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Care Coordination Essays

The Impact of the HITECH Act

Introduction The adoption and meaningful usage of electronic health records depend on the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act’s Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act. HITECH’s primary purpose was establishing EHR systems in healthcare facilities to improve data efficiency, accuracy, and accessibility. The Act aims to update hospital infrastructure and improve ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1763

Enhancing Quality and Safety

Introduction One of the most significant patient safety concerns that span across all stages of care is medication mistakes. Such errors ultimately affect millions of patients, involving billions lost annually to the United States in unnecessary treatment, readmissions, and loss of productivity. Medication errors most often occur as a result of system failure and breakdowns ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1146
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Project To-Be Analysis

The main changes resulting from Memorial Healthcare System’s implementation of an electronic health record (EHR) system include improved efficiency and coordination of care through data sharing and reduced paperwork. EHRs allow providers to securely share patient data, avoiding duplication of testing and procedures. It lets many clinicians access health data in real-time on a single ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 744

Culturally Competent Substance Abuse Awareness Campaign for Native American Communities.

Native Americans’ substance misuse is a serious health concern that necessitates focused treatments to address its complex issues. Moreover, this demographic has a high rate of substance misuse due to several variables, such as low resources, cultural isolation, and historical trauma. To reduce substance abuse in Native American communities, this study suggests an intervention that ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1944

Leveraging Technology, Care Coordination, and Community Resources for Obesity Management

It is of the utmost importance to comprehend the numerous opportunities and obstacles presented in the healthcare trajectory of our patient, George Mensah, who is afflicted with the intricate issue of obesity. In addition to weight, obesity substantially affects overall health, the quality of medical care received, and healthcare expenditures. This assessment examines the potential ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2130

We Are Enhancing Quality and Safety in Medication Administration

Introduction. The cornerstone of patient care is medication administration. However, due to its complexity, frequent dangers might endanger patient safety and have adverse effects. Medication mistakes can negatively influence patients’ well-being, increase healthcare costs, and, regrettably, even result in death. Healthcare institutions must use evidence-based and best-practice treatments within the framework of quality improvement programs ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1941

Teaching Plan & Analysis of Proposed Teaching Plan

Part 1: Hypertension Management Teaching Plan Objective: The purpose of this teaching plan is to provide healthcare professionals with the in-depth knowledge and abilities they need to effectively address hypertension using a multidisciplinary approach, integrating nursing policy, quality of care, patient safety, cost considerations, technology, care coordination, and community resources. Session 1: Understanding Hypertension and Its ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2652

Patient-Centered Care: Coordination, Change Management, and Ethics

Hello, colleagues. This presentation will delve into the fundamental principles of care coordination and their significance in providing patient-centered care. Additionally, we will explore how change management influences the patient experience. This educational opportunity will equip you with the knowledge needed to enhance your role in managing care coordination and improving patient outcomes in our ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2049

Comprehensive Care Coordination Plan for Diabetes Mellitus

Effective care coordination is essential for managing chronic health conditions such as Diabetes Mellitus (D.M.) (Sapra & Bhandari, 2023). In the context of managing Diabetes Mellitus (D.M.), the preliminary care coordination plan has outlined physical, psychosocial, and cultural considerations to address the multifaceted needs of patients. The comprehensive care coordination plan will now design patient-centered ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1916

Health Care Technology, the Coordination of Care, and the Use of Community Resources Can Be Applied to Heart Failure

During the principal piece of my practicum, Mei Lee, a 65-year-elderly person determined to have a cardiovascular breakdown, and I met for a two-hour meeting to examine the chance of utilizing medical services innovation, care coordination, and local area assets to address her sickness. What’s more, I had discussions with specialists in the business and ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1987

Patient, Family, or Population Health Problem Solution

Patient Summary Mrs. Emma Johnson is an 85-year-old female with type 2 diabetes, and she has a history of moderate tobacco use, alcohol use, and borderline obesity. Even though the patient quit those habits several years ago, they may have contributed to her existing conditions like high blood pressure and dementia. Due to her age ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3241

Enhancing Patient Outcomes Through Care Coordination

Section 1: Introduction To improve patient outcomes and еxperіеncеs, care coordinatіon is a crucial component of healthcare dеlіvеry. The idea of care coordination and its significance in the context of our community care center will be introduced in this section. In addition, I will dеscribе thе prеsentatіon’s goals and what thе audience can еxpect to ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2579

The Fundamental Principles of Care Coordination

Hi everyone. My name is (student’s Name), and I will share some information on the fundamental principles of care coordination. I aim to raise awareness of nurses’ vital role in care coordination and the continuum of care using evidence-based information. This presentation contains an outline of the effective strategies for collaborating with patients and their ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1630

Enhancing Quality and Safety

Introduction One of the most crucial factors to consider while offering patients healthcare services is their safety. Nurses are responsible for adopting techniques and processes that advance patient safety within the healthcare industry. To guarantee that they contribute to promoting the safety and caliber of patient care given, nurses should regularly assess healthcare systems and ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1652

Ethical and Policy Factors in Care Coordination

Healthcare coordination is essential in the successful delivery of healthcare services. It is a process that involves organizing patient care activities between two or more persons. The healthcare coordination process involves including the patients to ensure effective service delivery. The primary objective of healthcare coordination is to help eliminate the fragmented healthcare process, meet the ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1596
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