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Applied Behavior Analysis


This paper explores a heartbreaking incident of a horrendous attack on a 65-year-old Filipino immigrant named Vilma Kari in the vicinity of Times Square in New York. The attacker, driven by xenophobia, kicked and struck her while throwing hateful remarks, giving evidence of a bold act of violence. More shockingly, with a security guard in office clothes closing the front door and leaving the victim lying on the sidewalk, three pedestrians, including a guard in the luxury apartment building, coldheartedly did not intervene to save her. The incident, as seen in the video, evidences both the audacity of the act and the apparent lack of interest by those who perhaps could have helped stop it. In regard to the worsening anti-Asian hate crimes, this incident has brought fear and distress to the Asian-American community, showing the urgent necessity for some preventive measures. Finally, the paper discusses the core ethical principles violated in this case, that is, the duty to benefit others, treating individuals with compassion and respect, behaving with integrity, and ensuring professional competence. Vilma Kari’s abandonment by the bystanders illustrates just breach of these principles. The paper proposes preventive actions like increased public awareness and education, strengthened legislation and reporting mechanisms against hate crimes, and community engagement to promote cultural competence. All in all, the case study brings out a relevant call for action to therapists, agencies, and the society at large based on ethics, collaborate, and create a safer and more inclusive environment for marginalized populations.


The present case being discussed is a violent assault of a 65-year-old Filipino immigrant named Vilma Kari in the Times Square region of New York. The assailant kicked her in the stomach, struck her several times in the head, and verbally abused her with xenophobic remarks, “You don’t belong here” (Hong et al., 2021). Amazingly, there were three men in the lobby of a luxury apartment complex who watched the attack, with one of them, a security guard, cold-heartedly closing the front door, leaving the victim lying on the sidewalk. The attack, video recorded, shows the brazenness of the assault and the negligence of observers (Hong et al., 2021). Within an emerging anti-Asian hate crime scenario, this incident has raised fear and anxiety among Asian-Americans, which marked the need for more effective treatments.

Core Ethical Principles Broken

Benefit Others

  1. Protecting the welfare and rights of clients above all others: Vilma Kari, being a defenseless older woman, was subjected to attack, which clearly violated the protection of her welfare and rights. The bystanders, including the security guard, did nothing to intervene, being more concerned about their interests than the victim’s security.
  2. Focusing on the short- and long-term effects of professional activities: The bystanders did not pay any attention to the long-run consequences of their inaction on the victim’s health. Their coldness and indifference symbolize a culture of fear among Asian Americans, preventing the achievement of a fear-free environment for clients.
  3. Actively identifying and addressing potential negative impacts of one’s own mental health on professional activities: The presence of the bystanders, by not interfering, let the act of violence of the attacker continue, forgetting the negative outcome on their mental health and adding more to the hostile environment.

Treat Others with Compassion, Dignity, and Respect

  1. Treating others equitably: The attack, together with bystander apathy, shows a clear failure in ensuring equality, especially against the background of racial injustice. The ethnicity of the victim became the basis of the assault, and bystanders did not intervene because of a shared sense of humanity.
  2. Respecting and actively promoting the client’s self-determination: At that moment, the victim lost her agency and self-determination because the bystanders were not intervening. They did not vigorously protect her of her right to safety and dignity.

Behave with Integrity

  1. Behaving in an honest and trustworthy manner: The bystanders, especially the security guard, did not display honesty and trustworthiness as they not only refused to open the door but also did not help the victim in need.
  2. Not misrepresenting themselves or engaging in fraud: Their actions were not a direct misrepresentation of themselves. However, they inferred the absence of empathy and compassion that a responsible person would display in such circumstances.
  3. Following through on obligations: Bystanders had a duty to intervene and guarantee the victim’s safety; however, they acted contrary to this duty.

Ensure their Competence

  1. Remaining within the professional scope of practice: The bystanders, especially the security guard, steered away from the professional conduct expected from them by failing to render assistance and guaranteeing the victim’s safety.

Suggestions for Prevention

  1. Increased Public Awareness and Education

To avoid events like this, agencies, and clinicians should concentrate on boosting public awareness and education of the effect bystander intervention has. Training programs should emphasize the individual’s accountability to protect and aid vulnerable populations, hence creating a culture of duty of self to intervene in such situations.

  1. Strengthening Legislation and Reporting Mechanisms

Agencies must push for tougher laws against hate crimes and discrimination. Also, improving reporting mechanisms and encouraging victims and witnesses to come forward can help develop a better picture of the prevalence of such events and quick responses from law enforcement.

  1. Community Engagement and Cultural Competence

Therapists and agencies may be part of the community engagement to raise cultural sensitivity. By promoting the comprehension and acknowledgment of various cultures, possibly it could be less likely for people to commit violence derived from prejudice. This involves tackling the underlying factors as well as making spaces where everyone feels secure and included.


The case of Vilma Kari’s cruel attack in Times Square intensifies the necessity of addressing the fundamental core ethical principles of behavior analysts. Targeting the principles of benefiting others, treating others with compassion and dignity, and behaving with integrity, therapists and agencies can, therefore, regulate the occurrence of such cases. Public awareness, legislative advocacy, and community engagement are the key elements of a holistic approach to avert hate crimes and safeguard the safety and welfare of these vulnerable groups. This case places motivation upon the professionals and the community at large to make efforts together in order to achieve a society that values the right of every person to be respected and no one to be exploited.


Hong, N., Kim, J., Watkins, A., & Southall, A. (2021, March 31). Brutal Attack On Filipino Woman Sparks Outrage. The ASEAN Post.


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