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Analyzing and Assessing Trimetrix DNA Assessment


The purpose of the indigo trimetrix DNA evaluation is to provide people with knowledge and understanding of their personality traits. The DISC system, a technique that categorizes behavior into four main styles—dominance, influencing, stability, and compliance—is used to measure behaviors in the evaluation. The DISC scores show how people naturally react to different situations. The paper’s objectives are to discuss my DISC styles, highlight my top three skills in a brief, provide examples of real-world situations to illustrate my drivers and motivators, explain what it means to me to be aware of these results, and discuss my strongest and weakest personality traits. The second section of the essay will discuss how the aforementioned qualities might affect my performance at work and career. It will also identify the qualities that will probably be most important to me and those that I should work on, control, or enhance. This paper’s third section provides comprehensive written action plans that might be used to address the areas that were identified as requiring additional attention. A succinct synopsis of the evaluation and analysis of my trimetrix DNA assessment results finishes the study.

Part one

Compliance and steadiness rank highest on my DISC behavioral style score, followed by dominance and then influencing. I consider myself to be a peacemaker who prioritizes supporting others, working together, and upholding stability. I am frequently characterized as calm, patient, predictable, thoughtful, stable, and consistent. In general, I am driven by opportunities for cooperation, true gratitude, and opportunities to serve. In addition, I emphasize quality, precision, competence, and expertise the most. I also value independence, insist on accuracy, and am afraid of being wrong. High steadiness and compliance DISC scorers are consistently dependable, amiable, laid-back, and skilled problem solvers (Faust, 2019). On the other hand, I struggle to manage abrupt changes in activities, a chaotic atmosphere, and unclear expectations in systems. My top three abilities are creativity, innovation, and diplomacy. I’m also a conceptual thinker, and I excel at working with people from different functional backgrounds while tactfully leveraging networks of influence to advance progress and forging connections and networks with influential individuals. One time, when I worked as a supervisor at RED CODE TECHNOLOGIES, two employees got into a fight over a misunderstanding. I decided to break them up and actively listen to their complaints. After that, I told them that fighting was against the company’s compliance policies and punished them appropriately. In addition, I’m skilled at identifying distinctive patterns, variables, systems, and processes. I also combine ideas, data, systems, models, and processes to produce fresh and significant discoveries. In addition, I’m skilled in showcasing my capacity to spot themes, patterns, or connections that others may miss. I’m also adept at compiling speculative or abstract ideas to provide fresh perspectives in a corporate setting. I was once given the responsibility of analyzing monthly income and expenses at MAINLAND GREENHOUSE to spot trends, and profit/loss patterns, and create sophisticated policies based on the same. I was able to gather all of the company’s data, analyze it, and present it in the form of tables, graphs, and pie charts for simple viewing. I was also able to identify areas where the business needed to maintain its current state and make improvements.

My primary motivations for succeeding in my professional route are my desire to be industrious, resourceful, purposeful, and receptive. Along with being motivated by practical outcomes, which maximize efficiency and returns on investments of time, talent, energy, and resources, I’m also motivated to help others for a specific reason, not just to be helpful or encouraging. Moreover, I’m motivated by novel concepts, approaches, and chances that defy established norms. With this in mind, I tend to closely adhere to instructions to finish tasks that have been assigned to me. The need and desire to assume a leadership position also drives me. In addition to supporting each team member’s personal and professional growth and ensuring that everyone is aware of their roles and responsibilities and working towards the same goals, a competent leader makes sure the group stays committed to reaching the shared goal and fosters communication amongst team members (Emeritus, 2023). Knowing these findings, I feel that I have what it takes to start my own business, that I can effectively assist a leader and cause, and that I can stand my ground when my status or position is called into question. However, I struggle with enthusiasm, openness, energy, trust, and optimism.

To improve in these areas—energy, enthusiasm, optimism, trust, and openness—I also want to surround myself with positive and encouraging people and adopt a more positive outlook. I also want to get more organized, communicate effectively, value long-term relationships, always act with honesty and integrity, do fact-finding, especially at work, speak openly and honestly, and lastly, stay focused for extended periods. Being content with one’s life, seeing possibilities rather than problems, keeping active and involved in life, and making a positive impact on others are all necessary for becoming a more optimistic person (Rebecca, 2021).

Being calm and analytical are two of my strongest personality traits. Most of the time, I try to be more understanding, patient, self-aware, self-caring, and willing to use challenges to improve, particularly when it comes to my ability to perform at work. In addition, I enjoy analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of a decision and consulting data to support my decisions. Ultimately, though, I rely on my ability to solve problems and reason logically to come up with a solution. An analytical person is fastidious, loves facts and numbers, enjoys solving riddles and brainteasers, is usually a good listener, and prefers to work alone (7 Signs You May Have a Highly Analytical Personality, 2023). However, my issues with optimism and enthusiasm are the two aspects of my personality that I find the least strong. I also tend to be very weak at controlling my impulses, organizing myself, especially in a work environment, speaking honestly and directly, and experiencing intense and eager enjoyment or approval. Furthermore, I am very bad at ignoring problems rather than finding solutions, and I find it difficult to concentrate on the positive aspects of a situation, which means that I take a long time to make the necessary adjustments.

Part two

Being a composed, cooperative, independent, diplomatic, and devoted person would have a big impact on my professional path and output. These qualities, in my opinion, would increase my productivity at work, foster teamwork in the workplace, and promote the well-being of both individuals and organizations. I also think that by maintaining my composure, I would be better able to manage my stress and anxiety, make logical decisions, and interact with clients and coworkers effectively and respectfully. Being a sensitive person, I will be able to convey my moral character and act maturely, professionally, and with integrity at work. My degree of independence will also boost my self-esteem, confidence, and drive. An independent person is self-aware, capable of self-monitoring and self-correction, and able to take initiative rather than wait to be directed (Working Independently | Webguru, n.d.). Being composed, self-reliant, and diplomatic are the main qualities that I think have contributed to my success as an IT specialist and project manager. Calmness allows me to efficiently handle stress, communicate with coworkers, manage workflow, and make data-driven decisions. It also helps me become self-aware and understand what needs to be done for a certain project. But the things I need to focus on and control are developing into a passionate and upbeat person, learning how to make others stand out at work, and modeling a good outlook that inspires and uplifts others. In addition to developing a growth mentality and being dedicated to my profession, I hope to learn how to take on new challenges at work and persevere in the face of failure. However, for me to become an optimistic person, I must develop my resilience, learn to recognize possibilities rather than difficulties and learn how to rapidly recover from setbacks. Because they are confident and enthusiastic about the future, research shows that optimistic people tend to work harder, save more money, and invest in individual stocks (Puri & Robinson, 2007).

Part three.

To improve my enthusiasm ability as well as optimism, the following detailed concrete steps ought to be taken;


  • Think positively: I want to cultivate a positive outlook by practicing finding the positive in everyday circumstances and attempting to spot chances for fresh insight, development, and learning from every event.
  • Visualize yourself acting with enthusiasm: I want to work on my visualization skills and teach my mind to identify the circumstances in which I can be excited.
  • Hang out with enthusiastic people: I want to interact, watch, and absorb knowledge from energetic people.
  • Putting myself in a position to show enthusiasm – I would learn to have conversations, volunteer frequently, attend workshops on enthusiasm, and play games with other passionate people to practice enthusiasm. According to The Enthusiastic Person | 5 Tips on How to Be More Enthusiastic (2023), enthusiasm doesn’t have to be a high-pitched, in-your-face, jump through the roof kind of excitement. Instead, it should be joyous, pleasant, appreciative, and grateful.


To become an optimistic individual, I ought to follow the following concrete steps;

  • Develop resilience: I would do this to help myself feel that things would get better eventually and that I will be able to overcome challenging circumstances with ease.
  • Having a positive attitude in life: I want to be able to make the most out of every circumstance, thus I want to have a possible outlook.
  • Believing that everything happens for a reason: if I were more upbeat, I would be able to accept obstacles more readily and recognize opportunities for good change in any situation.
  • Having a good coping skill- Because optimists think that things will get better and so perceive the greatest possible outcomes, they can develop strong coping mechanisms, especially when faced with challenging situations (Rebecca, 2021).

In conclusion, my DISC behavioral style score is centered on steadiness and compliance, which is followed by dominance and influence. This indicates that I am generally a composed, cooperative, and independent person. My strongest personality traits are the ability to be calm and analytical, while my weaknesses are the ability to be enthusiastic and optimistic. My top three skills are diplomacy, creativity and innovation, and conceptual thinking. I am motivated by the desire and urge to be a resourceful, intentional, and receptive individual. Actions should be taken to enhance and manage these two weak areas.


7 signs you may have a highly analytical personality. (2023, January 10).

Emeritus. (2023, April 14). 8 Key Leadership Roles and How to Thrive in Them: A Guide. Emeritus Online Courses.

Faust, K. (2019, January 10). Personality Types of DISC: S Personality (Steadiness). LEADx.

Puri, M., & Robinson, D. T. (2007). Optimism and economic choice. Journal of Financial Economics86(1), 71–99.

Rebecca. (2021, August 12). 23 Characteristics of an Optimistic Person. Minimalism Made Simple.

The Enthusiastic Person | 5 Tips on How to be More Enthusiastic. (2023, February 21). True Mydentity.

Working Independently | Web guru. (n.d.). Retrieved February 3, 2024, from


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