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The Landing of Roger Williams in 1636, 1857 by Alonzo Chappel and Trial by Jury, 1849 A. Wighe

To begin with, the RISD museum has an impression of organized excellence. RISD Museum is well structured, and the pieces showcased there are striking in such a way that art viewers enjoy their stay. It has preserved pieces from different eras, capturing historical events and moments. The museum’s art collection highlights American and European paintings from different periods. My tour taught me about different arts depicting multiple cultures and their various themes. It was enriching in the aspect of exploring America and other places. Artists have demonstrated their creativity by using their imagination to project the perception of events in different eras.

The Landing of Roger Williams in 1636, 1857 by Alonzo Chappel and Trial by Jury, 1849 A. Wighe are two different pieces from different periods that represent what happens in society. This is in terms of the political atmosphere in these two different eras. These two pieces were showcased in one room. This was so because they are both political historical pieces. The artist demonstrates their art differently, but all seem to have one agenda: to represent what is happening in their society. This is in terms of power influence and how the justice system works. The displays of these two pieces were exhibited in an orderly manner. The museum tried to group pieces that represent similar themes. This type of organization is effective since it allows one to concentrate on the individual classification of art. The most intriguing thing about RISD Museum is how the museum allowed room for its guests by creating a spacious exhibit environment. This paper will analyze two art pieces, The Landing of Roger Williams in 1636, 1857 by Alonzo Chappel and Trial by Jury, 1849 by A. Wighe. It will provide an in-depth outlook on style, medium, and imagery.

Artist: Alonzo Chappel

Title: The Landing of Roger Williams in 1636, 1857

The Landing of Roger Williams in 1636, 1857

This is a piece of art which was created in the year 1857. It is a painting that was used to illustrate issues that members of society were facing at the time. To be specific, Alonzo Chappel portrays the arrival of Rodger Williams in the year 1636. He was arriving in what is known at the present as Rhode Island. In this piece, Rodger Williams is illustrated as being welcomed by the Narragansett people. These individuals were already residing in what is now known as Rhode Island. The events that resulted in the creation of this piece were that the United States had formulated policies that forced thousands of Native Americans into reservations. Native Americans had to flee their homeland to European settlements, and this is what heroized this particular image.

The Landing of Roger Williams in 1636, 1857 is an image aimed at telling historical truths while representing society at the same time. Chapel does well by using a historical event to demonstrate how society functions in terms of power. The colors used in this image are fitting to depict events accurately. The medium used here is that of oil and canvas. Furthermore, the 1857 painting is a historical piece that has ensured that history lived on. As an artist, Chapel has incredibly depicted what society encompasses in terms of supporting dominant power hierarchies. Political representation is realistic considering the events occurring in his era.

Artist: A. Wighe

Title: Trial by Jury, 1849

Trial by Jury, 1849

This piece was created by American artist Wighe in 1849. The medium through which it was painted was oil on canvas. Trial by Jury is a historical artwork representing America’s justice system. It is visible that the painting has taken place in a barn, demonstrating a trial. This trial is assumed to be of the individual whose figure has leaned back in the Windsor chair. From the arts name, this piece’s political aspect can be noted. During this era, the Whig party existed; as such, the artist’s name provides a direct connection to occurring events. This work was created after the 1848 presidential election in the United States. Whig’s candidate Zachary Taylor won this election. Moreover, this particular individual was a slaveholding American and thus demonstrating the state in which the country was in. He was a Southerner, and his election led to further division between the North and the South.

To say the least, the events captured in this piece communicate how the Civil War in America came to be. The events that further divided the South and the North are demonstrated here. This is in how slavery was an issue and how the collapse of the Whig Party contributed to the Civil War. However, despite showing events that might have led to the civil war, the artist instead concentrates on the less severe issues that still contributed to the war. The tone of this piece shows an active political role in America, with the essence of art being shown. More than one event occurs in this piece of art, challenging the audience to choose their interpretation. For instance, a guy is whispering to another in the piece, displaying how other individuals influence the outcome of events in the justice system. Some bystanders have little influence on what happens in such proceedings. In this case, they are the society.

Work Cited

Wighe. 1849 Trial by Jury. Retrieved from

Alonzo Chappel. The Landing of Roger Williams in 1636. Retrieved from


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