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TriMetrix DNA Assessment Essays

Analyzing and Assessing Trimetrix DNA Assessment

Introduction The purpose of the indigo trimetrix DNA evaluation is to provide people with knowledge and understanding of their personality traits. The DISC system, a technique that categorizes behavior into four main styles—dominance, influencing, stability, and compliance—is used to measure behaviors in the evaluation. The DISC scores show how people naturally react to different situations. ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1960

Assessing and Analyzing Your Personality With the Indigo/TriMetrix DNA Assessment

Introduction The Indigo TriMetrix DNA includes personality, behavioural tendencies and driving forces. Using the report on my assessment, I will analyze my DISC style and top skills characterized by two elements of strength – driving forces and participative motivation principles in this paper. I will investigate the effects of these characteristics on my previous workplace ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2031
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