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Arizona Essays

Arizona and Jamestown Drought

The Arizona and Jamestown droughts occurred at different times and in different geographical setups. However, I share some insights on their effects, with the Jamestown drought being the hardest hit. The two have negatively impacted the environment, an economy based on different industries, agricultural activities and the ecosystem. This work focuses on the two droughts, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 989

Unusual and Unique Laws in Arizona

Regulations are charged with almost every aspect of human conduct. Because this is, in several ways, an overpowering obligation, there must be some laws that appear weird. Again, some regulations made sense when passed for the first time but then turned out to be superseded with time. Several such laws are so ingrained in individuals’ ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1777
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The Meteor Crater in Arizona

Introduction The Meteor Crater, situated close to Winslow, Arizona, is an influential land formation coming about because of a shooting star influence that happened roughly a long time back during the Pleistocene age. The crater, or Barringer crater, ranges almost 1,200 meters in width and 170 meters from top to bottom, making it one of ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 733
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