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Academic and Career Planning

Being in college calls for diversified learning to help in future career planning. To have a good career calls for or to have a better academic plan. The academic plan requires one to be in a better position to acquire specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely skills. Therefore, my personal goals and academic plans are gaining new skills, boosting my networking abilities, interacting with bigger companies to gain better skills for future applications, starting a small business to gain better skills and practice them and improve on my sales and the size of productivity (Keynejad et al., 2021). Academic plans may include having a degree and a certification, switching careers, expertizing more on my career and reaching to get a leadership position at school, and finally winning a prestigious award in my career path.

I had achieved 30 credits from when I started my college academic journey—taking a business administration course. Having achieved the first 30 credits means that I am only left with 30 more credits to go so that I may have achieved my career/academic goals. Currently, I am enjoying my course, and in the future, I ought to get another academic credit for the same.

In planning my goals, I have separated them into long-term and short time goals. The goals are well set to be achieved by the time I finish school. Some short-term goals include having and achieving more skills that I will apply in the future, and the skills will be of greater use since I will be using them to increase productivity and sales in a small business that I might opt to start (Smale et al., 2019). Starting the business is also part of my short-term goals. For my long-term goals, I aim to get a certified degree that will result from the applications of the skills I have learned in school. I will be in school for four years and plan to have a bigger business in five years.

There is an interconnection between short and long-term academic and career goals. That happens in this instance where being in school will help me earn more skills. The skills will be gained through learning and interactions between myself and other business people (Zhao et al., 2019). Choosing the goals was motivated by the need to achieve more at a young age. I was helped by my parents, close friends, and people who have been and are still in the business industry in creating the goals and classifying them into either long-term or short-term (García et al., 2018). Before settling on the goals, I had to do thorough research on the Canadian economy and the job market to set my goals.

In conclusion, certain challenges may affect my achievements in my journey toward achieving my long-term and short-term goals. Some of the challenges I expect to face include financial problems and running a business startup. For the financial challenges, I will work for hand in hand with financial institutions to garner more funds for my businesses. Running a business startup will be solved through collaborations with leaders in other larger businesses. In addition, when I achieve my goals, I will reward myself by opening another business.


García, Ofelia, and Jo Anne Kleifgen. Educating Emergent Bilinguals Policies, Programs, and Practices for English Learners. New York: Teachers College, 2018. Print.

Keynejad, R. C., Yapa, H. M., & Ganguli, P. (2021). Achieving the sustainable development goals: investing in early career interdisciplinarity. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications8(1), 1-5.

Smale, A., Bagdadli, S., Cotton, R., Dello Russo, S., Dickmann, M., Dysvik, A., … & Unite, J. (2019). Proactive career behaviours and personal career success: The moderating role of national culture. Journal of Organizational Behavior40(1), 105-122.

Zhao, Y., & Xu, Q. (2019). Understanding the achieving styles of Chinese millennials and implications on HRM policy: A life course perspective. International Journal of Manpower.


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