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Business Essays

A Proposal for an Onboarding Program for New Consultants

Part 1: Memo It has come to our attention that Wilson Homes Consultancy Group is largely losing its competitive advantage due to poor consultancy services to its customers. The main cause of the loss is unsatisfactory consultancy services to address our client’s needs accordingly. Over the last four years, the quality of services has deteriorated, ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3072
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Fuel Diesel Industry

Introduction The fuel diesel industry is a vital part of the U.S. economy and is heavily impacted by policy decisions made by the government. The fuel diesel industry is vital in providing energy for transportation, power generation and industrial activities. As such, any policy changes, both fiscal and monetary, will have a significant impact on ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1310

Essay on Entrepreneurial Team

A group of individuals that work together to start and run a new company is known as an entrepreneurial team. The team members combine their abilities, expertise, and resources to develop and carry out a successful plan. Entrepreneurial team members often take on different but complementary duties. The CEO or creator, the director of product ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4223

Causes of the Rapid Growth of Alipay in the Financial and Business Sectors

Because customers can pay with Alipay and immediately access their savings, Alipay has enabled enterprises to offer seamless discounts and unique offers. Alipay has simplified payments from the standpoint of the consumer. With Alipay, there is no need for cash or credit cards, making it possible for customers to purchase more freely and rapidly online ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1702

Business Model Canvas (Hydrogen Storage and Distribution)

Executive Summary There is a strong association between hydrogen and energy. Hydrogen is currently being considered the future of energy as it provides an alternative clean, safe energy option. This study seeks to explain the business model canvas of the hydrogen storage and distribution industry. The main focus of this study, however, is the value ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3356

BSG Simulation Reflection

Introduction In today’s competitive market, businesses always seek ways to gain an edge over their rivals. The shoe industry is no exception, with numerous companies vying for a larger market share. Among these companies is “D Company,” a shoe manufacturer that recently competed against six other shoe companies in a business strategy game (BSG) simulation. ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2017

Analysis of the Integrated Marketing Communications of JD Sports: A Case Study of an Established Sportswear Brand in the UK

Introduction and general description of the JD Sports brand JD Sports is a popular retailer in the United Kingdom that caters to sports fans by stocking apparel, footwear, and accessories for males, females, and children. Among the many sports and fitness activities for which the brand is known are running, football, basketball, the gym, and ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3291

UBS Risk Analysis

1.0 Introduction The financial system plays a crucial role in the economy by channelling funds from savers to borrowers and facilitating investment and economic growth. However, it is also exposed to various risks threatening its stability and function (Chattha & Alhabshi, 2020). The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has identified a group of banks as ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3483

The Advantages and Challenges of Implementing a Four-Day Workweek Compared to a Traditional Five-Day Workweek: An Analysis

Executive Summary This study aimed to examine the impact of a four-day workweek on various aspects of work, including productivity, employee retention, social factors, and health, in service- and product-based organizations. This research utilizes a single research methodology since the field of study is still relatively new; it has yet to be adopted as the ... Read More
Pages: 50       Words: 13599

Retyre Solutions Company, Business Plan

1.0 TEAM The organizational structure of ReTyre Solutions would be focused on efficiency and meeting customer needs in a timely and cost-effective manner. The Company would have a hierarchical structure, with a C.E.O. at the top and then various departments such as sales, marketing, production, and finance underneath. Each department would have its manager responsible ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1496

Written Group Strategic Case Study

Strategic Implementation In this report, Strategic Alliance is the best cooperative strategy in which Nintendo combines its resources and capabilities to create a competitive advantage. The best types of strategic alliances the company uses include: Joint Venture: Nintendo has entered into several joint ventures throughout its history, including partnerships with major players in the gaming ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1141

The Value Proposition of Tesla Solar Panels and Strategies for Entering New Market Segments

Introduction Tesla Solar Panels is a revolutionary innovation that has changed the face of renewable energy production by providing customers with financial savings, convenience, and environmental benefits. This paper will discuss Tesla Solar Panel’s value proposition, developing new market segments, creating a persona for the new segment, and providing recommendations for marketing communication strategies. Primary ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1522

The Strategic Plan

Strategic planning is a crucial aspect of organizational management. It ensures an institution runs on rules, values and policies, presenting an excellent chance to fulfill organizational dreams, goals, and objectives. Strategic planning is essential in the service industry as it ensures that organizations and their employees render services as required and with the public in ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3828

Tesla Strategic Analysis

1.0 Introduction For every firm to achieve its objectives and maximize its profits, it must have appropriate strategists and be competitive. However, increased technological innovation and a competitive business environment have made firms face several strategic challenges that require appropriate considerations. These challenges include the disruptive development of new technologies and changing market conditions, and ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2857
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