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A Consequentialist Ethical Framework for Management


Due to Ye Old Paper Mill’s organizational challenges, the CEO has tasked the Human Resources department with studying consequentialist ethical theories to determine the best framework for potential managers. This proposal examines consequentialist theories’ fundamentals in detail. The goal is to explain the differences between these ideas and analyze the importance of happiness and pleasure, especially in addressing poor employee satisfaction in the firm. The proposal would also carefully evaluate each consequentialist viewpoint’s influence on the company’s dynamics. A manager’s ability to follow different ethical standards and lead and supervise subordinates within the company’s framework will be assessed. This detailed examination seeks to illuminate the potential consequences of adopting consequentialist ideas. In detail, the proposal will evaluate how each consequentialist theory handles poor employee satisfaction and adds to corporate ethos. It will analyze the pros and cons of several ethical frameworks, considering the company’s setting and operational needs. A manager with a consequentialist ethical stance will be tested for adaptation and effectiveness in team management.

Key Features of Consequentialist Theories

According to consequentialist ethical theories like utilitarianism and ethical egoism, the morality of an action depends on its results. Utilitarianism, promoted by Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill, aims to maximize community happiness or pleasure (Duignan & West, 2023). In this paradigm, acts are judged by their ability to maximize happiness. Ethical egoism, another consequentialist theory, emphasizes self-interest as its main principle. Ethical egoism holds that activities should maximize personal enjoyment. Utilitarianism, which seeks the greatest good for the most significant number, weighs ethical judgments against their potential to improve well-being (Tardi, 2023). This evaluation criterion requires thoroughly analyzing each action’s effects on everyone’s happiness and enjoyment. This is based on generous utility, where moral decisions strive to benefit society. Bentham’s utilitarian calculus quantifying pleasure and suffering allowed for carefully assessing different outcomes.

Ethical egoism, on the other hand, holds that activities are moral when they benefit the actor. Despite being consequentialist, this theory focuses on the individual (Ethical Egoism, n.d.). The ethical egoist believes that people are ethically justified in acting in ways that benefit themselves, regardless of others. Ethical egoism values individual satisfaction over utilitarianism’s communal focus. Both consequentialist theories hold that consequences determine ethical judgment, but their breadth and focus differ. With its broad societal viewpoint, utilitarianism considers acts’ social consequences. Ethical egoism, on the other hand, promotes self-fulfillment. The essential aspects of consequentialist theories are their mutual commitment to assessing acts by their results and their diverse morality methods.

The Role of Happiness and Pleasure

Given Ye Old Paper Mill’s poor employee satisfaction, a thorough examination of consequentialist ideas on happiness and pleasure is necessary. The ethical framework utilitarianism is pertinent to this debate. Based on consequentialism, utilitarianism prioritizes social pleasure and well-being. Utilitarian principles at Ye Old Paper Mill would aim to boost workplace satisfaction. The notion states that the ethical course of action optimizes happiness for all affected parties. The Ye Old Paper Mill’s employee unhappiness may be addressed using utilitarianism’s focus on worker welfare. This consequentialist approach prioritizes behaviors and policies that boost employee satisfaction to create a shared and uplifting experience. It tries to address the core causes of unhappiness and create a working culture that benefits everyone. Ethical egoism, another consequentialist philosophy, emphasizes individualism. This concept prioritizes individual pleasure and self-interest over workforce satisfaction, which may hurt it. In Ye Old Paper Mill, ethical egoism may lead to decisions and behaviors that favor individual employees at the expense of the entire workforce.

In contrast, the practical approach prioritizes communal satisfaction over individual happiness. Understanding these consequentialist ideas is essential for managing employee happiness at Ye Old Paper Mill. Utilitarian principles can help the company create an atmosphere where collective happiness is a goal. This involves assessing choices and policies for their potential to improve employee well-being. While ethical egoism recognizes the importance of individual pleasure, it must be careful not to overwhelm the organizational community’s happiness and satisfaction. Happiness and pleasure, as perceived via the consequentialist lens, shape Ye Old Paper Mill’s workplace ethics.

Pros and Cons of the Company

Utilitarianism in the workplace prioritizes the larger good, especially in employee satisfaction choices. Utilitarianism may create a peaceful workplace by concentrating on employee well-being and boosting job satisfaction and productivity. The company’s organizational performance may increase as content and motivated people perform at their best. A rigorous analysis of the advantages and negatives shows the utilitarian approach’s flaws. While its commitment to majority welfare is admirable, it risks neglecting minority concerns. The exclusive focus on the larger good may ignore the complex demands of distinct employee groups, creating a climate where minority concerns are eclipsed by overall contentment. The utilitarian paradigm may also support actions compromising individual rights for the greater good. This might create ethical difficulties when employees’ rights and autonomy are sacrificed for a more significant benefit. However, ethical egoism has pros and cons in business. This ethical attitude can inspire self-motivation and accountability but has a downside. Encouragement of egoism may lead to organizational competition rather than collaboration. As employees emphasize personal interests above organizational goals, collaboration may suffer. This competitive mindset may inhibit collaboration and organizational synergy.

Managing Subordinates with Different Ethical Perspectives

Effectively managing ethically diverse subordinates is difficult. Utilitarian managers may need help to make judgments with ethical egoist subordinates. Individual self-interest and gain may collide with utilitarianism in ethical egoism. This sharp ethical divide can cause team disagreements and hinder organizational cohesiveness. Managers must use sophisticated leadership tactics to handle ethical diversity. A practical manager who seeks to maximize welfare may struggle to make decisions with an ethical egoist employee. These opposing ethical views may cause interpersonal conflict and affect teamwork and corporate harmony. Multiple approaches are needed to overcome these issues. First, open communication is essential. Encourage subordinates to express their ethical views to grasp their principles better. This helps the management identify future conflicts and develop solutions.

Managing a varied ethical workforce requires a flexible leadership approach. A manager may need to adapt to the team’s diverse opinions rather than following a single ethical framework. This flexibility requires acknowledging differing ethical perspectives and establishing common ground that supports the organization’s aims. Additionally, ethical training programs can help teams align their ethical views. These programs may teach employees about multiple ethical perspectives, create mutual understanding, and build a common ethical language. Promote ethical awareness and conversation to develop a more inclusive ethical culture that welcomes diverse opinions.

In conclusion, consequentialist theories differ, and their effects on employee satisfaction are revealed via careful analysis. Ethical egoism emphasizes individual success, whereas utilitarianism promotes community well-being. The consequentialist theory used to manage Ye Old Paper Mill should prioritize employee happiness. Recognizing the differences between these consequentialist perspectives is essential to developing an effective solution to organizational issues. Thus, choosing a theory prioritizing employee happiness is essential to solving organizational difficulties. This conclusion emphasizes the importance of aligning managerial decisions with a consequentialist perspective that navigates individual and collective well-being and strategically addresses Ye Old Paper Mill’s unique challenges in achieving organizational excellence.


Duignan, B., & West, H. R. (2023). Utilitarianism philosophy. In Encyclopædia Britannica.

Ethical Egoism. (n.d.).

Tardi, C. (2023, December 20). Utilitarianism: What it is, founders, and main principles. Investopedia.


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