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Informatics Technology Evaluation Assignment


The healthcare sector has witnessed a remarkable revolution in recent times as there has been a large scale adoption of informatics technologies geared towards improving patient care delivery by automating workflow and ultimately better outcomes. EHR systems also often contribute to this advancement. Within this strategy evaluation plan, with emphasis on the implementation of EHR in a healthcare facility, there is a detailed discussion of the strategic approaches included. The plan pays particular attention to the ways in which it influences the policies, procedures as well as governing laws, trying to determine the challenges that can arise with this technology. Beyond the direct advantages to clinical care the plan studies the intertwining of the EHR with broader healthcare policies as a way of verifying the respective compliance and optimizing through the performance. Evaluating the multi-faceted and extensive consequences of the implementation of EHR means that healthcare providers can make informed choices which promote a better care environment that is more efficient and patient-oriented.

 Background and Rationale

The implementation of an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system is a touchstone event marking the way forward towards modernizing the management of health care data. This strategic move, which reveals the shift to digitalization and highlights the dedication to interoperability as well as the development of a unified platform for the healthcare professionals to use to view and take care of patient information, also demonstrates the transition to digitalization and consolidation of practice perspectives, thereby ensuring cohesive access by healthcare professionals to patient information (Zheng et al, 2020). The implementation of EHR is informed by its potential to significantly transform how healthcare is practiced and the way patient care is delivered, and it also ensures the optimal utilization of all available resources and tools in the healthcare system which makes the system more effective and efficient (Alzu’bi et al, 2021). Power tools are the central pillars of this initiative to usher in the new era of efficiency, accuracy, and collaboration within healthcare industry, which raise the quality and effectiveness of healthcare.

Workflow Design

Before getting into the details of the evaluation plan, it is important to analyze the workflow design of the selected Electronic Health Record (EHR) technology. It cannot be overemphasized that a holistic and in-depth view of the system seamlessly blending with the current workflow is that which helps determine the bottlenecks and make the transition smooth. Flowchart needs encompassing all the stages of the patient treatment process, including initial data entry stage, subsequent promotion and further usage by patients and healthcare providers (Alzu’bi et al, 2021). The inclusion of all system processes within this holistic model guarantees a perfect alignment of the EHR technology with the existing processes thus, maximizing efficiency and effectiveness across all the domains of patient care (Zheng et al, 2020). Careful study of the workflow design acts that provide the foundation for a good and meaningful implementation of EHR.

Evaluation of Impact on Policy

 Current Policy Analysis

In order to understand the impact of Electronic Health Records (EHR) on health care policy on a comprehensive level the first and most important step is that of conducting a thorough review of the current policies governing the management of health care information. This encompasses a data privacy policy analysis in details which includes data access control, data sharing, and documentation standards analysis (Alzu’bi et al, 2021). The process of detecting any flaws or replications in the current policies provides a footing for making precise suggestions. Depending on the suggestions, these recommendations may include the revisions of the existing policies or their replacement with new they will be in better accordance with the transformational effects of HER (Tapuria et al, 2021). This detailed analysis guarantees that the regulatory system becomes agile and not only the receptive one but also resistant enough to counter emerging issues and opportunities in dynamically evolving landscape of healthcare information management.

Recommendations for Policy Changes

Following a thorough examination, it is clear that the introduction of policy reform is necessary. This suggestion should concentrate on dealing with particular challenges and opportunities facing EHR implemantation. Specifically, the data sharing policies that are applicable among healthcare providers ought to be closely examined to guarantee the required harmonized operation. Obtaining consent of the patient’s for electronic transmission of their data is another very important factor that needs to be reviewed to maintain the standards of privacy and ethics. Hence, reviewing data retention periods also emerges as a crucial requirement to follow the EHR systems’ development (Tapuria et al, 2021). Overall, the suggested policy amendments are intended to maximize the performance, security, and moral values adjacent to EHR implementation; this will produce a vibrant and dynamic healthcare system.

 Evaluation of Impact on Procedures

Current Procedures Analysis

The effect of Electronic Health Records (EHR) on health care practices should be carefully examined and not just be about developing policies. It mandates execution of a very detailed evaluation of the present procedures related to data input, retrieval, as well as communication between healthcare professionals. Understanding EHR as a Backbone for Efficient Operation of the Health Care System is Vital because it could either fit with the existing procedures or demand changes (Tapuria et al, 2021). This evaluation is not limited to technicality but also encompasses the human factor which is implicated in performing these processes safely. The seamless integration of EHR systems with the well-established procedures leads to a transitory process without the hassles, disruptions and enabled the realization of maximum gains of digitizing health records (Tapuria et al, 2021). A comprehensive solution should be implemented that considers technological factors as well as procedural elements for a successful transition into EHR systems.

Recommendations for Procedure Modifications

Having examined the existing procedures is the next stage and the subsequent one is to give suggestions on possible changes or the adoption of new procedures. It will entail the design of specially-customized training curricula for healthcare staff members, aiding their smooth transition to a new EHR system. Also, the creation of rules for standardized data input and putting the whole data into order to guarantee data quality is highly required. Change management plays a vital role in this process. Therefore, the concept of this category has to include real change management strategies for addressing the procedural elements that are EHR implementation (Tapuria et al, 2021). Such mechanisms guarantee smooth adaptation to the handling of emerging healthcare environments where all stakeholders in the health system work together to give effective healthcare.

Evaluation of Impact on Organizational Protocols

Organizational Protocols Analysis

The adoption of Electronic Health Records (EHR), requires drawing up of frameworks for implementation that compare the current intra-institutional protocols with the target protocols. The backbone of the institution within the context of EHR current implementation are these protocols and should therefore be evaluated. Critical aspects like communication, decision making, and quality assurance protocols are worth evaluating as they serious. Our major goal is to identify which area EHR can elevate organizational performance by making tasks automated and improving the organization’s overall performance. Concurrently, this assessment seeks to spotlight any potential hindrances that might occur during implementation process and proactive measures are to be appointed to resolve them (Kabukye et al, 2020). This thorough inspection is the tool used to create a perfect fit between the EHR systems and the organizational procedures, thus an organization obtains a coordinated and productive healthcare environment.

 Recommendations for Organizational Protocol Adjustments

In order to improve organizational effectiveness, a review of the existing protocols is necessary, followed by the recommendation of adjustments. Usually, this process involves such steps as building specialized communication channels in the EHR system and developing protocols providing for cross-disciplinary collaboration through EHR data. In addition, it may involve the smooth integration of EHR into the quality assurance processes (Kabukye et al, 2020). It is crucial that these changes are made in a way that complements with the strategic plan and the overall organizational goals to ensure that these things are in synchrony and that there is a purposeful approach to attain maximum operational efficiency.

Evaluation of Impact on Governing Laws

Laws Governing Protection and Security

Implementation of Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems punctures the healthcare system with many issues mainly concerning data protection and security. The regulatory legislation, such as HIPAA and HITECH, is a crucial for the state of privacy and quality of the patient information. What is extremely important is the fact that a complete analysis of what HER systems do relative to these tough laws is given first priority (Wang et al, 2020). Effective governance strategies are critical for ensuring that healthcare providers achieve the highest standards under which patient’s confidentiality is maintained and the use of the electronic health information is secure and ethical.

Laws Governing Reimbursement

The significant value of EHR systems is that they make reimbursement processes more transparent upon the implementation of accurate billing and coding. It should be considered that the legal framework of reimbursement, which is mainly the laws on Protected Health Information (PHI), has to be understood completely. A holistic approach includes the top on list of keeping the reimbursement regulations in compliance and the billing processes smooth within the EHR system (Wang et al, 2020). Not only this enrich accurate financial transactions, but it also protects patients` data, and so HCPs will successfully settle law and regulation related reimbursement problems with the best operational efficiency.


Lastly, the execution of an EHR platform is certainly a process of a transformative change in medical information management. Extensive evaluation plan obtained herewith ensures that the relation of EHR to the policy, procedure and laws of governing is measured. By analyzing and evaluating current policies, procedures, and protocols and suggesting the required matchments, healthcare organizations can make successful integration of EHR systems without conflicting with the laws governing the protection, security, and reimbursement. The implementation of EHR technology in the front line for health care systems is of great importance for the provision of top-quality patient-centred care as the healthcare landscape changes with time. By means of rigorous evaluation and sticking to a strategic approach, healthcare organizations can penetrate the scope of the EHR systems to the hilt and maximize the role of the EHRs in professional practice, performance, delivery of care and health outcomes.


Alzu’bi, A. A., Watzlaf, V. J., & Sheridan, P. (2021). Electronic health record (EHR) abstraction. Perspectives in Health Information Management, 18(Spring).

Zheng, K., Ratwani, R. M., & Adler-Milstein, J. (2020). Studying workflow and workarounds in electronic health record–supported work to improve health system performance. Annals of internal medicine, 172(11_Supplement), S116-S122.

Tapuria, A., Porat, T., Kalra, D., Dsouza, G., Xiaohui, S., & Curcin, V. (2021). Impact of patient access to their electronic health record: systematic review. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 46(2), 194-206.

Kabukye, J. K., de Keizer, N., & Cornet, R. (2020). Assessment of organizational readiness to implement an electronic health record system in a low-resource settings cancer hospital: A cross-sectional survey. PloS one, 15(6), e0234711.

Wang, Z., Talburt, J. R., Wu, N., Dagtas, S., & Zozus, M. N. (2020). A rule-based data quality assessment system for electronic health record data. Applied clinical informatics, 11(04), 622-634.


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