and authoritative powers, the partition between the activity of legal ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2113
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