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Algorithms Essays

The Impact of Data Collection, Algorithms, and Customized Online Experiences on Information Ecosystems: Navigating the Challenges of a Polarized Society

The ways social media platforms curate content and target advertisements based on expansive data collection and complex algorithms profoundly disrupt how people access information. The emergence of filter bubbles and echo chambers from the hyper-customization of user experiences enables the manipulation of public discourse, opinion, policy debates, and more to an unprecedented degree (Herrman, 2016). ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2488

Effects of Algorithms on Human Culture

Artificial intelligence, which stems from the algorithm, plays a significant role in augmenting human judgment. Our daily interaction with the algorithm is witnessed in many aspects of our lives, especially when selecting what information is most relevant to us on the internet. Search engines use algorithms to help internet users navigate the enormous volumes of ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1472
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What Will Happen to Our Democracy if More and More Decisions Are Being Made by Algorithms?

First and foremost, people must recognize that technology, including digital communications and social media, is a critical component of democracy. Also, democracy aided the development and application of technology (Fukuyama et al, 2021). This has incited some distresses on the way algorithms and the organizations that create them maybe influence public’s opinions in substantial manners. ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1619
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