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Agenda Setting Theory

Summary of the Theory

Universally, Agenda Setting Theory is well known to have existed since 1972 as Maxwell McCombs and Donald Shaw developed it. However, this theory is a leading concept in communication research, whereby it entails evaluating the challenging connection between public suggestion and media. The Agenda Setting Theory suggests that media outlets cannot manipulate what people perceive, but what matters and subjects dominate their minds (Luo et al., 2018). At this juncture, it is apparent that media functions as an instrumental agenda-setter that agitates for the prestige of certain motifs in public mindfulness. The roots of Agenda Setting Theory can be found in the fundamental study amidst 1968 which involved a presidential campaign. During this activity, McCombs and Shaw considered an interrelationship between media and the thought significance of particular matters by the public. This breakdown of observation contributed to the development of Agenda Setting Theory which has emerged to comprise several forms of media such as online platforms. The leading premise centers on the power of media to manipulate public agendas via the elaboration and persistence of particular subjects, which in turn offers the emergence of the concepts of “first-level” and “second-level” agenda setting (Luo et al., 2018). Agenda Setting theory has criticism specifically for the one-directional ideology on the effects of media and difficulties in adjusting to the developing media surroundings, although it is greatly used in political science and public relations. Therefore, this theory prevails as the leading lane for comprehending the intersection between media content and public awareness.

Background Information

Consequently, the background information of Agenda Setting Theory is derived in the progressive work of Maxwell McCombs and Donald Shaw in 1968 mainly in the United States. However, the main aim of these pioneers was to look into the link between media content and the public’s thoughts, which was a means of moving away from the earlier communication theories. Through ambiguously evaluating news coverage and voter suggestions during the period, the two pioneers disclosed a captivating interrelationship between the ideas displayed by the media and those regarded to be highly impactful by the public (Stern et al., 2020). As such, this factual basis laid the important groundwork for establishing the Agenda Setting Theory, which questioned the previous implication that media illuminated public suggestion instead of effectively restructuring it. This theory took place at an important time in the introduction of media research, which offered a conceptual lane that changed the comprehension of how media outlets manipulated the public agenda. The historical setting of the theory underlines its importance as a changing compel in communication study, which aids in deliberating the connection between community awareness and media.

Additionally, since the theory gained high consideration, it is clear that its manipulation changed the boundaries of traditional media, hence expounding to adapt to the changing world of emerging communication innovations. The rise of online platforms introduced a new age which directed expertise and scholars to dredge into how these existing mediums result to the central concept of the agenda setting theory. The adjustment of Agenda Setting Theory to several media ways underlines its perennial importance during the immediate step of technological developments (Stern et al., 2020). This adjustment has agitated the theory to go through and incorporate the modern period, where information spreads at a miraculous pace and scale. Going far from the boundaries of a certain nation setting, the theory has found vibrancy in the worldly context, which in turn offers its applicability in different cultural and political worlds. This generalization supports the main status of the theory in the sector of communication research, thus illustrating its power to elaborate on how media has an important function in influencing public awareness across the world. Thus, the extension of the theory’s applicability shows its prevalence and importance in comprehending the aspects of spreading information and community awareness.

Theory’s Main Point and Key Concepts

Significantly, the main basis of the Agenda Setting Theory centers on the manipulative function of media in restructuring public awareness by displaying the matters that hold people’s thoughts. However, this leading notion of the Agenda Setting Theory indicates that the media functions as a powerful agenda-setter that greatly directs the concentration on particular subjects and thus affects the entire public agenda. Agenda Setting Theory claims that the ability is not found in commanding suggestions but in controlling the reputation of specific motifs in the mutual sensibility (Geiß, 2022). The frequency of certain matters of the media outlets’ direct ideology about what is important. Through this guide, media outlets shape the considerations and issues that surround the community. Therefore, Agenda Setting Theory performs on the standard that the media docket is powerfully interrelated with the public plans, which stresses the vitality of gaining knowledge about the mechanisms through which media outlets handle this manipulation.

According to Agenda Setting Theory, the two major concepts are, ‘first level” and “second level’ agenda setting. The ‘first level” entails the power of media to explicitly concentrate on certain matters, which contributes much to influencing the public’s thoughts (Li & Jiang, 2022). The former state stresses the selection and designing of news narratives, which in turn affects the ideologies of the public concerning important topics. Basically, “second level” agenda setting dredges more on how media commands the thinking capacity of individuals (Li & Jiang, 2022). As such, this concept looks into the function of media in outlining the converse centering of certain subjects, which affects the cognitive and emotional reactions of the public. Additionally, Agenda Setting Theory merges the concept of conspicuous showing that the more a matter is enclosed and dominates in media, the more prominent it becomes in people’s minds. Therefore, these central concepts mutually develop the theoretical basis of Agenda Setting Theory, offering an important comprehension of how media affects the ideas of the public and manipulates community considerations.

The Theory’s Creation and Use

The birth of Agenda Setting Theory can be easily detected based on the original work of Maxwell McCombs and Donald Shaw in the United States amidst presential campaigns. Apparently, the innovatory study of these pioneers was mainly to inspect the challenging connection between the ideologies of people and media content. McCombs and Shaw pointed out an important interrelation between the matters stressed by media and those regarded as highly paramount by people, which was through a tiresome evaluation of news coverage and voter suggestions (Li & Jiang, 2022). This factual basis questioned the existing implications in conversational research and contributed to developing the agenda-setting Theory. It is through the idea that the theory existed as a reaction to the necessity for a conceptual lane that could elaborate on how media outlets steadily influence public awareness by deciding the matters that access popularity in the mutual sensibility. Thus, the revolutionary work of the pioneers established an important basis for this leading theory, depicting a change in gaining knowledge about the intersection between community consideration and media content.

Agenda Setting Theory has located its diffused application in several disciplines since its initiation, which has helped to attach its status as a basic lane in communication research. Regarding political science, Agenda Setting Theory is always utilized to evaluate how political information and ideas are shared through the media, which has influenced public suggestions and the entire political converse (Gilardi et al., 2021). It is evident that public relations experts use this theory to have more information on how appropriate communication can affect public ideas for the benefit of their organizations. Besides, advertising agencies use the Agenda Setting Theory to develop campaigns that correspond with the matters displayed online for heightened outcomes on consumer ideologies (Gilardi et al., 2021). Far beyond this effective use of Agenda Setting Theory, it has powerfully helped direct media literacy struggles, thus promoting great comprehension of how media affects public awareness and forcing people to interrogate the creation of new tales. The generalization of the theory in various sectors shows its long-lasting significance in the modern conveyance of information.

Theoretical Weakness / Lack of Use

Based on the importance of Agenda Setting Theory, there are some theoretical weaknesses and scenarios of restricted use. One area for improvement is its implication of one-directional manipulation from media to the public, which underestimates the connection between media and public suggestion (Drew, 2022). According to research, critics claim that this notion does not account for scenarios where suggestions of people can affect media coverage, thus establishing a more important association. The theory also needs help adjusting to the instant media change, especially with individualized content. The segregation of news channels and the power of people to create their message elicits questions concerning the use of the theory in an epoch of different media consumption.

Furthermore, the need for more attention to the informal idea of agenda setting aiming at the quantity and celebrity of matters enclosed is regarded as a shortcoming (Drew, 2022). The theory’s elaboration concerning what is enclosed instead of how it is covered rejects the setting that can importantly affect public thought. As such, Agenda Setting Theory has been greatly applied and dominates to effectively comprehend media outcomes on public awareness and considerations, although it has some things that could be improved. The effective application of the theory in political science, advertising, media literacy, and public relations shows its perennial importance. In general terms, Agenda Setting Theory has a far-reaching effect and vast applicability, which indicates its main function in communication studies, thus offering impactful knowledge into media influence on public ideas.


Drew, C. (2022, October 23). Agenda Setting Theory (Definition, Examples, & Criticisms).

Geiß, S. (2022). The agenda-Setting-Effects of News Factor Exposure: A Field Study Comparing the Transmission Paths and Impact of Issue Exposure and News Factor Exposure. SAGE Open12(2), 215824402210912.

Gilardi, F., Gessler, T., Kubli, M., & Müller, S. (2021). Social Media and Political Agenda Setting. Political Communication39(1), 1–22.

Li, Y., & Jiang, Y. (2022). Research Transmutation of Agenda Setting Theory (2010-2022)—A Meta-Analysis Based on Journalism Studies. Open Journal of Social Sciences10(11), 148–155.

Luo, Y., Burley, H., Moe, A., & Sui, M. (2018). A Meta-Analysis of News Media’s Public Agenda-Setting Effects, 1972-2015. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly96(1), 150–172.

Stern, S., Livan, G., & Smith, R. E. (2020). A network perspective on intermedia agenda-setting. Applied Network Science5(1).


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