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Assignment 2: Leadership


Academic study on the numerous dimensions of leadership has been extensive. To illuminate the essence of leadership and how it may be improved in its varied forms, a wide range of leadership theories have been offered. The two primary leadership philosophies that influence me as a leader are transformational and servant leadership. Servant leadership prioritizes the needs of others whereas transformational leadership encourages and motivates others to realize their full potential. These two leadership philosophies function well together and are essential for a positive and effective workplace. I challenge my followers to achieve my inspirational vision as a transformative leader. Additionally, I want to encourage them, help them out, and recognize their accomplishments.

As a servant leader, I put the needs of others first and create an environment that is welcoming, encouraging, and collaborative. By putting my followers’ needs first, I will increase their trust and loyalty, which will help our team accomplish its objectives. This means actively listening to them, providing guidance, and speaking out for their needs inside the company. A leader has to live by a set of ideals. The components of leadership theories that are most significant to me constitute the foundation of my framework for leadership. The aspects employed include communication, vision, emotional intelligence, and an emphasis on results.

Dimension 1; Communication

I have always thought that effective communication is essential to my servant-centered and transformational leadership philosophies. However, in accordance with Bandura’s Social Learning Theory from 1986, my communication abilities may have an impact on the behavior of others who pay attention to me. This concept holds that people learn new abilities and values through imitating and patterning themselves after the people they hold in high regard. As long as my followers continue to see me as a trustworthy leader, they will probably use my style of communication.

This insight has made me more conscious of how my words affect others who are following me. My followers are trying to learn how to communicate better by copying what I do, which might have a big influence on how effective our team is as a whole. I’ve given priority to displaying the kind of communication abilities that will inspire my subordinates to follow in my footsteps. I want to create a positive feedback loop of effective communication by setting an example for my staff.

My respect for casual comments has grown along with my knowledge of the Social Learning Theory. The followers’ opinions are a priceless resource for developing one’s communication abilities since, in accordance with the Social Learning Theory, individuals learn new skills by copying the behaviors of those they like (Lee & Kim, 2019). I’ve made it a goal to aggressively seek input from my followers in order to foster a culture of open dialogue and criticism. I listen to what people have to say, take into account their advice, and modify my communication style as necessary.

According to study that was published in the Journal of Leadership Education (Lee & Kim, 2019), a leader’s capacity to communicate effectively may determine whether a group succeeds or fails. A research in the Journal of Applied Psychology (Shoss, Witt, & Vera, 2016) found that leaders who can effectively communicate their vision to their team members have superior commercial results. In a research that was published in the Academy of Management Journal (AMJ), Foss, Lindenberg, and Warglien (2018) shown that transformational leaders who communicate their vision and objectives to their workforce had a higher chance of success. The success of a leader’s team depends on their capacity for effective communication.

The degree to which I and my followers practice active listening, message clarity, and successful communication will determine how well the communication component is appraised. A poll will assess my communicating skills and my fans. By using a framework of communication abilities developed by other research, questions will be posed to assess clarity, attention, and verbal proficiency. The survey’s findings will be analyzed to identify any issues, and action will be made to address them (McAllister et al., 2016).

To determine how well-liked my speech is among the general public, I shall poll my supporters, teammates, and coworkers. In order to gain a thorough picture of my communication abilities, it is essential that I get feedback from a variety of sources. The poll responses will be kept confidential to encourage open conversation. A dashboard will emphasize important communication skill indicators, such as clarity, active listening, and the ability to convey information effectively, to track progress. The dashboard will monitor progress over time, making it simple to identify what functions and what is required. We’ll set up checkpoints to track our progress and recognize our accomplishments.

Dimension 2: Vision

What we mean when we say that leaders have a vision is the capacity to see a future that is better than the present. A visionary transformational leader may convey an inspiring vision that inspires others to strive toward a shared goal. According to Waldman and Siegel (2019), the positive association between visionary leadership and organizational performance was mediated by employee dedication and confidence in the boss. For instance, according to van Dierendonck (2019), transformational leaders are often recognized for their capacity to uplift and inspire people with their vision for the future.

A vision has also been connected to servant leadership since it is expected that these leaders would have a clear sense of purpose and mission that will guide their leadership style (van Dierendonck, 2019). A key component of leadership that has been related to effective results for the leader and the organization is vision. Painting a convincing image for their followers to use as a guide while they work toward a shared goal is one way that leaders contribute to the success of the company.

According to Avolio & Gardner (2018), effective leadership requires a clear vision. Similar findings were made by Stachowicz-Stanusch and Hryciuk (2017), who discovered that leaders who can convey an inspiring vision are more likely to inspire their teams to work together to realize it. These conclusions are supported by my experiences as a volunteer, team member, and college student. Teams with a clear vision are more successful, according to my findings, and this is because everyone on the team is working toward the same objective.

A survey will be conducted to determine how committed and passionate members are about achieving the group’s objective. This research will survey my employees, team members, and supporters. The survey questions will be developed to determine how closely team members’ goals line up with the group’s overall purpose. The survey will also gauge how the team feels about the leader’s ability to articulate the vision and assess its compatibility with the company’s overarching goals. To monitor development along the visual dimension, a dashboard stressing critical indicators of motivation and commitment toward achieving the shared objective will be employed. The dashboard will also demonstrate how effectively each team member’s goals line up with the group’s overarching aim. Monitoring progress will allow me to determine if the team’s efforts are paying off and whether the vision has been effectively communicated.

Dimension 3: Emotional Intelligence

Effective leadership requires a thorough understanding of and control over both one’s own emotional intelligence and that of followers. I understand that having emotional intelligence is essential for leading my stakeholders and followers since I am a transformational and service-oriented leader. I’ve concluded that my intelligence is on par with the typical person’s using the knowledge I’ve gained from my experiences and the data I’ve gathered through my research.

Conducting surveys of myself, my direct reports, and any coworkers or employees with views is the first step in figuring out my EQ. My self-awareness, ego control, ability to empathize, and interpersonal skills will be assessed using these questionnaires (Zhang et al., 2019). We will hide respondents’ names throughout the surveys in order to elicit more sincere replies (Huang et al., 2017). The survey’s findings will reveal my emotional quotient as well as potential development areas.

Using a dashboard with important indicators like self-awareness, emotion management, and connection building is advised by the Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies (Lopez & Tost, 2020) to track one’s progress in key emotional intelligence domains (Cooper, 2016). I can monitor my progress, pinpoint issue areas, and create an improvement strategy thanks to the dashboard.

Concepts like specialized treatment, mental challenge, constructive peer pressure, and self-improvement motivation may be used to track my emotional intelligence. According to Jordan & Troth (2016), customized care entails showing interest in each follower’s growth, adjusting one’s advice to suit each person’s unique requirements and objectives, and consistently encouraging each follower one-on-one. You need to foster an atmosphere that encourages creative thinking, question the views of people you manage, and support their personal and professional development if you want to give intellectual stimulation (Wang et al., 2016). To have the greatest impact, one must inspire others who follow them to accept their moral code by acting as a role model. Last but not least, inspiring motivation encourages and empowers individuals to reach their objectives by giving them purpose and direction as well as by setting high standards for achievement.

In order to effectively manage my team and the people that depend on us for success, I understand how important it is to develop my emotional intelligence (Joseph and Newman, 2015). I want to do a thorough assessment of my emotional intelligence, track my development using a dashboard that emphasizes key indicators, and assess my development using the ideas of individualized care, intellectual challenge, idealized leadership, and inspiring drive.

Dimension 4: Results Orientation

Setting priorities for actions and efforts to complete the task and motivating people to work to the best of their ability are both characteristics of leadership focused on accomplishing results. The results of a recent research by Tangirala and Ramanujam (2018), published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, suggest that transformational leaders who emphasize outcomes orientation are more likely to inspire their subordinates to work toward the accomplishment of organizational objectives. Achieving one’s objectives has a beneficial influence on work satisfaction and corporate loyalty, according to Choi, Kim, and Kim (2020). The association between outcomes orientation and enhanced organizational performance was the focus of this research. outcomes orientation is a crucial element of good leadership, according to studies on the subject of leadership and the dimension of outcomes orientation. Additionally, it affects leadership effectiveness, organizational loyalty, work satisfaction, and employee drive.

Results orientation is crucial to me as a leader because I believe in responsibility and excellence (Judge et al., 2017). To earn the respect and admiration of my audience and those who have a stake in my success, I must complete my tasks. Teams that concentrate on outcomes are more likely to be highly motivated and committed to achieving their goals, according to the research (Hoch et al., 2018). Ruderman et al.’s (2017) study in the Journal of Leadership Education showed that developing leaders with an eye on bettering organizational results is an effective technique.

Establishing the most important goals and objectives is the first step in analyzing the outcomes orientation dimension. Monitoring progress and achieving intended results depend on having clearly stated, measurable targets. I will first determine my goals and objectives, and then I’ll collect empirical data to gauge how well my team and I are doing in achieving them. Project completion rates, client satisfaction scores, and financial advantages are a few examples of this information. We’ll poll my supporters, colleagues, and stakeholders to find out how they feel about the team’s results-driven approach. In addition, responders will be questioned about how the team might concentrate more intently on accomplishing outcomes. The survey findings may be used to identify areas for improvement and get useful insight into the team’s strengths and limitations. Monitoring progress is essential to a results-based attitude. Progress will be tracked using a dashboard that emphasizes the crucial KPIs of outcomes orientation. Measureable results include things like completed projects, satisfied customers, and money. I can track our progress using the dashboard and make data-driven choices to constantly increase our results-focus.


The topic of leadership is complex and has been thoroughly studied. My leadership philosophies are heavily influenced by transformational and servant leadership ideologies. My leadership philosophy is built on four pillars: communication, vision, emotional intelligence, and a focus on outcomes. Effective leadership structures must include leaders who can motivate and uplift their subordinates with their words. A group’s efforts may be focused and brought together by a well defined plan. Success requires an understanding of the importance of emotional intelligence. I will have a common vision, be personable, encourage people to grow their emotional intelligence, and have a laser-like focus on outcomes as a leader. These elements support my ability to inspire my team, lead effectively, and accomplish my goals. In order to better serve my team and our stakeholders, I’m dedicated to growing in these areas and hone my leadership approach. People will be inspired to work hard and help us accomplish our shared objectives as a result.


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