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Alcohol and Babies

Considering the possible negative consequences of alcohol for a fetus, this question seems intrusive; however, it is an issue to be considered from social responsibility and ethical perspectives. In the US, several states that have laws or regulations in place to control alcohol consumption during pregnancy. As such, it demonstrates the value placed on protecting an unborn child (Soderberg, 2016). On the other hand, it is important to treat such an event with care and respect for the woman’s confidentiality. If the suspicion of pregnancy arises, it may be useful to hold a conversation subtly and respectfully. Tactfully, one may not need to ask a direct question. However, an expression of concern regarding her well-being and the possibility that alcohol is unsafe for pregnancy could be done.

If she rejects pregnancy but doubts still exist, it becomes a tricky scenario. Legally, the power to make a final determination often rests with an individual. Some venues may decide against serving alcohol to women who appear pregnant in order for them to play it safe. A moral dilemma then befalls the bartender if a pregnant woman demands to be served while aware of potential negative consequences. In such a situation, it might be wise to follow legal requirements and deny service while promoting the best interests of unborn children. This decision has nothing to do with women’s rights as it is related only to the prevention of harm to the unborn fetus (Soderberg, 2016). Knowing the destructive effects of high levels of alcohol on fetal development is essential to informed decisions. One significant risk is prenatal alcohol exposure that results in fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). FAS is characterized by retarded growth, and facial and bodily malformations, among other central nervous system disorders (Popova et al., 2016). Although it is even relatively small amounts of social drinking that have adverse effects, the harmfulness increases proportionally to the amount consumed. The outcomes are neurological and behavioral abnormalities in infants, including low responsiveness, delayed reaction time, disorders of attention span, and intellectual disabilities, to mention a few, among others.

Early interventions play a crucial role in the mitigation of FAS. Such interventions often target the affected child or aim at parental assistance and education. Studies have indicated that early intervention can improve attention, self-regulation, and adaptive functioning in affected children, as well as social skills, whereby preventative measures with responsible decision-making key notwithstanding even in the bar.

Nutrition and Maternal Weight

As Kenneth and Kristie experience this dilemma involving the birth of a low-birthweight baby, the causes influencing these outcomes are reviewed along with further courses of action regarding treatment as well as long-term outcomes. Low birth weight babies weigh less than 2500 grams (Li, 2017). There are many causes of low birth weight, and maternal nutrition is very important. Pregnant women need an extra 300 to 500 calories per day, and the weight gain recommendations differ depending on pre-pregnancy BMI. Poor weight gain, especially in underweight or adolescent mothers, is linked to stunted growth and preterm births, as well as during these deliveries.

The nutritional intake of the mother is significant. Fetal development requires adequate calories, especially involving additional protein uptake (Da Silva Lopes et al., 2017). Women who gain an adequate amount are at lower risk of complications during birth and delivering babies with either too low or too high levels. On the contrary, caloric deficit during pregnancy can result in intrauterine growth retardation and preterm delivery or fetal distress. During the adolescent years, pregnant girls face considerable biological stress because their growing bodies may demand some of the nutrients necessary for fetal development.

Additionally, improper or absent prenatal care worsens the situation in that a newborn baby is more likely to die, be disabled, or fall sick during the first month of life. Environmental aspects also lead to low birth weight. The risk of developing premature or undersized infants is enhanced by exposure to high quantities of disinfection by-products, fine combustion particles like gas, and smoke (Da Silva Lopes et al., 2017). External hazards may negatively influence fetal development, thus highlighting the importance of health and protection in pregnant women’s environment.

The initial approach for low-birth-weight babies is specific treatment in the NICU unit, dealing with complications and development support. Some low-birth-weight newborns may be susceptible to developmental challenges, learning disabilities, or health problems in the long run. Early health interventions, nutrition, and medical treatment contribute to improved outcomes as well as the overall health of a child (Li, 2017). Thus, a holistic method of addressing maternal health that includes proper nutrition and environmental conservation is required to eliminate low birth weight.


Da Silva Lopes, K., Ota, E., Shakya, P., Dagvadorj, A., Balogun, O. O., Peña-Rosas, J. P., … & Mori, R. (2017). Effects of nutrition interventions during pregnancy on low birth weight: an overview of systematic reviews. BMJ global health2(3), e000389.

Li, J. (2017). Advanced comprehension of low birth weight: A review. Science Letters5(1), 45–52.

Popova, S., Lange, S., Shield, K., Mihic, A., Chudley, A. E., Mukherjee, R. A., … & Rehm, J. (2016). Comorbidity of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Lancet387(10022), 978–987.

Soderberg, V. (2016). More than receptacles: An international human rights analysis of criminalizing pregnancy in the United States. Berkeley J. Gender L. & Just.31, 299.


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