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Centralized Authority Essays

Perspectives on the Origins and Purpose of the American Constitution

Three different thoughts about the American Constitution explain how it was created and what its purpose is. Each one focuses on different things that influenced the Constitution. The Tocqueville story is about the ideas of a man named Alexis de Tocqueville, as stated by Brewer (2020). The place treated everyone equally and gave them the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 683

How Legacies of Oppression Seed Authoritarian Practices Within African Democracies

Introduction The majority of Africa endured the yoke of European colonial rule from the late 19th Century through the mid-20th Century. Most Africans suffered profound abuses as well as the plunder of resources under imperial occupation. In the decades since African nations gained independence, the scars left behind by both the ideology and institutions of colonialism continue ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3468
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