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Slide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People


Without bias, all people are entitled to basic human rights. Indigenous persons have kept suffering the impacts of failure of protection of their universal human rights by the Australian government, and they endure different kinds of racism in numerous parts of their lives. There are considerable discrepancies between the migrants’ and indigenous people’s experiences in Australia across all metrics of measures of life. In terms of housing, education, health, and employment, indigenous individuals have inferior standards of living. Related to non-indigenous people, indigenous individuals are overrepresented in the protection organizations, and in the criminal justice system. Indigenous individuals’ low life expectancy reflects the injustice they face. The indigenous people have as well suffered because their languages, customs, and rights, particularly resource ownership, have received less protection and acknowledgment.

The Australian government have quite a few programs to address their issues. The global community has taken important actions for better recognition and protection of their rights, such as the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The Australian government proclaimed its support for the Declaration in 2009, which serves as the foundation for the government’s commitment to safeguard the rights of indigenous people. The Australian government owes it to these communities to allow them to exercise their right to self-determination. The government is expected to respect indigenous tribes’ autonomy in matters relevant to their local or internal affairs. Furthermore, the government is obligated to protect the rights of these indigenous groups to life, mental and bodily liberty, and security. As a result, the government is bound to ensure that Australia’s indigenous peoples exist as unique peoples in peace, freedom, and security, free from forcible removal. The government is likewise dedicated to conserving indigenous peoples’ cultures, as stated in the declaration, Indigenous peoples will not be pushed to assimilate or have their culture destroyed. Furthermore, the government is expected to guarantee that no indigenous community members are deported from its territory and to acquire their prior and informed permission before relocating. The state is also obligated to provide all indigenous children with equal access to public education. Furthermore, the state should protect and recognize indigenous peoples’ rights to create and control their own educational institutions, as well as to pass down their traditions to their children.

The degree of Indigenous peoples’ health inequity raises questions about Australia’s agreement with its human rights duties. The extent of the disparity gap shows that this issue requires immediate action, as has been noted by a number of UN committees. The present mechanisms for addressing Indigenous health disparities are in line with the core components of a human rights-based method to health. It is applied in that it recognizes that inequity and discrimination can be the consequence of long-term and historical treatment that is difficult to rectify in the short term. While a rights-based approach does not justify such inequity, it is primarily concerned with the efforts that governments are already doing to solve the problem. As a result, it is primarily concerned with assessing the adequacy of the actions being implemented. If the government’s actions, for example, respect, safeguard, and fulfill Indigenous peoples’ right to the greatest achievable quality of health. If programs and services easily accessible, readily available, acceptable, and of enough quality. It is also concerned with judging the appropriateness of the measures adopted.

It is illegal to discriminate on the basis of various protected characteristics, including age, disability, national origin, sex, interstate status, gender identity and sexual orientation. in Australia in some areas of public life, such as education and employment. When Indigenous groups are designated high-risk, sectors tighten controls and implement disciplinary and monitoring measures, such as reducing grant amounts, reducing grant durations, and limiting production and deliverables. Development and other economic and social rights are elaborated via participatory rights. This includes Indigenous peoples’ full participation at all levels of decision-making on issues that directly impact their lives. This provision gives Indigenous people the right to rapid, effective, and long-term improvements in their economic and social circumstances. Notably, the Declaration mandates take phases to guarantee that Indigenous women and children are entirely protected and guaranteed against all types of violence and discrimination.

Despite attempts by the Australian government to meet and enforce some of the above pledges, it has persistently failed to promote and defend indigenous peoples’ rights and freedoms. Indigenous Australians continue to be victims of the Australian government, according to Torres. Meanwhile, indigenous people continue to tolerate the impact of the government’s inability to protect their human rights, and experience everyday racial discrimination. Racism and the gap in quality of life between non-Indigenous peoples and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are pervasive in Australia. The Australian government has failed to close the health, employment, education, and housing gaps between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. The government has also disobeyed United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which specifies that no member of the Indigenous community will face pay, employment, or job discrimination. Previous studies have shown that indigenous Australians are jobless compared to non-indigenous Australians, indicating that the government has failed to meet this need. Furthermore, the growing incidence of over-representation in the unlawful justice system raises the question of whether indigenous peoples are treated fairly and wisely when they are detained by the government.

Indigenous Australians have long been the victims of societal injustice. Despite the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to put a stop to these injustices, they continue to experience racial discrimination. ethnicity. This prejudice is reflected in the fact that natives have a 17-year lower life expectancy than non-natives, and they are more likely to be jobless. Many duties are described in United Nations Declaration articles and include, among other things, respect and recognition of their right to self-determination, right to life, and right to the education of their children. Despite these promises, the government has failed to address indigenous people’s racial discrimination. With Indigenous people, a professional health worker’s competence and ability create a power imbalance, especially if they have poor reading and numeracy skills. Indigenous people are often unsure of themselves or lack self-esteem, making it harder for them to receive the assistance they require. Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations provide culturally appropriate health services to Indigenous Australians.


Delivering services in a culturally safe manner can help with suitability. Enabling indigenous people to select between indigenous and mainstream services, employing local staff to bridge the cultural gap, improving medical professionals’ review culture, service delivery in a non-traditional setting, and respect for cultural values such as gender avoidance behaviors are just a few examples. Through community dialogues, specific challenges that hinder access for local Indigenous people and families are identified, and solutions are devised to meet these concerns. Recognition of human rights has long been a component of the United Nations system on a global scale. Indigenous and non-Indigenous organizations are actively working together to persuade Australian governments to support the movement for Indigenous health equality.


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