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Citizenship in Democracy

Importance of Citizenship

The ability to participate in and positively impact the democratic process depends on being a citizen since this status confers specific rights and obligations upon individuals. Democracy cannot thrive without responsible citizens who enjoy certain perks but also take on particular duties essential for sustaining social contracts, including voting or paying taxes. Here are some ways in which being a citizen contributes immensely: Political engagement is a fundamental right under citizenship, including voting and running for elected positions. Citizenship affords one involvement in the government’s decision-making processes by granting them opportunities like voting or competing for official roles.

Such provisions create accountability among elected representatives since citizens have more power over policies made. Citizenship promises security for individual liberties, including freedom of speech, assembly and religion. Legal protections granted by citizenship ensure constitutional liberties like freedom of speech, religion, assembly etc., are respected – this helps uphold democracy and liberate societies. Citizenship provides individuals unrestricted use of important governmental service resources, including healthcare coverage aids that cannot be ordinarily accessed without proper identification as a national (Asad, 2020).

Citizenship guarantees every individual the opportunity to enjoy essential services like healthcare, education and social welfare programs which are crucial in enhancing their living standards. Active participation in their community and contributing to its common good mandates fulfilling certain civic duties. Being accountable towards one’s civic duties cultivates responsible citizens who play an integral role in enhancing the welfare of society. Active civic participation is an essential aspect of modern democracies as it empowers people to influence politics, safeguard personal interests against abuse/ neglect from authorities and institutions and fulfil obligations expected from membership.

Voter Turnout in the US

While many believe that nonvoters do not care about politics, this is not necessarily true, given that some may participate through activism or advocacy. People can display their governmental desires in many ways beyond one-time polls; certain voters may fight for movements or charities. Factors such as obstacles for minority voters at polling stations or harsh ID requirements can sway election results by marginalizing entire communities. These systemic issues surrounding voter suppression greatly hamper various segments, such as those from low-income households or those belonging to racial/ethnic minority communities, from exercising their right (Kostelka & Blais, 2021).

Also, people can develop scepticism towards politics believing their votes do not count, leading them to withdraw from political participation completely. Not identifying with the views espoused by politicians can lead many to view elections as unnecessary, resulting in voter apathy. Addressing reasons behind poor voting turnouts within America necessitates multi-dimensional interventions rather than exclusively pointing fingers at American voters, considering the complexities surrounding lack of interest. There are various reasons for the insufficient number of voters participating during elections apart from attributing it only to the nation’s citizen’s collapse. A more participatory democracy necessitates increased accessibility to polling booths and informed action by collaborative endeavours between public leaders, communal pioneers, and common people.

Ways in which technologies facilitate political involvement

Emerging technologies afford us diverse possibilities to foster active political engagement. Through different online platforms like social media, people keep themselves updated with relevant political news, which helps them make rational choices during times such as a voting month. With the growth of technology today, like social networking sites or websites catering specifically for news events coming from all around our world daily, valuable insight into current hot-button topics, such as those relating to policy standpoints by running government representatives, gives voters the ability to take part productive conversations that encourage healthy public engagement (Lynch, 2019).

Emails, texts or even popular forms of digital interactions have the potential to play a vital role towards activating voters and coordinating various campaigns through modern technology advancement. With this, individuals can unite and increase the volume of their opinions. By embracing technology such as online voter registration or e-voting, we can simplify several processes to exercise one’s right to participate politically. Using new technologies to analyze voter behaviour and preferences enables campaigns and political organizations to effectively tailor their outreach efforts. Increasing transparency and accountability within governance is possible with the help of technological advancements. Citizens would then have easier access to keep tabs on their elected representatives’ activities noted clearly.

Internet’s Impact on Work

The nature of work has undergone significant changes due to the Internet. These are among the key variations: By using modern telecommunications technologies such as video conferencing and instant messaging; remote employees can communicate virtually with coworkers all around the globe while avoiding having to physically come together. Remote work is gaining traction among workers since it offers several advantages, including greater schedule versatility, better distribution between professional and personal activities, and opportunities for teamwork with professionals globally (Moll & Yigitbasioglu, 2019).

Utilizing online resources like video conferences, chat software, or file-sharing networks enables geographically dispersed teams to work together effectively. Online collaboration is facilitated by several industry-agnostic digital communication & data transfer-specific solutions that make teamwork effortless even if they are not physically available in one location. The Internet has enabled workers to handle tasks efficiently while communicating better and obtaining necessary information easily, increasing productivity. In addition, the Internet allows for greater efficiency and access for workers, leading to higher productivity and easier completion of tasks.

Additionally, new opportunities arise for workers with expertise in domains like web design or programming due to newly emerged industries made possible by the Internet. Web design techniques coupled with Programming fundamentals & Marketing strategies are currently some of the most sought-after skills globally, thanks to their increased profitability. These Have been mainly used In recently formed Sectors, including eCommerce, among Others, opening up huge opportunities for those skilled. The ease and freedom of the Internet have facilitated a culture wherein work hours can be adapted as needed by staff members. This newfound ability for remote employment comes with greater freedom in devising one’s schedule, enabling improved harmony between familial obligations and professional aspirations.

Consumption and Society

Consumerism is entrenched in most modern communities where individuals purchase products and services exceeding their fundamental needs (Southerton & Warde, 2023). Several reasons, including advertising, marketing, Social pressure and credit availability, have precipitated this phenomenon. People resort to consuming goods worldwide due to abundant motives emanating from necessary practicalities phrased into basic foods/clothes/housing arrangements that help satisfy everyday life conundrums alongside deeper psychological cravings toward individual expressionism/personal identification.

Many leisure activities involve purchasing goods or services, so people use consumption to socialize. Consuming beyond one’s needs leads to excessive and non-sustainable use of resources which is true for some people. The aftermath of exceeding our average needs would entail an adverse impact on our surroundings through waste production leading to soil pollution & reducing resources available. Individuals’ perceptions of what is necessary versus wasteful will differ due to personal factors such as cultural background or values.

Leisure Activities and Social Stratification

People who partake in leisure endeavours during their free time risk being characterized into specific segments determined by distinguishing characteristics like economic class standing, what they are interested in doing or even culture. One way leisure activities have the potential to create staggered harm lies within the development or even reinforcement over time while underpinned by systemic effects that come from larger structures like patterns. People belonging towards higher economic spectrums are seen as having more evolved tastes regarding recreational possibilities (Vagni, 2020).

Nevertheless, the less privileged members cannot indulge themselves in such exquisites due to limited resources and accessibility issues. Accessibilities or limitations for certain hobbies vary depending on what social class one belongs to. It creates a distinction among groups and can cause assumptions that one group has simpler interests than another. Moreover, disparities within distinct factions based on favoured recreational activities can also arise due to an individual’s traditional roots. People from various cultures tend to have special preferences regarding relaxation time, such as practising designated sports types or attending relevant festivals.

The association between certain leisure activities and distinct cultural identities can separate people from diverse cultures. Regarding leisure activities, groups may vary based on the individuals’ ages. The type of leisure activity one engages in might vary depending on their age group; for instance, younger individuals are frequently interested in new technologies and often use them recreationally through video gaming and online networking sites. Older adults enjoy quieter activities, including gardening and literature appreciation. Younger age cohorts often choose modern entertainment mediums over traditional types especially compared to aged counterparts resulting in differentiation alongside this line.


Asad, A. L. (2020). Latinos’ deportation fears by citizenship and legal status, 2007 to 2018. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences117(16), 8836–8844.

Kostelka, F., & Blais, A. (2021). The Generational and Institutional Sources of the Global Decline in Voter Turnout. World Politics73(4), 629–667.

‌ Lynch, C. R. (2019). Contesting Digital Futures: Urban Politics, Alternative Economies, and the Movement for Technological Sovereignty in Barcelona. Antipode52(3), 660–680.

‌ Moll, J., & Yigitbasioglu, O. (2019). The role of Internet-related technologies in shaping the work of accountants: New directions for accounting research. The British Accounting Review51(6), 100833.

‌ Southerton, D., & Warde, A. (2023). Towards Sustainable Consumption: Reflections on Social Loading, Excess and Idle Capacity Concepts. Consumption, Sustainability and Everyday Life, 339–361.

‌ Vagni, G. (2020). The social stratification of time use patterns. The British Journal of Sociology71(4), 658–679.


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