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Apple Change Management


Organizational change in a company is an essential aspect that every organization should adopt due to the evolving nature of the business environment. The business environment changes daily due to internal and external factors, which the organization needs control over. This change also allows the companies to change their management, driving successful adoption and usage of change within the organization, which helps the organization grow. Following this organization and its impacts on the organization leads to this research paper to focus on Apple Inc. This multinational company is known for its innovative products that it puts into the market for its consumers worldwide. The paper will examine the contemporary issues Apple Company faces regarding change management; it will also evaluate the possible reasons for this change and explore the components of its change strategy. It will also identify the possible organizational change model that the company employs and discuss the significance of adjusting the structure that the company can deploy to achieve successful outcomes.

Relevance of the topic

Considering the dynamic changes that usually happen in the business sector, this management organizational change topic is highly relevant for companies. As technology advances, work output evolves, workplaces change, competition increases daily, and government regulation on how the companies should operate these factors keep affecting the operations and the dynamics of the company (Avdeeva et al., 2021). Thus organizational change helps the company to effectively many this change and adapt to it and helps it compete with its competitors and thrive effectively.

Main objectives of this research

The main objectives of this research paper are to analyze how apple limited company approach on how it approaches to change in management and to understand the possible reasons for the change and the components of its change strategy. The paper also aims to identify the organizational models that Apple uses when employing its changes and discuss the significance of adjusting the company’s structure. This is because the change allows the company to change its management, driving successful adoption and usage of change within the organization, which helps the organization grow.


Contemporary issues fostering the change

The main contemporary reason for Apple to change its management is the level of technology where rapid technological advancements, such as the rise of artificial intelligence, the internet of things, and cloud computing, forces the company to make changes to meet this rising technology (Jacobsen, 2021). Due to this technology, apple changes its product development, manufacturing process, chain supply, and customer interactions. Another reason for the change is the evolving workforce whereby with a diverse and global workforce, Apple faces the challenge of managing cultural differences, attracting and retaining talent, and fostering innovation and collaboration. Still, the changes help the company to accommodate all these issues. According to Edge & Trouton (2019), Stiff competition from competitors who produce the same products as the company leads to changes since intense competition in the technology industry demands continuous innovation and differentiation, leading to changes in Apple’s product portfolio, market strategies, and supply chain management.

Government regulation also plays a greater role in the company’s management change whereby Compliance with various regulations, such as data privacy laws and environmental sustainability standards, has influenced Apple’s operations, product design, and corporate social responsibility initiatives. This factor forces the company to change and adapt because if it fails, it may be closed by the government by failing to abide by the rules and regulations governing the companies (Trivedi, 2019). Change of workplace is another reason whereby the shift towards remote work due to uncontrollable conditions such as the prevailing pandemic, which requires remote working and flexible work arrangements, has prompted Apple to adapt its organizational structure, communication channels, and collaboration tools that help in ensuring efficient workflow of the company activities. This challenge has made the company recognize the need for changes, which helps the company thrive in the global market and ensure customer satisfaction with its products and services (Trivedi, 2019).

Reasons for the change and components of the change strategy

The main reason that forces Apple to change is to ensure that they compete with its customers addresses market trends and sustains its growth. The main component that fosters this change is that the company strategy includes the innovation-driven approach whereby under this strategy, the company emphasizes constant innovation, investing heavily in research and development to introduce groundbreaking products and technologies. According to Edge & Trouton (2019), market forces recently forced the company to produce phones of type C and simultaneously produce tier phones and laptops that accommodate the 5G networks worldwide. According to Passmore et al. (2019), Agile decision-making among the company management is another strategy whereby the change strategy in the company involves a fast-paced decision-making process, empowering cross-functional teams in the organization and other stakeholders in the company, including the shareholders and the employees, and embracing iterative development cycles.

Additionally, strategic partnership with other stakeholders is another change strategy the company uses because it forms strategic alliances and partnerships to access new markets in areas where its products have been used before, acquire complementary technologies, and enhance its product offerings. According to Avdeeva et al. (2021), A typical example of partnership is the collaboration with Microsoft, whereby Apple collaborates with Microsoft to use some of its features to make its products and ensure customer satisfaction. Another strategy is the customer-centric focus, whereby Apple’s change strategy revolves around understanding and anticipating customer needs, improving user experience, and creating a seamless ecosystem of devices and services. According to Edge & Trouton (2023), Continuous learning and development also apply when changes are required since the company invests heavily in employee training, development programs that help in diversification and identification of innovation and creativity, and knowledge-sharing initiatives to adapt to technological advancements and ensure a skilled workforce in the company.

Apple change model

Since the company clearly understands the importance of having a change in the company and its effects on an organization. The company has adopted a model called ADKAR (Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, and Reinforcement) as a model of change management in the organization (Podolny et al., 2020). The company introduced this model because it focuses on the individual transitions during change and emphasizes creating awareness, fostering desire, providing knowledge and skills, enabling capability, and reinforcing change through incentives and recognition. Apart from this model, the company has also adopted Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model to steer its change objectives. This model, developed by Dr. John Kotter, emphasizes the importance of creating a sense of urgency, building a guiding coalition, developing a vision and strategy, communicating the change vision, and empowering employees (Podolny et al., 2020).

Adjusting the structure and culture of the company

In Apple’s change journey, adjusting structure or culture plays a crucial role. Apple has emphasized both aspects to drive change outcomes effectively. Initially, the organization focused on adjusting its structure by establishing cross-functional teams, streamlining communication channels, and encouraging collaboration across different departments in the company to allow it to realign roles, responsibilities, and processes to enable the efficient execution of change initiatives. According to Vlados (2019), This helps create the necessary framework and systems to support the intended change.

Following structural adjustments, addressing the cultural aspects becomes essential. Culture influences employees’ behaviors, attitudes, and ways of working. Apple Inc. understands the importance of fostering a culture that embraces innovation, agility, collaboration, and adaptability to respond to change effectively. By prioritizing culture, Apple Inc. ensures that employees are receptive to change, actively contribute to the change process, and sustain the desired changes in the long run (Vlados, 2019).


Change management is important for organizational success in today’s dynamic business environment that keeps changing. Apple Inc., as a multinational technology company, has effectively addressed contemporary issues through its change management efforts. By recognizing the need for change, implementing a comprehensive change strategy, and adopting Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model, Apple Inc. has demonstrated its ability to adapt and thrive. Moreover, the strategic sequence of adjusting structure and culture has played a significant role in Apple Inc.’s change outcomes, ensuring the successful implementation and sustainability of desired changes. Other organizations can learn from Apple Inc.’s experience to navigate the complexities of change and achieve positive outcomes in their respective industries.


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