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Brand Management Essays

Evolution in Modeling the Process of Managing Brands

The advent of brand management driven by the establishment of postmodern consumer culture represents a massive shift from the old models. Nowadays, branding goes beyond its usual purpose of making customers loyal to accept a more profound sense of community. The core of this shift lies in acknowledging consumers not only as not being passive ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2041

Marketing Issues in Collegiate Athletics

Introduction: Historical Perspective of the Topic The marketing landscape in collegiate athletics has changed from localized events with little commercialization to one that prioritizes commercial viability and revenue generation. Early collegiate athletics were community-focused, encouraging local pride and solidarity. However, social dynamics and media technology changed, commercializing collegiate sports. Corporate sponsorship, televised broadcasts, and internet ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1888
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Managing and Communicating Functional and Symbolic Brands

Establishing a strong connection with customers is essential in the marketing world. Symbolic and functional brands fall into the same broad category. Symbolic brands emphasize abstract and emotional connections, whereas functional brands concentrate on practical advantages and tangibly present qualities (Copadis, 2023). This essay is divided into parts A and B. Part A gives the ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3289

Nintendo Console Strategic Analysis

Nintendo is a globally identified gaming business enterprise famous for its iconic console releases, including the Wii and Switch. The business enterprise is renowned for its family-pleasant leisure and interactive gaming studies that carry gamers together. Nintendo has made achievements through its advertising campaigns that target gaming amusement, its precise version consoles, and collaborations with ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 982

Nike Brand in the Famous Sneaker Commercial – Jordan Zion Brand

Abstract This paper examines the role of the famous Nike brand in the famous Sneaker commercial; Nike. The brand Jordan Zion sneaker has been the core in maintaining the status of this particular company and maintaining the reputation and innovation in sports. The brand came when a famous basketball player, Williamson, decided to wear Nike ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1836

A Report on How Edition Hotel May Set Up a Successful Brand in Brazil

INTRODUCTION. Company background. Collaboration between Marriot International and hotelier Ian Schrager gave birth to Edition hotel. It was originally launched in 2010 in Waikiki, Hawaii. A property followed it in Istanbul in the year 2011. It is a luxurious hotel with a style that suits the local culture and environment. These hotels are often located ... Read More
Pages: 18       Words: 4905

Paradox of Luxury Goods

Atwal and Williams (2017) examine the importance of consumer experience in luxury brand marketing. The article discusses key themes and concepts in luxury brand management, such as the role of heritage, authenticity, and exclusivity in luxury branding, as well as the shift towards experiential marketing and the importance of emotional engagement with consumers. The authors ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4365

Brand Element Analysis

Executive Summary This study aims to decide the best course of action to manage and preserve a new brand in the fiercely competitive business; Slate Corporation is researching branding strategies. Slate will base the choice of its strategy on a thorough brand research of its two main rivals, Apple and Samsung. This in-depth research will ... Read More
Pages: 21       Words: 5570

The Louis Vuitton $2900 Smartwatch—High Tech or High Fashion?

Louis Vuitton is one of the world’s leading international fashion houses. The company’s success is attributed to its authentic Louis Vuitton bags, which are handstitched by experienced craftsmen. The company takes pride in producing impeccable products from only the finest and highest quality materials. The brand is synonymous with luxury, exclusivity and high quality, creating ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1802

Marketing: Weekly Test Your Knowledge Questions

SWOT analysis of NIKE NIKE is a leading athletic footwear and apparel company known for its strong brand recognition, diverse product line, and robust marketing campaigns. The company’s focus on innovation and product development, through intense research and development capabilities, has driven brand loyalty among consumers and helped maintain its position as a leader in ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3151

Gucci’s Marketing and Branding

Part 1: Gucci’s Online Presence and Digital Fashion Marketing Activity Gucci continues to be the leading luxury online brand thanks to the efforts the company’s digital marketing team has put in to ensure it stays ahead of its competition. Its success has been attributed to its constant drive to innovate and experiment online, leveraging digital ... Read More
Pages: 19       Words: 4976

Nike: Strategic and Tactical Marketing Plan

Executive Summary The customer persona is a young female athletic customer who lives in the suburbs and has a moderate income. She is highly active and prioritizes the functionality and performance of her shoes when working out while also valuing the aesthetic and style of the shoes. In conducting a marketing mix analysis of Nike’s ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3476

Brand and Strategy

Executive Summary This report has critically evaluated the Celine brand and company by surveying 20 people and interviewing 15-20 individuals to gather their views on the brand. The report also considered the approach the brand owners took, the brand’s positioning compared to its competitors, brand authenticity, brand architecture, secondary brand associations, and brand community. Using ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2195

Impact of Social Media on Brand Perception and Loyalty

Abstract The roles of corporations and customers began to shift with the advent of the Internet towards the end of the twentieth century. By the twenty-first century, customers began to have a say in the digital world, earning the label of “user.” While companies began to supply content for users, people began to create their ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3122

Corporate Brand Management: The Case of St. Margaret’s Hotel

INTRODUCTION St. Margaret’s hotel is located in North Oxford, United Kingdom. This means the hotel is 16 minutes’ walk to Oxford University and 15 minutes’ drive to Oxford International Airport. Various issues have been identified regarding this establishment that aim at enhancing its brand as a corporation. These include marketing efforts, competitors, market segmentation, targeting, ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3235
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