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Ethical Dilemmas in Criminal Justice on Training Day Movie


From a victimological perspective, movies with a victimization dynamic provide a unique insight into several aspects of society and the ethical dilemmas within the criminal justice system. This paper aims to interpret the ethical issues presented in the movie Training Day from the criminology perspective as it explores the causes of unethical behavior within the story. In addition, a policy that has to be proposed will be indicated to avoid the repetition of such ethical dilemmas in the future.

Summary of the Plot

Training Day is an exciting movie in Los Angeles about a detective named Alonzo Harris and his new partner, Jake Hoyt. Alonzo is a tough and sometimes questionable cop who puts Jake through difficult situations, making it hard for him to tell right from wrong. As the story goes on, Jake faces tough decisions that make him take risks (Fuqua et al., 2001). However, Jake feels unsure about Alonzo’s actions and how he seems to care about doing the wrong thing as a police officer. The movie clearly shows the struggle between doing what is right and doing what is wrong, depicting the internal conflict of people in the legal system.

The sad event makes Jake think about the big problem caused by Alonzo’s bad actions. It raises questions about what is right and wrong, fairness, and using power in the wrong way. Alonzo’s unique way of doing things and not following the rules for his benefit caused ethical problems in the story (Fuqua et al., 2001). Throughout the film, the audience experiences much suspense as the main character faces difficult moral challenges from his mentor. The two characters’ relationship shows the same problems in the criminal justice system. It reveals how difficult it can be for police officers to make the right moral choices.

Training Day shows how morality is seen in the criminal justice system. The characters and story make us think about the problems with law enforcement (Fuqua et al., 2001). This movie starts important conversations about people who must ensure the world is fair and how their decisions can affect everyone. It also shows how their personal choices can impact society.

Ethical Dilemmas in the Criminal Justice System

The movie Training Day shows the problems with ethics in the criminal justice system. Many people do not care about things like police corruption, abuse of power, and not being sure what is right and wrong (Maile et al., 2022). These challenges can be considered using ethical ideas like thinking about what helps most people, following rules, and being good. The characters’ actions and how the system deals with problems make us think about what influences the moral rules of the criminal justice system.

In the movie, a big moral issue happens when Alonzo forces Jake to take drugs while working undercover. This situation goes against the important values of honesty, trustworthiness, and the duty of a police officer to make sure the law is followed (Maile et al., 2022). Based on the idea that we should do what will help the most people, the bad things that could happen in this situation include Jake getting hurt and people not trusting the police if they decide to risk his safety. This could be worse than the good things it would do to have the evidence.

Another important part of the event happens when Alonzo uses too much force against a gang during a protest. This is about how to use violence reasonably and protect people’s rights. Using a deontological approach, we can say that Alonzo’s actions are wrong because they do not follow moral duties and universal principles of justice (Maile et al., 2022). His use of too much force goes against the ethical code for law enforcement.

Moreover, the movie uses virtue ethics to show what kind of person Alonzo is. This shows that we need to pay attention to the problems with the law (Maile et al., 2022). Virtue ethics says that having a good character is important. Alonzo does not have the right character to sacrifice the justice system’s integrity. This movie enquires about what happens when people can pay money to get out of trouble even when they are supposed to face punishment. Based on ethical rules, it tests if people stick to the principle even when it is easier not to. Virtue ethics is about being a good person and doing the right thing. It is about how people can do the right thing and be fair.

Criminological Theory Analysis

To understand the bad behavior in the movie Training Day, we can use criminology theories as a model to understand why the characters act the way they do. The strain theory says that when people cannot reach their goals in a way society approves, they might break the rules. This theory applies to this case. In the movie, Alonzo’s actions are because of the problems and rules in the police force (Agnew & Brezina, 2019). Robert K. Merton came up with strain theory, which says that when people cannot reach their goals using their resources, they may turn to other ways to achieve them. Alonzo’s character shows how the flaws in the law can make people act in bad ways.

In the movie, the central character, Alonzo, is described as an experienced police detective with numerous problems in the police department. Strain theory suggests that people may deviate from acceptable behavior when the conventional means of success are limited and blocked (Agnew & Brezina, 2019). Such actions of Alonzo as corruption, using his position to get benefits, and using force could be regarded as a response to the strain he experiences in being successful in society and career, but within a frame of the law.

One of the illustrative cases is the involvement of Alonzo in carrying out criminal activities such as drug trafficking. According to the strain theory, people living in challenging economic conditions or without opportunity may shift their interest to illegal means of making money (Agnew & Brezina, 2019). Alonzo, overwhelmed by his personal and work pressures, begins to crack under the strain and commits criminal acts to clear these hurdles.

Moreover, strain theory focuses on the influence of societal structures and institutional arrangements on deviant behavior. Alonzo’s moral wrongdoing is not an individual weakness owing to the systemic problems inherent in the police department and the general criminal justice system (Agnew & Brezina, 2019). The strain on Alonzo is due to no oversight, unlimited power dynamics, and a culture that condones corruption.

Proposed Policy to Prevent Unethical Dilemmas

To address the ethical challenges considered in the movie Training Day, a detailed policy is injected to avert the possibility of future occurrences (SAGE, 2019). Said policy aims to tackle the underlying sources of illegal behavior among the criminal justice system officials, underlining the need for transparency, accountability, and continuous training for police officers.

Firstly, policing accountability is the aim of the policy. This would entail setting up a body that would act as an independent control agency to investigate the allegations of misconduct, corruption, or negligence in public service (SAGE, 2019). This policy aims to prevent unnoticed activity within the police department by guaranteeing that such activities are under external control.

Moreover, the outlined policy emphasizes the necessity of control systems. Achieving such a balance in officers’ conduct would require regular internal and external audits undertaken by objective bodies (SAGE, 2019). This would promote a culture of openness and increased civic confidence in law enforcement.

Finally, the policy emphasizes that training programs about ethical decision-making, conflict resolution, and cultural competence should occur continuously (SAGE, 2019). The continuous education that the policy provides is intended to give officers skills and ethical underpinnings to deal with complex scenarios, which guarantee a reduction in deviant activities.

This policy is based on ethical principles because it strives to ensure transparency, accountability, and a constant revision of the activities of law-and-order Agencies (SAGE, 2019). By directly tackling problems outlined in the film, the policy seeks to establish a righteous criminal justice system that restores public confidence in its systems and ensures officers are well-equipped to adhere to justice and integrity.


To sum up, Training Day is a conversational movie about ethical dilemmas in the criminal justice setting. On reflection, an analysis of the ethical issues in the portrayal of crime and a practical application of criminological theories within the movie have offered thoughtful insight into the intricacies of the criminal justice system. Rather than reactive, the proposed policy offers a proactiveness that seeks to prevent such moral dilemmas and nurtures a system predicated on the virtues of justice and fairness.


Agnew, R., & Brezina, T. (2019). General Strain Theory. Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research, 2, 145–160.

Fuqua, A., Ayer, D., Washington, D., Hawke, E., Glenn, S., & Berenger, T. (2001). Training Day. IMDb.

Maile, A., Thompson, A., McLoughlin, S., & Kristjánsson, K. (2022). The choice of deontological, virtue ethical, and consequentialist moral reasoning strategies by pre- and in-service police officers in the U.K.: an empirical study. Ethics & Behavior, 1–19.

SAGE. (2019). The Ethics of Policy Making. Https://


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