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A Liberal Feminist Approach to Bobbie Ann Mason’s “Shiloh”


The article by Alkan interprets Bobbie Ann Mason’s “Shiloh” by employing a liberal feminist view that involves identifying women’s roles in diverse societies. Throughout history, women have been experiencing inequality issues, leading to increasing feminism to advocate for similar opportunities. In most cases, marriages are ways of continuing men’s dominance over females. Nonetheless, liberal feminists establish the need for equivalent chances in diverse spheres. They conclude that the prevailing inequality imprisons women in private circles where they are only involved in parental and maternal roles. “Shiloh” illustrates the mindset among women growing up in a patriarchal community, as highlighted by Mabel, where they adopt the traditional housewife role. Mabel demonstrates the trait where she fails to support her daughter, Norma Jean, marriage due to her premarital pregnancy due to shame. The initial stages of Norma and Leroy’s marriage represent females’ roles as dependent on men as Norma engages in all the house chores, such as cooking, representing an obedient housewife willing to comply with her husband’s wishes. Nonetheless, the death of their son, Randy, signifies a gender variation within the household. In patriarchal societies, people considered men to be strong and hold families together in case of any challenges. However, their son’s death sees a responsibility reversal, where Norma becomes the breadwinner while Leroy reverts to activities associated with females, such as sewing. Although Leroy is supposed to comfort Norma to cope with the loss, he cannot, forcing Norma to undertake masculine responsibilities. Norma pursues education, which is associated with men, which empowers her to leave Leroy and become independent. The reflection demonstrates how adopting a liberal feminist perspective motivates females to fight for equal opportunities and break out from the patriarchal mindset, where they often have to act as male subordinates.


Yes, patriarchal societies cast significant shadows upon women and hinder them from taking advantage of potential opportunities that can help in developing their societal position. The article presents an informative overview of how such societies prevent women from exploiting their potential in various male-related fields. In most cases, females fail to recognize the harm of such conditions, enabling them to adapt to the lifestyles, as Mabel highlights in “Shiloh.” The inequality contributes to extreme suffering among women, with many cases resulting in violence (Wood). It is true that in most marriages, there is a continuing dominance among males as they assert their authority in the household. Most people seek references from their traditions where there has been a culture of women operating under their husbands; thus, they need to pursue their authorization in case of any activities. Indeed, the situation presents unhealthy lifestyles, raising the need for increasing equality advocacy to deliver uniform operating standards within communities.

Yes, gender inequality has been a prevailing issue in most societies, but there have been increasing efforts and opportunities to promote gender equality in multiple modern fields. The presence of contemporary education has helped most people eliminate the prevailing traditional perspective where males view women as their subjects. Norma presents a practical demonstration of evolution, where she learns to adopt a masculine responsibility, undertaking diverse and challenging roles associated with men. In multiple settings, there have been contemporary movements aiming to present the significance of gender uniformity, allowing females to acquire equal working positions as males (Shannon et al., 561). Even though the article emphasizes the prevalence of patriarchal societies, it presents limited details on the evolution of such narratives since women are continuously acquiring better chances. It is true that the resource identifies Norma’s case as an example of the changes within societies but mainly focuses on the exiting culture and the potential implications. It reflects Leroy as weak who is unable to cope with challenging situations. Therefore, despite the various improvements in promoting gender equality, there are more steps to take without overshadowing men’s responsibilities in fostering stability.

Yes, females use several factors, such as education, for empowerment, and it enables them to acquire a positive mindset, which allows them to undertake roles similar to men. In most traditional and patriarchal societies, women lack awareness due to limited exposure, which allows them to adopt parental and maternal roles without any opposition. However, the rising feminism has highlighted the need for more learning among women, enabling them to exploit their potential and undertake more powerful roles. It is true that more men are reverting to household duties, especially in modern settings. “Shiloh” uses Leroy to highlight the changing societal roles, where men are becoming more receptive to female-oriented obligations. As such, the dynamism is changing, highlighting the numerous steps female advocacy takes to promote uniformity in various settings.

Works Cited

Alkan, Halit. “A LIBERAL FEMINIST APPROACH TO BOBBIE ANN MASON’S “SHILOH”.” Euroasia Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, vol. 7, no. 13, 2020, pp. 99-109.

Shannon, Geordan, et al. “Gender equality in science, medicine, and global health: where are we at and why does it matter?” The Lancet 393.10171 (2019): 560-569.

Wood, Hannelie J. “Gender inequality: The problem of harmful, patriarchal, traditional and cultural gender practices in the church.” HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 75.1 (2019).


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