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Foundation for Strength, Conditioning, and Performance Enhancement


The women’s basketball team in the university of south Carolina is the squad I have selected to work with as the newly designated NCAA Division I Strength, Conditioning, and Performance Enhancement Coach. The Columbia, South Carolina-based University of South Carolina has a strong basketball history and has achieved some noteworthy things, such as a competitive record and a high rating with six wins away from an undefeated season (Philippou, 2023). Using athlete-centered strength, conditioning, and performance improvement techniques is an excellent concept because USC’s women’s basketball team has continuously shown excellence in performance. This choice aligns with my enthusiasm for encouraging athletic growth and realizing gifted players’ full potential.

Athlete Profile

  • University Location: Columbia, South Carolina (University of South Carolina, n.d.).
  • Sport: Women’s Basketball
  • Gender: Female
  • Sport class classification: NCAA Division I
  • Average athlete’s build: The average height of athletes is around 6 feet (Southeastern Conference, n.d.).
  • Average or traditional prep: Athletes typically have a background in high school basketball, followed by collegiate experience at the Division I level. Some athletes also have professional experience or aspirations (Turner, 2023).

The rationale for choosing the team

For several solid reasons, I decided to work with the women’s basketball team at the USC. First, there is a long history of success, including high-level competition and accomplishment. This is a fantastic chance to collaborate with top athletes dedicated to being the best. Furthermore, USC’s coaching team and support staff are committed to giving their athletes the tools and encouragement they need to succeed (Brandhorst, 2023). I am dedicated to assisting athletes in realizing their full potential and helping them grow as a strength, conditioning, and performance enhancement coach. Working with the USC women’s basketball team allows me to positively influence the lives and careers of gifted people while advancing the program’s general success.

Sports performance initial assessments

The initial assessments for the University of South Carolina women’s basketball team cover various aspects crucial for optimizing performance and reducing the risk of injuries. These assessments are categorized into speed, agility, quickness assessments, power assessments, metabolic assessments and strength assessments.

Speed, agility, quickness assessments

  • Three-Quarters Court Sprint: This test measures speed and acceleration across a specific distance for simulating basketball court transition demands (National Academy of Sports Medicine, 2018).
  • Pro Lane Agility Drill: It determines the lateral movement and agility around the key and, in turn, the athlete’s ability to change direction quickly, a fundamental basketball skill (National Academy of Sports Medicine, 2018).
  • T-Drill: Lateral speed assessment of the athletes’ agility, reaction time, and multilateral movement, with this being a collective measure of the ability, the drill being essential for the rapid alteration and improvement of sports strategies (National Academy of Sports Medicine, 2018).

Power assessments

  • Double leg vertical Jump: This tests the strength and power of an athlete’s lower body and explosiveness. This is important in activities such as basketball when an athlete rebounds or drives toward the basket (National Academy of Sports Medicine, 2018).
  • Standing Soccer Throw: Force generation of the upper body, which is critical for successful shots, passes, and physical play (National Academy of Sports Medicine, 2018).
  • Double-Leg Horizontal Jump (Long Jump): This evaluation aims to assess overall bilateral power across the body in a dynamic manner, focusing on jumping for distance instead of height (National Academy of Sports Medicine, 2018).

Metabolic assessments

  • 300-Yard Shuttle: This is a test used to measure both total anaerobic endurance and conditioning. It is relevant because it simulates all the intermittent sprinting requisites made by the sport of basketball (National Academy of Sports Medicine, 2018).
  • 20-meter Multistage Shuttle Test: It is an estimate of aerobic power, and VO2 max can be predicted, which gives an idea of the cardiovascular fitness of the player (National Academy of Sports Medicine, 2018).

Strength assessments

  • 185 lb. Bench Press – Basketball: This is a test to gauge both the maximum strength and endurance in repetitions. Each athlete will have one chance to complete as many repetitions as possible using a weight of 185 lbs. (National Academy of Sports Medicine, 2018).
  • Lower extremity strength assessment: squat: This evaluation is intended to estimate an individual’s maximum weight they can lift in a single repetition during a squat to show overall strength in the lower body. Additionally, it can help establish appropriate training intensities for squat exercises (National Academy of Sports Medicine, 2018).


Working with the women’s basketball team will give me an excellent opportunity to use athlete-focused strength, conditioning, and performance-enhancement techniques. The program provides a perfect setting for athletes to grow in their sports and be successful in competitions because athletes and the support staff working with them have been devoted to this work throughout their history of success. The need to train each athlete is established for sports performance assessments to enhance overall performance. This is meant to allow us to improve the existing performance levels of the USC women’s basketball team with a collective effort and tailor-made programs.


Brandhorst, C. (2023). Momentum shift. The University of South Carolina.

National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM. (2018). NASM Essentials of Sports Performance Training: Second Edition. Jones & Bartlett Learning. ISBN-13: 978-1284147988.

Philippou, A. (2023). South Carolina and the 67 teams are trying to ruin the gamecocks’ perfect season.

Southeastern Conference. (n.d.). 2024 University of South Carolina women’s basketball roster.

Turner, R. (2023). USC student-athletes succeed in competition, classroom, and community. University of South Carolina.

The University of South Carolina. (n.d.). Explore Columbia. University of South Carolina.


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