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Artificial Intelligence In Marketing Essays

Online Marketing Strategies

Introduction Online marketing, also known as internet marketing, involves using interactive, intelligent, and virtual components to promote and advance business ventures and commodities on the internet. Organizations have increasingly incorporated technology in their marketing strategies to make strategic changes to client-focused marketing, integrative innovative marketing activities, and utilize digital marketing to achieve the primary marketing ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1878

New Technologies in The Field of Business

Introduction Technology has revolutionized how businesses operate and has enormously impacted the global economy. As technology rapidly evolves, so do the opportunities available to businesses. The challenge for businesses is assessing new technologies in their field and deciding which one best suits their needs. This report will determine three new technologies in the field of ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1400
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Understanding the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing of Organisations

Introduction Firm strategy and business paradigms vary because of technological breakthroughs, such as PCs, the Internet, and cell phones. As a result of these improvements, firms are better able to manage consumer needs and deliver services. Aside from these findings, it has been found that knowledge-based organisations develop, share, and utilise knowledge as a fundamental ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2447
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