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Academic Skills Essays

Academic Skills and Studying With Confidence

Introduction Traversing the academic terrain can be a formidable undertaking with obstacles and intricacies. Nevertheless, equipped with the appropriate skill set and strategic approaches, this endeavor has the potential to evolve into a trajectory characterized by achievement and self-assurance. This portfolio functions as a valuable resource, providing guidance and facilitating navigation through the complexities of ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1317

Developing Academic Skills

Task One: Time Management Part A: Pomodoro Technique The Pomodoro Technique is a method for managing one’s time that entails dividing one’s work into smaller, more manageable pieces, working on each job for a specified length of time, and then pausing for brief breaks between activities (Shammas, 2019). It allows someone to do more work ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3752
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How University Students Can Engage in Better Academic Skills Through Reading Like a Writer

As a university student, developing academic skills is essential in acquiring, retaining, and using information one comes across. They include listening, note-taking, attention to detail, reasoning, data analysis, and written/verbal communication. The skills help in learning, taking tests and scoring high, effective communication, and completing projects or assignments, which constitute a good writer. They acquired ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1893

My Skills in Writing: Reflective Essay

I have always regarded myself as especially skilled in written communication throughout my life. It appeared as though I had an innate capacity to communicate my thoughts and feelings effectively via phrases and facial gestures (Randolph 2). I didn’t understand how much I needed to enhance my writing skills in general, just how much further ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 608

Academic Skills & Studying With Confidence

1.1 Introduction Academically qualified pupils are more likely to be hired and keep their jobs for the long term. Academic achievement is critical for future advancement in increasingly demanding professions. Academic achievement has a favourable impact on the conduct and social connections with peers and family. Academic achievement requires a combination of qualities such as ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2092

Developing Academic Skills

Task one Time management Time management techniques are designed and used to help people stay more productive by making the best of their time and staying focused at the same time. This degree of focus allows people in the workplace and students at school to accomplish most of their tasks in the shortest time possible. ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3421
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