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AI and Labor

According to Salokannel (2024), the replication of human intellect in robots built to function and think like humans is known as artificial intelligence (AI). Mechanized and computerized systems can make decisions, learn from errors, and do tasks that often require human inputAccording to Tai (2020), artificial intelligence (AI) is related to devices and computers that assist people in solving issues and streamlining workflows. Artificial intelligence is the buzzword of the moment, which is revolutionizing HR procedures across the board in all industries. It is a newly developed technology instrument that raises worker output and efficiency (Mukherjee, 2022). This essay discusses the application of artificial intelligence integration in labor sectors, examines the potential positive impacts, and provides a solution to its potential negative effects.

AI holds the potential to greatly improve humanity in a variety of forms, notably higher worker productivity, and operational efficacy. By assisting in resolving challenging circumstances, AI-powered algorithms streamline and enhance the ease of daily tasks. Mukherjee (2022) posits that computerized and automated technologies can augment human effort and greatly boost workplace efficiency. Among the most well-known uses of artificial intelligence (AI) in the film industry is in the production of the movie “Her,” where it was utilized to create a believable and realistic operating systems architecture (Salokannel, 2024). This demonstrated the capabilities of AI by demonstrating how it can be used to create unique storylines and protagonists. These days, AI may make whole motion pictures, automate processes, and produce magical effects. Additionally, by eliminating monotonous and repetitive duties and providing chances for innovative thinking, inventiveness, knowledge, and previously unheard-of magnitude, technology can help people become more efficient at work.

In addition, AI expands people’s capacity to learn, execute, and grow to the fullest extent possible, maximizing their potential and skill development. Instead of using people as a resource, human potential development acknowledges and empowers people to reach their full potential (Mukherjee, 2022). Improving human skills and capacities is known as “human potential management,” which is transdisciplinary and ongoing (Mukherjee, 2022). HRM will not need to perform much physical labor because AI may be used to carry out the procedure efficiently and automatically (Recht & Bryan, 2017). Intelligent Screening Software, an AI technology that aids in assessing the level of turnover, is used to pick skilled and experienced personnel. AI may also be used to read an applicant’s facial expressions, response techniques, word selection, and temperament features during a hiring process. The HR team can then use this information to determine the final decision (Mukherjee, 2022). Additionally, it facilitates their ability to deliver timely personalized performance observations, which speeds up and streamlines the procedure. AI also aids in efficiently delivering staff development and training initiatives and assists in identifying training gaps, which then informs the implementation of appropriate corrective action.

The negative effect of AI integration is that by handling dangerous or monotonous tasks, AI frees up human resources to do tasks where they are better equipped, including those demanding sensitivity and creative thinking. However, working conditions could shift due to more frequently occurring job shifts, increased contracts, freelance work, and insecure employment, affecting the importance of rights and labor organizations. AI’s disruption could consequently impact economic disparities, wealth distribution, and salaries (Mukherjee, 2022). Training and educational approaches must be modified to develop potential workers and help current staff transition into new jobs that will leverage their unique human attributes. Employees without education or experience are more vulnerable to automation if required to complete incredibly important tasks. Up to 54% of EU occupations might be at risk of computerization within 20 years, according to an estimate by the think tank Bruegel (Mukherjee, 2022). Furthermore, labor automation will affect a company’s employment schedule and worker redistribution.

Despite all of AI’s benefits, important ethical and socio-cultural decisions must be made. The challenges of intensive utilization of AI include worries about employment displacement, security, and privacy, to name a few. Significant volumes of private information are being collected and stored thanks to technological advances, raising questions about how this information is employed, exchanged, and safeguarded (Murdoch, 2021). People have a right to privacy. Thus, ensuring that no private information is gathered, utilized, or transmitted without permission is critical. While technology plays a significant role in data collection, archiving, retrieval, and distribution, its primary ethical implications are tampering with data, accessibility, and inaccessibility (Murdoch, 2021). It opens up the prospect of simultaneous and more widespread utilization of information. Inferentially, more individuals will find it simpler to obtain a person’s personal information.

On the other hand, several security measures, including login credentials, can be used to keep someone from accessing essential data in digital form. The standards of liberty, truth, and civil liberties can be used to develop workable principles for solving such practical steps that must be taken, too. To ease these concerns and ensure that AI is used to improve public well-being. It is critical to keep funding AI research and development as it develops and becomes more significant in our society.

Through continuous learning and skills development, individuals will manage the negative effects of AI integration in the sector. Therefore, the workforce should participate in restraining and reskilling opportunities to enhance their competencies and viability in the evolving labor market. As technologies develop quickly, there is a continual and critical demand for retraining and upskilling (Rafner et al., 2021). Businesses need to be ready to make ongoing investments in the professional growth of their staff. Because AI is becoming increasingly integrated into different job functions, people must remain pertinent like never before. Numerous can invent a profession that collaborates with automated machinery and robots. More benefits may be obtained from upskilling and reskilling professionals than only improving their abilities and imparting new knowledge to enable them to succeed in their present or future responsibilities.

In conclusion, this essay has examined AI integration’s negative and positive effects on labor practices. It has also evaluated emerging ethical considerations and solved the negative effects. When such advanced technology is implemented, companies hope for increased productivity, effectiveness, and overall performance; however, there are challenges, including the need to change skill sets and reduce workforce, which instill anxiety in the public and lead to strong opposition to the AI deployment procedure. Professionals and businesses must reskill and upskill to remain relevant in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Amid ethical considerations, regulations must promote more complex information confidentiality and security techniques while highlighting individual autonomy and permission.


Salokannel, P. (2024). The Impact of AI: How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Society. Bear.

Rafner, J., Dellermann, D., Hjorth, A., Veraszto, D., Kampf, C., MacKay, W., & Sherson, J. (2022). Deskilling, upskilling, and reskilling: a case for hybrid intelligence. Morals & Machines, 1(2), 24-39.

Mukherjee, A. N. (2022). Application of artificial intelligence: benefits and limitations for human potential and labor-intensive economy–an empirical investigation into pandemic ridden Indian industry. Management Matters, 19(2), 149–166.

Murdoch, B. (2021). Privacy and artificial intelligence: challenges for protecting health information in a new era. BMC Medical Ethics, 22(1), 1–5.

Tai, M. C. T. (2020). The impact of artificial intelligence on human society and bioethics. Tzu-Chi Medical Journal, 32(4), 339.


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