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Business Ethics, CSR and Business Analysis

The best stakeholder management approach through analysis (Platinex Inc. vs DeBeers Inc)

Harbour City Investments Inc. manages its connection with Indigenous stakeholders in its mining operation. The corporation must choose the best stakeholder management/engagement method from the Platinex Inc. approach and the DeBeers Inc. approach. (Siebenmorgen, n.d). The DeBeers Inc. method would be optimal for Harbour City Investments Inc. DeBeers Inc.’s methodology is distinguished by its focus on developing relationships with Indigenous people and incorporating them in decision-making processes. As fundamental components of stakeholder involvement, this method promotes transparency, open communication, and trust-building. DeBeers Inc. understands the significance of Indigenous cultures and traditions and tries to understand and solve community problems and objectives. This strategy calls for significant consultation with Indigenous people and a commitment to shared decision-making.

The Platinex Inc. approach, on the other hand, is more combative and adversarial. (Siebenmorgen, n.d). This method is distinguished by emphasizing legal compliance and protecting the company’s interests. Platinex Inc. has been chastised for failing to interact with Indigenous communities and dismissing community concerns. This method frequently results in conflict and resistance from Indigenous people, causing delays and additional costs for the enterprise.

The DeBeers Inc. approach would be optimal for Harbour City Investments Inc. since it aligns with the values and priorities of Indigenous communities. (Siebenmorgen, n.d). The corporation must acknowledge that Indigenous people have a distinct viewpoint on mining ventures and that their input is critical to the project’s success. Harbour City Investments Inc. can better understand community concerns and objectives by developing partnerships with Indigenous communities and working to resolve them collaboratively and respectfully.

Finally, Harbour City Investments Inc. would benefit most from the DeBeers Inc. approach to stakeholder management/engagement when interacting with Indigenous stakeholders. This strategy prioritizes relationship-building, openness, open communication, and trust-building, all critical components of successful stakeholder involvement. However, it is vital to acknowledge that each stakeholder group is distinct, and thus engagement tactics must be adapted to each group’s specific requirements and interests.

How to identify the stakeholders, their issues and how to manage them based on the Canadian Business & Society text

We would utilize the stakeholder mapping approach from the textbook to identify the stakeholders for Harbour City Investments Inc. (Sexty, 2020). This method entails identifying and prioritizing stakeholders according to their level of interest and influence. After identifying the stakeholders, we would apply the stakeholder analysis approach to determine their varied issues and concerns. This includes evaluating the stakeholders’ needs, expectations, and demands, as well as the potential effects of Harbour City Investments Inc. on them. Indigenous populations, for example, may be concerned about the development project’s possible environmental impact on their familiar territories. In contrast, regulatory agencies may be involved in compliance with local laws and regulations.

We would apply the stakeholder engagement strategy from the textbook to manage the stakeholders and their challenges. (Sexty, 2020). This entails creating a communication and engagement strategy that addresses stakeholders’ problems while building trust and mutual understanding. Harbour City Investments Inc. might communicate, share information, and negotiate with Indigenous groups to ensure their opinions are heard, and their issues are handled meaningfully. Furthermore, Harbour City Investments Inc. could interact with regulatory organizations through compliance reporting and regular communication to verify that they are achieving their legal and regulatory requirements.

And finally, we advise Mr Jones to create a stakeholder model that stresses transparency, responsibility, and responsible development. (Sexty, 2020). This is because engaging in respectful and productive dialogue with Indigenous communities and regulatory agencies while recognizing their issues and objectives will be essential in building a good reputation. Mr Jones should also produce a detailed communication plan outlining how Harbour City Investments Inc. will interact with stakeholders throughout the development process and how their feedback and concerns will be addressed. Furthermore, Harbour City Investments Inc. must involve Indigenous communities and regulatory agencies early in development to promote trust and a collaborative relationship. By doing so, they may avoid potential problems and delays in the future, and they can ensure that their development initiative is sustainable and responsible.

The ethical issues identified in the case study and how to deal with them.

This case study raises several ethical questions. (Sexty, 2020). First, the firm uses property with great cultural and historical value to Indigenous populations while failing to correctly consult with and obtain their approval. This calls into question whether or not Indigenous rights and self-determination are respected. Additionally, there are Concerns about the environment and sustainability. The proposed development may harm the area’s environment and biodiversity and raise greenhouse gas emissions, fueling climate change.

To handle its ethical challenges, the firm should prioritize open and transparent communication with all stakeholders, especially Indigenous groups with a solid relationship with the land. (Sexty, 2020). The corporation must consult these communities and get their approval before moving forward with growth plans. This calls for a desire to negotiate in good faith and a willingness to hear and respect the opinions and concerns of Indigenous leaders and community people. Moreover, it should prioritize limiting local ecology and biodiversity harm when considering environmental impact and sustainability. It should also lower its carbon footprint by utilizing sustainable technologies and practices. This can entail investing in renewable energy sources, including green building standards in its development plans, and putting waste-reduction and resource-conservation measures in place.

In summary, the moral dilemmas raised by this case study demand HCI Inc conduct business in a way that is considerate of others. (Sexty, 2020). It entails realizing its obligations to all parties, including Indigenous communities, the environment, and future generations. HCI Inc. can increase stakeholder trust and credibility by prioritizing ethical issues in its decision-making and operations while advancing a more just and sustainable future.

CSR Issues and How to Deal with Them

Several CSR issues can occur based on this scenario. (Sexty, 2020). The possible harm the proposed development could do to the environment is one of the critical concerns. HCI Inc. must abide by all environmental laws and take precautions to lessen its influence on neighbouring ecosystems. The potential effects on the local population and Indigenous peoples are another CSR concern. HCI Inc. needs to ensure that they interact with these stakeholders and consider their requirements and concerns while developing new products. They should try to give the neighbourhood economic and employment chances.

The ethical problems of HCI Inc.’s business practices, like conflicts of interest and bribery, should also be considered. (Sexty, 2020). They must follow moral business principles and support an ethical workplace culture. Moreover, HCI Inc. should have a plan for managing difficulties and crises to handle these CSR problems. The potential issues that might occur should be identified in this plan, and a strategy for resolving them. Protocols for communication with stakeholders, such as the media, governmental authorities, and impacted communities, should also be established.

To curb these CSR issues, a team will be established in the strategy to handle problems as they come up. (Sexty, 2020). This team will receive crisis management training and access the tools needed to address potential emergencies. To detect potential problems and dangers, the strategy should also specify how regular risk assessments will be carried out. The process should also include a system for tracking and reporting CSR performance. This could involve communicating CSR performance to stakeholders and conducting routine audits of operations to ensure they adhere to laws and moral standards.

In Conclusion, HCI Inc. should establish an issues and crisis management plan to address possible CSR issues proactively. A framework for managing potential problems should be established by this strategy, including processes for stakeholder communication, risk assessments, and performance monitoring. HCI Inc. can increase trust with stakeholders and reduce the possibility of unfavourable effects from their activities by adopting a proactive approach to CSR.

Explaining the prudency of a proactive CSR department and what it should look like.

Creating an ethics/CSR department might be a proactive approach for HCI Inc. to manage ethical and CSR issues. (Sexty, 2020). The department’s value foundation should align with the company’s purpose, vision, and core values. The department should prioritize encouraging transparency, accountability, and ethical behaviour within the organization. Employees, consumers, suppliers, shareholders, and the community should also be represented in the department. The department should be led by a trained and experienced person who understands CSR and ethical concerns and can adequately steer the department. Alex could recruit someone with strong expertise in business ethics and corporate social responsibility and experience establishing and implementing effective CSR programs.

The department should establish, implement, and monitor the company’s CSR policies and procedures. (Sexty, 2020). It should also guarantee that the company complies with all applicable rules and regulations, and it should implement internal policies and processes for ethical behaviour. The department should also develop and implement a thorough CSR communication plan to engage stakeholders and enhance openness.

One of the key objectives of the ethics/CSR department should be to perform frequent audits to ensure that the company’s activities correspond with its values and that it complies with all laws and regulations. The department should also be in charge of assessing the impact of the company’s operations on the environment, society, and stakeholders and developing plans to reduce any adverse effects.

In Conclusion, establishing an ethics/CSR department can be beneficial for HCI Inc. in effectively managing ethical and CSR issues. The department should be set so that all stakeholders are represented and should be led by a trained and experienced individual. The department’s value foundation should correspond with the company’s mission, vision, and core values. It should design, implement, and monitor the company’s CSR policies and procedures.

Recommendation Mr Jones about Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Mr Jones should prioritize equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) within Harbour City Investments Inc. by developing policies and activities that foster a diverse and inclusive workplace culture. (Nadarajah, 2021). Establishing a diversity and inclusion committee, developing training programs on unconscious bias and cultural awareness, developing mentorship and leadership development programs for underrepresented groups, and regularly measuring and reporting on the company’s progress toward EDI goals are all examples things that could be done. (Gavin & Weatherall, 2022)

Furthermore, HCI Inc. should guarantee that its recruitment and hiring methods are inclusive and devoid of bias and that its compensation and promotion structures are fair and equal for all employees, regardless of their background or identity. (Bonaccio et al, 2020). HCI Inc. can establish a more inclusive and inventive workplace that is better suited to satisfy the requirements of their different stakeholders by prioritizing EDI while also contributing to a more just and equitable society.

Summary, Recommendation and Conclusion

Based on the results of the analyses, it is advised that Alex Jones and his company HCI Inc. proceed with the proposal with minor changes. To address their concerns and difficulties, the corporation should engage in meaningful stakeholder engagement with Indigenous communities, including consultation and relationship building. The company should also develop an effective issues and crisis management plan to address any potential CSR-related challenges. HCI Inc. should also establish an ethics/CSR department with a clear value foundation and a skilled leader to manage and monitor the company’s CSR policies.

Furthermore, the company’s hiring processes and corporate culture should prioritize equity, diversity, and inclusion. This will help guarantee that the company’s operations and employees represent the areas it serves. HCI Inc. can prevent any ethical and CSR issues while gaining trust and positively influencing the local community and environment by applying these tips.


Bonaccio, S., Connelly, C. E., Gellatly, I. R., Jetha, A., & Martin Ginis, K. A. (2020). The participation of people with disabilities in the workplace across the employment cycle: Employer concerns and research evidence. Journal of Business and Psychology, 35, 135-158.

Nadarajah, S., Atif, M., & Gull, A. A. (2021). State-level culture and workplace diversity policies: Evidence from US firms. Journal of Business Ethics, 1-20.

Gavin, M., & Weatherall, R. (2022). Submission to: Review of the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.

Sexty, R. (2020). MC Graw Hill. MC Graw Hill.

Siebenmorgen, P.


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