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Cultural Competence in Mental Health Counseling

Mental health counselors need cultural competency to satisfy the varied desires of their clients. Using the ADDRESSING framework, the study explores the cultural identities and developments of the mental health professional, analyzing our client Ellen. Therefore, it sheds light on cultural factors, lack of awareness, and techniques to foster inclusive conversations by exploring strength dynamics and doubtlessly oppressive contexts.

People can study more about themselves and their cultural background using the ADDRESSING framework. I draw on many elements of my identity to shape my worldview. As a middle-aged Asian atheist, I am thirty years old and free of obvious bodily impairments(Hall,2017). My ancestors’ line started in the Middle East. As a Black lesbian from a low-profit family who is physically challenged, Ellen’s existence is a powerful instance of the particular cultural features she symbolizes. Ellen is forty-five years old. Recognizing and respecting these variations is the initial stage in offering culturally suitable remedies. To locate prejudices and injustices, looking at the referred developments through the lens of oppression and power is crucial. Racial and ethnic minorities, which include African Americans, have been concerned with institutionalized oppression for a long term due to ancient and social elements (Moro et al.,2017). People with mobility problems may face discrimination even when trying to get admission to traditionally reachable areas of society. It is vital to be aware of the power of family members members to accommodate the unique needs of customers such as Ellen.

Mental health therapists managing cultural problems have to preserve a highly well-known career. The social and historical contexts in which Ellen’s African American data might also have an impact on her mental health. Given the significance of her sexual orientation to her identity, it is crucial to offer a secure area that is free of prejudice and heteronormative expectations(Moro et al.,2017). Strategies that aim to reduce boundaries to communicate while retaining accessibility must account for Ellen’s physical handicap. Nevertheless, blind spots might nonetheless result from subconscious prejudices or assumptions. Individuals in mental health care must not be prejudiced based totally on race, faith, monetary popularity, or some other thing. To set up a safe space for remedy, it is vital to apprehend and triumph over personal biases associated with sexual orientation. I am at a drawback because I have misplaced touch with the particular demanding situations faced by people with disabilities. More training or help on disability consciousness may help address this. Clients like Ellen could benefit from this because it increases competency(Hall,2017). By fostering surroundings where Ellen feels secure sharing her thoughts, feelings, and studies, we can collectively conquer barriers and create an inclusive therapy session.

In conclusion, to be culturally ready for mental health therapy, one should have an extensive understanding of the numerous identities and the strength dynamics that affect them. Using the ADDRESSING framework, one gains a more profound know-how of crucial cultural features, strength struggles, and capability areas of monitoring. The mental health commercial enterprise can better assist its customers if they try to create a comfortable and accepting environment with those factors. Regular consumer interviews, instructional looks, and self-mirrored images enhance intellectual health counselors’ cultural competency.


Moro, T. T., Savage, T. A., & Gehlert, S. (2017). Agency, social and healthcare support for adults with intellectual disability at the end of life in out‐of‐home, non‐institutional community residences in Western nations: A literature review. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 30(6), 1045–1056.

Hall, S. A. (2017). Community Involvement of Young Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: Their Experiences and Perspectives on Inclusion. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 30(5), 859–871.


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