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Character Analysis Essays

Inland by Téa Obreht Review

Inland (2019) represents a Western adaptation of American author Téa Obreht. This story goes back to the end of the nineteenth century. It tells the investigation of two pioneers, Lurie Matty, a “camel driver,” and Nora Lark, an Arizona homemaker, as they encounter their demons in the harsh environments of the New Mexico and Arizona ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1167

The Courageous Acts of Irena’s Children: A Literary Exploration

Works of literature have always portrayed the feelings of characters through their inner reactions. Additionally, literature has always emphasized bringing out the inner self of characters. Culture and literature are deeply interrelated, and both have a strong relationship with each other; throughout the years, literature has embodied culture. Moreover, literature is an expression of culture ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 802
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The Dark Allure of Moral Corruption in ‘Double Indemnity’

Walter Neff affirms that his actions were just an inevitable shadow of moral decay cast upon the weak, and he agrees with what Dostoevsky says, ‘I am nothing.’ This is the essence of the phrase, “Neither good nor bad.” The film noir titled Double Indemnity, directed by Billy Wilder in 1944, is set in the ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1475

Connecting Pride and Prejudice and on Beauty to Social Norms

Introduction This essay examined how folks in the two stories dealt with what society expected. The first story is Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin. It took place long ago in England when folks had to follow many rules due to their class. Elizabeth refused to do what was expected of girls, and Mr. Darcy ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4228

Movie Review: Antwone Fisher

The 2002 film Antwone Fisher, based on a true story written by the real Antwone Fisher, portrays Fisher’s development from an abused and troubled young man to a more self-actualized and healed individual. Directed by and starring Denzel Washington, the movie depicts Antwone’s difficult upbringing, his struggles with anger issues as a young adult, and ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1998

Themes Explored in “The Plague” Analysis

Introduction A terrifying disease alters the town of Oran in Albert Camus’s seminal work “The Plague,” but the villagers there are oblivious to the change. Camus, an expert in existential philosophy, spins a story that transcends narrative structure as he investigates the human condition in the face of disaster. Through the lens of a devastating ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2166

Shakespeare Play Macbeth: Lady Macbeth as a Witch

It is true, according to Stallybrass’s assertion, that Lady Macbeth replaces the witches in the Shakespeare play Macbeth. Even though she does not replace the witches in literal sense, however, she serves characters the witches embody. In the play, Lady Macbeth personifies the character of the supernatural presence of the witches when they are off ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1332

A Cinematic Exploration of Mental Health: Analyzing “Rain Man” and DSM-V Criteria

Introduction: The conceptual exploration of mental health in the context of cinematic storytelling includes “Rain Man” by Barry Levinson. This is a scholarly movie paper that investigates how mental health was illustrated in the movie using one of its characters. The behavioral symptoms of the mental health condition displayed by Dustin Hoffman as Raymond Babbitt ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 952

Book Review: “The Nickel Boys” by Colson Whitehead

Introduction In Colson Whitehead’s “The Nickel Boys,” readers are taken back to 1960s Tallahassee’s turbulent landscape, where the Nickel Academy, a juvenile reformatory, becomes the grim backdrop for a story of injustice, fortitude, and friendship. As Elwood Curtis faces the brutality of the Nickel Academy, the author weaves a powerful and haunting story. The publisher’s ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1339

Juxtaposition Gives Balance to the Hunter and Hunted in Richard Connells the Most Dangerous Game

“The Most Dangerous Game,” a short story by Richard Connell, published on January 14, 1924, by Collier’s, describes a gripping story of a thrilling hunting tale for survival and the human limits associated with the hunting experience. The plot of this masterpiece revolves around Sanger Rainsford, the protagonist in the story. Although Rainsford is a ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 669

Psychology of Human Behavior

One of the most complex and intriguing characters in literature is Iago, the antagonist in Shakespeare’s play Othello. Although he usually uses weak reasoning and has vague objectives, he is an excellent manipulator who can persuade others to do what he wants. Academics and critics have written extensively on Iago and the characters he can ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1453

Analysis of Fences

Fences is a literary work by August Wilson. Wilson wrote the play in 1985 but set in 1950 in Pittsburg. Denzel Washington directed the film in 2016. The film details the life of an African-American family living in an era of racism characterized by segregation. Troy, the central character in the play, is a product of ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2182

Breaking Bad: Walter White Psychology

Breaking Bad depicts a man who is projected to die soon due to a terminal illness. This illness causes Walter to live life on the edge and try to set his family up financially for life after him. In the popular television series, Walter who starts as a chemistry high school teacher and is well ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1345
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