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Conflict Management, Steps in Decision and Problem Solving Process


Conflict is defined as a form of disagreement between two or more people. Conflicts have become part of our integral lives, from childhood with our guardians to school with our teenagers and workplaces with our colleagues. In today’s world, business and organizational conflicts have increased rapidly, resulting in immediate attention to serving and increasing their profitability. This essay discusses various ways of solving conflicts and further explores the decision-making processes and steps in solving problems.

Conflict Management Strategies

One way of resolving conflicts is by overcoming all self-centered fairness perceptions. Both parties who are in conflict believe that they are always right. The tendency not to solve conflicts by considering other people’s perspectives leads to solving conflicts based on egocentrism. Conflicts can be solved by hiring a mediator who will aid in listening and judging without favoring any of the parties (Shonk, 2024). Another way of solving conflicts is by avoiding escalating situations with threats and offensive moves. People try to get attention by making threats such as damaging the company’s reputation and taking the matter to court once they feel ignored. Threats and offensive moves are not options to solve conflicts.

Another way of solving conflict is by eliminating the “us versus them” mentality. Groups cultivate trust and loyalty, which promotes suspicion and hostility toward other group members. People should develop a common goal when dealing with conflicts as a group. Identifying and discussing the similarities between groups enhances the productivity of the conflict resolution process.

Steps in Decision Making Process

The decision-making process involves collecting information, evaluating alternatives, and coming up with a conclusion. There are seven steps involved in making decisions. First, individuals should identify the problems being solved and the objectives of implementing the decision. Clearly defining the problem aids in evaluating the possible solutions to the problem. The second step is collecting the relevant information that aids in solving problems. It is crucial to gather information from various sources to develop different alternatives to the solution (Laoyan, 2022). The third step is crafting various solutions to solve the problem at hand. Looking for multiple solutions helps companies make decisions because different stakeholders have needs based on their responsibilities.

The fourth step is evaluating and weighing the evidence. At this point, different alternatives are evaluated and analyzed to assess their advantages and disadvantages. The next step is deciding among the possible solutions at hand. All information at hand and its impact on each individual are evaluated. The next step is to act on the solution. The teams develop various ways of implementing the plan. The last step is assessing whether the decision made a negative or a positive impact.

Problem-Solving Process

Problem-solving involves identifying problems and coming up with the best solutions. There are five steps involved in the problem-solving process. First, identify the problem and its causes. Identifying problems enhances research, collaboration, and the crafting of solutions. The second step is to gather information and plan the brainstorming processes. Gathering relevant information and identifying the problem subset helps evaluate the outcomes later (Simplilearn, 2021). The third step is concentrating on generating creative solutions and ideas. Solutions should first be weighed before ruling them out. The fourth step is choosing and implementing a solution. People should consider solutions that meet their needs. Individuals should practice diligence to evaluate the selected action in depth. The last step is the evaluation of the solution. People should exercise humility and honesty when evaluating the selected solutions. Formulating feedback channels in evaluation leads to future success.


In conclusion, conflicts have become part of lives, and people should learn how to solve them. Conflicts can be solved peacefully by overcoming biased perceptions and involving mediators. Conflicts should not be solved based on personal feelings and ambitions. Both parties should consider and listen to other people’s perspectives. Making informed decisions and learning how to solve problems helps leaders oversee the company’s success.


Laoyan, S. (2022a, October 2). 7 Important Steps of the Decision-Making Process • Asana. Asana.

Simplilearn. (2021, February 24). What Is Problem Solving? Steps, Techniques, and Best Practices Explained.

Shonk, K. (2024, October 11). 5 Conflict Resolution Strategies. PON – Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School.


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