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Art Essays

Understanding and Analyzing Modernity in Art and Literature

The ideas of Modernism and Postmodernism are essential developments in the perspective of 20th-century art and literature, significantly shaping the works of numerous writers, such as T.S. Eliot. Modernism is distinguished by its rejection of accepted forms and the focus on new techniques and approaches. The approach reflects a rapidly changing world because of industrialization, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1380

Curation Program Statement

List of Films Dimensions of Dialogue. Directed by Jan Švankmajer. Czechoslovak, 1982. 12:07 – 15:50 (3 min) A stop motion animation about communication and dialogue. L’Âge d’Or. Directed by Luis Buñuel. France, 1930. 05:00 – 08:30 (3 min) A couple attempted to consummate but was stopped by their family, the Church, and the bourgeois society. The ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1031
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Art, Commerce, and Colonialism: Unraveling Global Dynamics From 1600 to 1800 Through Critical Approaches

Against this backdrop of monumental changes in the world stage that saw the rise and fall of empires, the change of ages in world views, and tremendous socio-political changes around the globe, 1600 to 1800 is a period that unfolds. In such dynamic undercurrents, the domain of art and visual culture experiences a massive transformation ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1866

The Illusion of Reality: Leonardo da Vinci’s Innovations in ‘The Last Supper’ and Contemporary Perspectives

Introduction Illusionism is a captivating artistic expression that creates misleading appearances to question the viewer’s idea of Reality (Fischnaller 703). This essay explores the intriguing realm of illusionism, explicitly highlighting the pioneering advancements made by Leonardo da Vinci, a renowned artist of the Italian Renaissance. Our investigation focuses on da Vinci’s renowned artwork, The Last ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1850

Blade Runner’s Invitation To Empathize With the Replicant Experience

Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner is a cinematographical masterpiece, both for the innovative manner in which it portrays visual and narrative content but also due to its contemplative investigation of this concept known as humanity. At the heart of the theme lies a unique representation by which replicants, bioengineered beings to serve mankind, are presented (IMDb). ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1304

The Landing of Roger Williams in 1636, 1857 by Alonzo Chappel and Trial by Jury, 1849 A. Wighe

To begin with, the RISD museum has an impression of organized excellence. RISD Museum is well structured, and the pieces showcased there are striking in such a way that art viewers enjoy their stay. It has preserved pieces from different eras, capturing historical events and moments. The museum’s art collection highlights American and European paintings ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1036

The Feasibility and Importance of Illustration as an Art Healing Tool: A Comprehensive Analysis

Introduction Art and psychology have evolved the field of art healing, and it is a process that stimulates stress alleviation. According to Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, art is an instrument that helps illustrate the abysses of human psychology. In various art healing forms, drawing is not only an artistic form but also has storytelling ability ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1149

Analysis of Starry Night by Van Gogh

The potential of oil paint for depth, versatility and durability has long been recognized as a favoured medium by artists. Oil paint is arguably unrivalled in terms of rich texture and colour saturation compared to other painting media such as acrylics or watercolours. One of the reasons why artists can achieve complex gradients and textures ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 850

Elements of Dance

Introduction Crystal Pite is among the most prominent choreographers of Canadian nationality and is famous in the global dance world. Her works explore the dynamics of human emotions and interactions; through them, she expresses strong narratives by movement. In this regard, the chosen dance presents quite an interesting challenge for analysis. From it, one can ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 982

The Art of Photography

We have studied different forms in this course, but I am interested in photography. It is an art that allows people to lock moments in time, narrate fascinating stories, and endorse their ideas. This makes aspiring photographers enter the world where talent and technology unite, where a photographer must combine artistic innovation and technical skills to ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 902

Artist of the Year Award

For me, artistry means being a channel. Art captures intimate feelings and thoughts, making them visible. An artist captures the ethereal nature of emotions, stories, and our generation’s most pressing issues and traps them, retaining their universality so that they are felt viscerally by all. Being an artist is about forming a bond between the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 897

Comparing and Contrasting Two Historical Figures: Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo

Introduction Many people over the years have changed the world in ways that mark them indelibly and set them apart from other generations; they change history. Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo Buonarroti stand among the most significant figures of the Italian Renaissance – a time that led to an artificially resuscitated idea (Pope-Hennessy, 2023). Their ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1135

Comparing Visual Arts

Visual 1 (Hesy-Ra – Egyptian Relief Carving): The “Relief of Hesy-Ra from his Mastaba” is an exciting piece of Egyptian art. It is a relief carving of Hesy-Ra sitting in front of an offering table. In 2011, this piece was made by the artist James Edward Quibell or a work based on his (Hesy-Ra,2011). The ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1667

A Recall on My Grandparent’s Oak Treehouse

In the fabric of my life, there is one singular event that can be considered a paradigm shift in terms of me seeing things differently and leaving its imprint on my path. This life-changing event happened during a summer that I had spent in my grandparent’s house, where an innocent treehouse located behind their home ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 901

Eddy Kamuanga Ilunga’s Artistic Response to Globalization

The fascinating artwork by Eddy Kamuanga Ilunga, titled “L’attitude face à la mondialisation” or Attitudes toward Globalization, opens the door to a visual world that entangles tradition and state-of-the-art finds along with this mind-boggling globalization art. The central figure, a Mangbetu woman, becomes the image of an amalgamation between national cultural and identity confrontation in a ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1070
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