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Comparison of Family of Origin and Child of God


Childhood, family, community, religious or spiritual beliefs, political stances, and other factors influence one’s social environment. Identity and values are shaped by upbringing, including interactions with parents, siblings, and other family members. Despite their significance, they might not be as significant as accepting a biblical worldview and the conviction that one is a child of God. The paper considers how their own families and spiritual traditions have molded them. This essay will investigate how this influences people’s predisposition for secrecy, religious reliance, and strict limits.


Comparison of Family of Origin and Child of God

A person’s early growth and development are grounded in their family of origin. Personality can be shaped through one’s educational experiences by being exposed to inspiring role models and intellectual debate (Parrott & Parrott, 2012). My supportive childhood has equipped me with a strong sense of identity and the resilience to overcome adversity. Career paths are also heavily influenced by one’s family of origin. My parents’ expectations, ideals, and advice heavily influenced my path to adulthood. They put a premium on making money, so even as a kid, I felt compelled to go into a field that paid well, even if it was not a good fit for my interests and skills. My family was my model for interacting with and comprehending others. The habits of talking things out, making up, and being close that I picked up at home have served me well in my subsequent relationships(Parrott & Parrott, 2012). Family of origin influences may also include ideas and beliefs about marriage, commitment, and gender roles. Compared to being a child of God, a relationship with the Lord emphasizes love, forgiveness, compassion, and honesty. My identity and worldview have been dramatically changed due to this connection. I am God’s child because I am a miraculously particular product of the Creator—a person’s sense of worth, confidence, and belonging all benefit from this realization. In addition, the moral concepts I learn from a biblical perspective help me make decisions and shape my values. For example, the passage in Deuteronomy 32:7-9 emphasizes the value of seeking advice from the past and respecting the knowledge and comprehension passed down to us from our predecessors. It emphasizes the significance of considering their insights and perspectives while making decisions. This ethical maxim reminds me of the value of honoring our history and learning from the experiences of those who came before us.

Impact on Masks, Trust, and Boundaries

In my view, the masks people use to get by in life might be influenced by their family of origin and their spiritual walk with God. Due to pressure from their families and society, many people learn to wear masks to disguise their authentic selves. Conversely, as it values genuine human connection and trust in God’s grace, a biblical worldview encourages honesty and openness. One’s ability to trust in God’s provision, guidance, and constancy can be influenced by upbringing and life circumstances. Happy memories from childhood may bolster trust in God, but painful ones may severely test it. However, people can discover comfort, restoration, greater trust in the Lord, and a more comprehensive biblical perspective.

For one’s mental health and the well-being of one’s relationships, boundary setting is a need. Their family of origin may have shaped one’s conception and use of personal space. Blurred boundaries or difficulties articulating personal limits may result from unhealthy family dynamics such as enmeshment or neglect. However, the biblical emphasis on love, respect, and self-care can serve as a basis for establishing and upholding healthy limits.

Critiquing Responses and Interaction

Maintaining these safe zones requires introspective thought about one’s reactions and exchanges. An individual’s upbringing and religious beliefs have a significant bearing on whom they become as an adult, and each deserves consideration. It is essential to consider how one’s upbringing might have influenced forming and maintaining boundaries while examining personal responses and interactions (Campbel et al., 2020). Someone may find it difficult to set appropriate limits in their adult relationships if they learned to do so as a child in a hostile setting. The ability to recognize these patterns is crucial for locating potential improvement zones.

Setting appropriate boundaries can also be aided by having a relationship with God and having a Christian perspective. Self-care, respect for others, and the pursuit of relational wisdom are all emphasized in the Bible. Aligning one’s behavior and outlook with these teachings allows people to create protective barriers that benefit their health and dignity as God’s children. Setting and maintaining appropriate limits is not always easy, though, so that is something to keep in mind (Fuchs et al., 2021). Obstacles and difficulties can be spawned by a person’s upbringing, individual experiences, and the nuances of interpersonal interactions. Finding someone you can trust for advice, motivation, and accountability is essential, such as mentors, counselors, or spiritual leaders. When evaluating other people’s reactions and interactions, consider whether your personal space is respected and acknowledged. Consider whether or not one effectively conveys and advocates for one’s opinions, values, and needs. By frequently evaluating the state of one’s boundaries, one can make appropriate adjustments, seek reconciliation when necessary, and cultivate healthier, more satisfying relationships.


One’s upbringing and spiritual connection to God significantly impact their personality, career path, social circle, and values. A person’s family life and the relationships they form throughout their early years significantly impact their sense of self and level of maturity. However, adopting a biblical viewpoint and comprehending that you are a child of God positively impacts your character, decisions, and relationships. It is crucial to consider how these factors affect the use of disguises, faith in God, and personal boundaries while assessing their impact. A person’s healthy boundaries, familiarity with early-life patterns, and adherence to scriptural principles can all be gauged through thoughtful consideration of responses and interactions. People can grow, have more satisfying relationships, and honor their identity as God’s children by learning from and incorporating the best of their families of origin and spiritual lives.


Campbell, M. C., Inman, J. J., Kirmani, A., & Price, L. L. (2020). In times of trouble: A framework for understanding consumers’ responses to threats. Journal of consumer research47(3), 311-326.

Fuchs, D., Sahakian, M., Gumbert, T., Di Giulio, A., Maniates, M., Lorek, S., & Graf, A. (2021). Consumption corridors: Living a good life within sustainable limits (p. 112).

Parrott, L. & Parrott, L. (2012). Real relationships.


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