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Catholicism Essays

Carbon Emissions and Catholicism

Introduction Advancement in technology in the modern world has continued to increase carbon emissions through the burning of greenhouse gases. The effects have been experienced significantly by increased temperature in the atmosphere as a result of the greenhouse effect. Burning of fossil fuels, including natural gas, oil, coal, and petroleum products, causes the release of ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 957

Catholicism and American Culture

The first mark of Catholicism in the colonial period of American history was found in the establishment of Maryland in 1634 to protect persecuted catholic people who sought religious freedom. Lord Baltimore, a Catholic, set up a colony for peace to prevail in which people of different religious inclinations, including Catholics, could live together. Nevertheless, ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2150
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Heretics, Blasphemers, and Saints

Introduction The Orthodox Church (Eastern Orthodox Church) is founded on the belief in Apostolic Succession. This is the notion that present Church leaders can trace their ministry’s lineage to Christ’s disciples (Howard, 2018). The idea is critical in the sense that Christianity is recognized to have begun with the disciples who spent most of their ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1920

Religion’s Influence on Science in the Medieval Era

Introduction During the Medieval Era, religion significantly influenced scientific investigation, as evidenced by historical records. McGrath reports that the Catholic Church was crucial in promoting scientific research during this period, with many prominent scientists being devoted Catholics (2020). However, Kieckhefer notes that the Church’s stance on science was not always consistent, and there were periods ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1338
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