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Assessment of the Effect of Patient Care


The chronic condition of diabetes is one of the complex challenges facing the healthcare system. Therefore, its influence on patient care, safety, and costs should be thoroughly assessed. While the incidence of diabetes is increasing worldwide, this issue has become a severe health problem that affects individuals, families, communities, and the entire nation. This essay analyzes the complex interdependence of diabetes and the care quality, patient safety, and healthcare costs. These hours were spent meeting with people and groups dealing with diabetes, supported by meetings with the subject matter experts. Through this reflective exercise, the practitioner can assess how the experience of the patient, family, or population problem has impacted them. The approach is more nuanced than a mere summary of the events. Through evaluating evidence-based practices, leadership impact, policy effects, and the possible barriers encountered, this exploration will explore the complexities of diabetes management within the healthcare system. Weaving through these complexities, the healthcare professional uses the assessment as a data source to continually improve diabetes care, promote patient safety, and optimize healthcare resources.

Part 1: Assess the effect of the patient

To comprehend how diabetes impacts patient safety, quality of care, and costs, the exploration was performed by spending the practicum hours with the individuals and consulting with the subject matter experts. The findings of this holistic partnership uncover that diabetes has a multidimensional impact on the healthcare chain.

Patient Safety Events

In the practicum hours that were underlined by the effects of diabetes, some severe patient safety events were identified. Individuals who have diabetes talk about the times when they experience hypoglycemic episodes and hyperglycemic crises, which means that they are prone to high risk. This highlights the urgent need to develop specific interventions and individualized care plans to prevent life-threatening outcomes. Diabetes patient safety concerns should be addressed comprehensively to improve the quality of care for patients facing diabetes burdens.

Healthcare Utilization

Emergency department (ED) visits and hospitalizations are considered major determinants of the burden of diabetes on health services utilization (Chen et al., 2020). The group’s ED visits were higher than the average, suggesting the unpredictable and rapid progression of diabetes-related complications. Hospitalizations were also frequent, thus showing the extent to which it burdened the healthcare system and individuals involved.

Times they have been hospitalized.

It was observed that patients with diabetes had hospitalizations more often as compared to other diseases. The group’s hospitalization rate was different in number, which proved the significant impact of diabetes on healthcare utilization among these people. This high inpatient care requirement demonstrates the complexity of the problem of managing diabetes-related complications and, therefore, the need for the implementation of targeted interventions aiming at prevention and better management. Considering and addressing the factors that underlie hospitalizations will significantly improve patient outcomes and relieve the pressure on the health system.

Medications are needed to manage the problem.

The patients stressed that they take several medications to manage the condition effectively. Such a treatment regime commonly comprises insulin, oral antidiabetic medicines, and other auxiliary drugs. The number of drugs used by the patients differed from one another, suggesting individualized therapy. The implication of this insight is the complex pharmacological management that is required for diabetes, with a focus on individualized treatment plans to cater to the needs of the different groups of patients with this chronic condition.

Insurance pays for these medications.

Insurance coverage for diabetic medications has the most significant variations among patients. Certain prescribed drugs are covered, while others are not fully covered by insurance. This variability of coverage translates into financial issues for such persons with diabetes, making their adherence to prescribed drug regimens a challenge. The inseparable link between the cost of healthcare and insurance coverage becomes a crucial element in the comprehensive management of diabetes, thus affecting patient’s access to vital medications and, in turn, resulting in inferior treatment outcomes.

Medications caused any side effects.

They stated that when using the prescribed medicines, they experienced several side effects during the practicum time. These side effects varied from mild, like gastrointestinal problems, to severe reactions, including allergies. The existence of side effects calls for complicated management of the diabetes pharmacologically. It indicates the necessity of continuous tracking and adjusting medication regimens to ensure the safety and well-being of the patients. It is at this moment emphasized that the personalized approach to medicament administration is the key to the fight against diabetes medications’ heterogeneous responses and adverse complications (Kumar et al., 2024).

Doctors’ visits or other therapies needed

Some patients needed more frequent visits and therapies, while others required less. The variability of healthcare issues reflects the personalized approach to diabetes management. Regular medical monitoring, check-ups, and therapeutic interventions are incredibly vital for the control and management of diabetes. Analyzing the individual needs for treatment and therapies will help us to design health plans for people with diabetes.

Insurance pays for these visits or treatments.

The coverage for doctor’s visits and other therapies related to diabetes management varies from one individual to another. Although some people could have the whole insurance coverage, which can refund the medical costs, others might have limitations or gaps in insurance coverage. The financial concerns that come with insurance coverage make regular medical visits and essential diabetes treatments inaccessible. The intersection of healthcare financing and insurance coverage is a crucial element in determining whether people can afford and get the needed diabetes care services that are essential for the proper management of diabetes.

Part 2: Practical Experience and Excursion

For the first two practice hours, my goal has been communicating with people with diabetes, understanding their perspectives, presenting the problem, and determining possible solutions.

Who I met

I met a mixed group of people, including patients, their family members, and carers with diabetes. The diverse range of participants, therefore, provided a holistic view of how diabetes is affecting different aspects of their lives.

What I learned 

These conversations allowed me to hear first-hand about the daily challenges that people with diabetes are dealing with. What they went through demonstrated the condition’s emotional, financial, and physical impact, stressing the need for a holistic, patient-centered care system.

The evidence-based practice (EBP) documents

I reviewed the EBP sources and authoritative websites that placed a strong emphasis on the current practices in the management of diabetes. This information suggested the role of individualized care plans, constant monitoring, and incorporation of patient voice in treatment strategies (Rising et al., 2021).

Experience in exploring the influence of leadership, collaboration

Using the literature’s knowledge of leadership and health policy, I overcame complex obstacles during my practicum. Communication issues and pre-existing misperceptions have contributed to the problem acceptance difficulty. Implementing efficient leadership and communication skills, I generated a climate of urgency and used data aligned with policy. The varying perceptions in the group spurred the group to revise its problem formulation, bringing it in line with their experiences. Creating the presentation could have been made more effective by incorporating visual aids and planning for more time for individual discussions. Even though these challenges are there, it was a learning opportunity that emphasized the critical roles of adaptive leadership and communication in making a difference in diabetes care.

The assessment requirements

In accomplishing the assessment criteria assignment, the quality of care, patient safety, and cost were examined in the context of the patient problem, diabetes. Empirical evidence showed that diabetes is a complex condition, which agrees with practical experience in nursing practice (Schillinger et al., 2023). Diabetes management was elucidated via the state Board of Nursing Practice standards and policies on diabetes management. It was shown that these standards and policies determine care quality, patient safety, and costs (van Kessel et al., 2022). The studies were cited to prove the effectiveness of the said standards and policies, laying down the direction for future patient care.

The influence of the local, state, and federal policies on diabetes care nursing practice was shown, with the implication of their broader significance on the quality, safety, and costs of nursing care. They were proposing directed intervention, research-based effectiveness, and geared towards improving the quality of diabetes care, patient safety, and cost-effectiveness. This step of identifying benchmark data sources was the central pillar that supported the evidence-based approach. Completing practicum hours in the Capella Academic Portal Volunteer Experience Form confirmed that the immersion was practiced as in the assessment framework. This holistic approach combines theoretical knowledge with practical experiences and evidence-based strategies, thus helping the nurses to effectively respond to the impact of diabetes on patient care, safety, and costs in the nursing context.


Chen, C., Song, J., Xu, X., Zhou, L., Wang, Y., & Chen, H. (2020). Analysis of influencing factors of economic burden and medical service utilization of diabetic patients in China. PloS one, 15(10), e0239844.

Kumar, S., Sanap, S. N., Pandey, P., Khopade, A., & Sawant, K. K. (2024). Glucagon: Delivery Advancements for Hypoglycemia Management. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 123785.

Rising, K. L., Gentsch, A. T., Mills, G., LaNoue, M., Doty, A. M., Cunningham, A., … & Hollander, J. E. (2021). Patient-important outcomes to inform shared decision-making and goal setting for diabetes treatment. Patient Education and Counseling, 104(10), 2592–2597.

Schillinger, D., Bullock, A., Powell, C., Fukagawa, N. K., Greenlee, M. C., Towne, J., … & Herman, W. H. (2023). The National Clinical Care Commission report to Congress: Leveraging federal policies and programs for population-level diabetes prevention and control: Recommendations from the National Clinical Care Commission. Diabetes Care, 46(2), e24-e38.

Van Kessel, R., Hrzic, R., O’Nuallain, E., Weir, E., Wong, B. L. H., Anderson, M., … & Mossialos, E. (2022). Digital health paradox: International policy perspectives addressing increased health inequalities for people with disabilities. Journal of medical Internet research, 24(2), e33819.doi:10.2196/33819


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