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Brand Equity Essays

The Impact of Social Media on Louis Vuitton’s Growth in the British Market.

Executive summary The study is set to determine the impact of social media on Louis Vuitton’s growth in the British market. People share photos, videos, and information with friends, families, business stakeholders, or desired audiences based on the content shared through social media, proving a powerful tool used in business to convey marketing information. Businesses ... Read More
Pages: 19       Words: 5200

Why Do Firms Merge With or Acquire Other Firms? What Are the Consequences?

Introduction Mergers and acquisitions are complex corporate strategies that draw much attention from stakeholders, including employees, investors, and even regulatory bodies. Thus, it is very important to understand the fundamental reasons that prompt firms to take the decision to pursue mergers and acquisitions. This understanding is beneficial for a holistic assessment of the potential benefits ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1730
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Significance of Branding on Organizational Profitability

Introduction Branding is a tool effectively used in marketing for an organization to succeed. Branding entails; choosing the brand name, coming up with an advertising method that will bear the name, and ensuring that the brand continues to have a dominant position in the market. ( Keller et al,2019).In this essay, we will emphasize how ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 931

Impact of Online Marketing on Brand Equity in Luxury Fashion

Abstract Luxury brands are increasingly embracing online marketing despite earlier doubts that search form of marketing would negatively impact their brand image as it would remove their essence of uniqueness and rarity. Many pieces of evidence are available on how online marketing influences the brand equity of luxury brands. This study explores the influence of ... Read More
Pages: 32       Words: 8577
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