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Police Stress, Mental Health, and Resiliency During the COVID-19 Pandemic


The COVID-19 pandemic has had many effects on society, but the effects on law enforcement have been tremendous as they are the first responders of this war. They were pushed to their very limit when they were required to work for longer hours, totally exposed to the danger and also trauma. It was the duty of the officers to enforce the new policies set and implement government directives, which significantly contributed to the decline of their mental health, which was already jeopardized by pre-existing stress. Such factors compelled the exploration of the many distinguishing stressors and challenges that law enforcement officials can undergo, leading to the development of networks where they can get help and direction. Stogner et al. (2020) detail the many challenges brought up by a pandemic and the negative impact caused on the mental health of law enforcement officers and devise responses that can be used later in any crisis while preserving their mental well-being.

Historic context

The research pointed out that the main stressors that law enforcement officers come across are the threats of violent attacks, insufficient public support, and unpredictable shifts. Past occurrences like the HIV epidemic and the 9/11 attack conducted by terrorists portray the burden that law enforcement officers are faced with while carrying out their duties during times of uncertainty. In line with their responsibilities, officers must care for the general public and cater to their colleagues who may be affected. The pandemic forced officers to work for long hours with little rest. Furthermore, the directives set, coupled with the lingering fear of contracting the virus, negatively affected their mental health. During this period, many officers were faced with anxiety, stress-induced illnesses, and depression, according to the findings by Stogner et al. (2020). This forced some of the officers to turn to drugs and alcohol to manage stress so that they could perform their duties accordingly, as they were the first respondents whenever a crisis arose.

Impacts of stress levels

The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated that new measures be incorporated to combat the spread, which forced officers to adhere to and enforce new regulations to maintain their safety and that of the public. Although these changes were beneficial, they happened abruptly, significantly increasing law enforcement officers’ stress levels. Moreover, due to the uncertainty of the situation, public unrest was at an all-time high, with cases of domestic violence and property theft being on the rise. To top it all, riots and protests arose as a result of the measures set by the government, which affected officers as they were on the frontline of implementing these directives (Garbarino et al., 2020). Even with protective gear, officers were still exposed, as indicated by 15% of the New York Police Department (NYPD) being off duty as they had contracted the virus, which affected the mental health of officers and significantly lowered their morale. The likelihood of police misconduct was intensified owing to insufficient resources and poor training of officers in rural areas, which led to the need to foster ethics in the line of duty.

Strategies implemented

Prioritizing officers’ mental health is essential so that they can learn coping methods and ways to boost their resilience further. Therefore, it is the department’s responsibility to ensure fairness is promoted to ensure the well-being of its officers during the pandemic. Implementing measures such as setting up training programs, funding support groups, and teaching techniques to manage stress has proven successful in boosting mental health, which is impacted by strenuous activities (Aitken et al., 2019). Among the activities encouraged by officers are dancing and seeking the help of therapists to boost their mental health and share any problems they may have. To effectively do this, agencies have allocated more resources, and significant efforts have been directed toward quelling the stigma that comes with seeking help for mental issues. This has enhanced productivity and enabled officers to prepare for unplanned events adequately.


The COVID-19 pandemic shed light on the various challenges officers encounter and indicated the need to prioritize their mental health. By assessing the various factors that pose a threat to their mental health, we can comprehend how these issues impact their mental health. Agencies should intensify their efforts toward safeguarding officers’ mental health to be well-prepared whenever uncertain. Consistent training has to be offered to ensure that mental health issues are resolved even after the pandemic, and a culture based on resiliency must be created to ensure that officers carry out their duties accordingly.


Aitken, C. A., van Agt, H. M. E., Siebers, A. G., van Kemenade, F. J., Niesters, H. G. M., Melchers, W. J. G., Vedder, J. E. M., Schuurman, R., van den Brule, A. J. C., van der Linden, H. C., Hinrichs, J. W. J., Molijn, A., Hoogduin, K. J., van Hemel, B. M., & de Kok, I. M. C. M. (2019). Introduction of primary screening using high-risk HPV DNA detection in the Dutch cervical cancer screening programme: a population-based cohort study. BMC Medicine17(1).

Garbarino, S., Magnavita, N., Chiorri, C., Brisinda, D., Cuomo, G., Venuti, A., & Fenici, R. (2012). Evaluation of operational stress in riot and crowd control police units: A global challenge for prevention and management of police task-related stress. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology27, 111-122.

Stogner, J., Miller, B. L., & McLean, K. (2020). Police Stress, Mental Health, and Resiliency during the COVID-19 Pandemic. American Journal of Criminal Justice45(4), 718–730.


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