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Critique of the Methodology Used in the Dissertation


The selected dissertation focuses on people’s views on human resources specialists concentrating on ruling-level marijuana legalization and its ramifications for personnel arrangements and organizational morale. The one that faces the HR staff in this review is the drifting people with changing cannabis regulations, legalized in different states. The emerging realities of cannabis legalization in various parts of the globe necessitate scrutiny of the repercussions of implementing institutional policies and organizational ethics. This study aims to inform businesses, such as HR professionals, how they view state-level cannabis legalization concerns and their negotiations. Topics of how workplace policies and ethics frameworks are developed will also emerge from this perspective.

Purpose of the study

The purpose of the research is to discover what the HR professionals think about the widening of the cannabis act and thus can provide helpful information that can be applied in decision-making within multinational operating companies. Comprehending the dilemmas coming in the way of the HR specialists in this context is essential for ensuring workspaces that balance law-abiding, employee well-being, and ethics.

Methodology used in the study

According to Petro (2022), methodologically, a multiple-case study is a robust and suitable design for studying complicated constructs operating in live environments. As it utilizes multiple cases, one can analyze various perceptions and organizational settings in depth, increasing the results’ external validity and generalizability. This methodological decision follows quite well the objective of the study of the heterogeneous HR professionals’ experiences and reactions to cannabis legalization.

The research utilizes qualitative research design; the decision is made based on the need for thorough exploration and interpretation of the viewpoint of the respondents. Provided that qualitative approaches, like interviews and document analysis, can sufficiently capture the intricacy associated with perceptions of HR professionals and the decision-making process characteristic to this field as a part of the cannabis legalization process. This methodology enables subtle insights that may need to be more effectively captured with quantitative alone.

How Literature Review Relates to Methodology

The primary and sub-major headings in the literature review are closely linked to the study overview, resulting in a cohesive coherence of the relevant scholarly debates. The field is arranged thematically with an overall sampling of primary areas directly informing the research question and its subsequent methodology. The key themes that are covered in the literature review are the ethical influences of the legalization of Marijuana, the psych- effects of the use of Marijuana by employees, and the challenges that people in the field of HR have to endure while trying to adapt to the changing legal realities.

Ethical Implications of Cannabis Legalization

The article explores the ethical implications of cannabis legalization under the major heading, “Ethical Implications of Cannabis Legalization”, and deals with the research on the moral and ethical perspectives connected with the application of Marijuana, primarily regarding the workplace. This thematic investigation closely matches the study’s goal as it examines the moral dilemmas that HR professionals face.

Impact of Cannabis on Employee Behaviour

Likewise, the “Impact of Cannabis on Employee Behaviour” of the literature review emphasizes the empirical evidence and theoretical frameworks that reveal the effects that using Cannabis may have on employee performance and employee behaviour. This part directly supports the reason for studying HR professionals’ perspectives on the following issues that raise problems when managing employee conduct after legalizing Cannabis. The literature review also examines issues that HR professionals struggle to address, reflecting the object of the study – the wisdom of this professional category. It deals with HR policies, legality aspects, and organizational reactions, concluding an enriching foundation for comprehending the environmental factors impacting HR decision-making.

The main headings and subheadings of the literature review correspond well with the overview of the study by creating a thematic transition that positions the research question in the field of knowledge. The literature review indicates more than a simple informing of the methodology, but the legitimizing and orientation of the study as inserted within the scope of a broader framework of scholarly insights. Throwing careful order on the used bibliography can justify the subsequent research design, making it more coherent and relevant, thus connecting quite smoothly with the next section of literature to methodology transfer.

How Does the Literature Review Support the Study Method?

The literature review, as a part of Petro’s (2022) dissertation, critically contributes to the development of the chosen research method, which is qualitative. Review is an adequate foundation as it examines the existing knowledge concerning the perceptions of human resources professionals toward state-level legalization of Marijuana and resulting workplace policies and organizational ethics.

To begin with, the literature review supports a qualitative research method since it points to the importance of delving deeper into HR professionals’ views and experiences. In qualitative research, one is interested in understanding the richness and complexity of human experiences. The literature review paints a very illustrative picture of this, with a subtle undertone of the difficulties of navigating the ethics and policy dimensions of cannabis legalization. It broadly accepts that the quantitative approach cannot address the specialized understanding and the local specific components that qualitative techniques like interviews and document analysis can unveil.

The conducting of the literature review also helps justify the qualitative approach of the study, which focused on exploring the topic instead of describing it. It spotlights the lack of evidence-based research regarding the perceptions of HR professionals about the legalization of Cannabis. This is consistent with the qualitative paradigm because, under delineated circumstances, this science is appropriate for studying phenomena where there is a lack of understating and a desire to produce novel knowledge. However, this gap can be filled through the literature review undertaken by Petro by probing the situational and personal responses of HR professionals. The qualitative methodology well underpins this area.

Additionally, the literature review serves as the source of theory and concept synthesis, which forms the basis of the conceptual framework designed for the qualitative inquiry. For instance, the critical review may be based on ethical decision-making models, organizational behaviour theories, or frameworks focused on HR practice models. The theoretical frameworks are a foundation for developing interview questions, the interpretation, and overall comprehension of HR –perception. Therefore, The literature,ture review,w lays a theoretical platform to support the qualitative methodology used since the study is guided by the relevant frameworks that help answer the research questions.

Also, the literature review helps in making the rationale for the choice of qualitative methods of data collection, such as interviews, document analysis, and so on. Referring to previous studies that have found these methods to be appropriate in such settings enables the review to support the justification for these approaches in the clarification of beliefs of HR professionals. It first shows how qualitative research enables a finer analysis of personal viewpoints, organizational processes, and the ever-changing landscape of cannabis licensing, all critical elements of the study.

How might the literature review support the use of an alternative method (quantitative instead of qualitative or qualitative instead of quantitative) for the study?

Petro’s (2022) dissertation applies the qualitative research method. It is the case study of an individual who draws inferences from the remarks of human resource personnel given state-level cannabis legalization; nonetheless, how the literature review might uphold another research approach, like the quantitative approach, should be considered. Studying the literature review concerning a qualitative method can indicate the study’s versatility and flexibility.

Primarily, the literature review helps to endorse the possibility of a quantitative approach by defining the areas of weakness in the current literature that might be covered through statistical analysis. For example, suppose the review points out the scarcity of large-scale surveys or quantitative studies that evaluate the extent of certain attitudes or behaviours among HR specialists due to cannabis legalization; it implies a quantitative research design approach. Quantitative techniques apply to collecting numerical data and hence can be used for testing and identifying patterns, associations, or trends using statistical formulas.

Additionally, the literature review also helps justify using a quantitative method, which allows for the identification of essential variables and constructs that can be made measurable. These concepts include the attitudes of HR professionals, organizational responses, or specific outcomes of cannabis legalization; these can be used to quantify either achieved factors that could be used in a quantitative study. The review helps the researcher identify appropriate constructs and measurement instruments for attaining the objectives.

Furthermore, complementing the quantitative strategy, the literature review presents validated instruments or scales used in previous studies. If the review reveals established measures of constructs related to the study, such as students’ attitudes or organizations’ adaptation, such tools could be included in a quantitative questionnaire. This strengthens the methodological validity of the research and makes it possible to compare with other researchers’ findings. In this way, there is an addition to the knowledge obtained in the field.

In addition, the literature review supports the definition of the target population and sampling method of a potential quantitative study. By defining the area of HR professionals covered in previous studies, the critique guides the choice of the target population and sampling procedures for quantitative research. This guarantees that the study results represent the more extensive community of HR professionals.

The literature review also buttresses the quantitative method by informing the designing of the research hypotheses derived from current theories and experimental findings. Suppose the review finds the patterns or trends that could be subjected to hypothesis tests. In that case, it specifies the base for developing testable propositions intended to be investigated using quantitative inquiry. This alignment guarantees a strategic plan and systematic approach oriented by hypotheses as the game’s rules in quantitative research.

In summary, the present literature review can serve as a functional preamble to Petro’s dissertation because a qualitative approach can be easily substituted by a quantitative method. Gaps, constructs, measurement instruments, and predation characteristics mentioned in the review serve as guidelines for a quantitative study. With the knowledge derived from the literature, researchers can include adaptive methodology to suit particular research questions and thus contribute to broadening the field of understanding the perceptions of HR professionals on state-level cannabis legalization. This dynamic nature of the research method signifies the need to adjust the research method with the character of the research domain, defining the research questions and objectives of the conduct.


While Petro (2022) and Rolf (2022) present different critiques of their dissertations, synthesizing their critiques sheds some light on the strengths and limitations of each study. A subtle assessment is formed by analyzing significant parts, like literature reviews, theoretical frameworks, the inclusion of alternative views, clear discussions and methodological applicability.

The literature review commences with Petro’s dissertation and is remarkable, providing evidence of methodological precision and refined perception of the research subject. The review appropriately blends voiced threats across dimensions, encompassing ethics, employee attacks, and difficulties of HR practitioners under the cannabis regulation. It is a logically thematic organization concerning the literature review, starting from broader ethical issues and moving to specialized challenges for HR practitioners. Petro suggests a qualitative approach, and this choice is well justified by the literature demonstrating the complicated and intricate nature of the HR professionals’ stories about cannabis legalization.

In addition, Petro skillfully ensures the theoretical foundation is in sync with the research topic by incorporating ethical decision models and organizational behaviour theories. In addition to contributing to solidifying the study’s theoretical base, this alignment orients the research design and data analysis. Petro justifies why in her approach to qualitative research on a holistic basis embedded in the literature that requires in-depth study and understanding of HR professionals’ perceptions. Therefore, the literature review provides a solid grounding for Petro’s study to build upon, giving a comprehensive and informed base from which further research phases can then be founded.

Unlike Rolf’s case, his dissertation is constrained within the literature review despite being competent. It is rather valuable to centre the portion of African American women in therapy. Nonetheless, the review (Engler & Farmer, 2017) could benefit from a more comprehensive comparison of perspectives, including cultural and sociological approaches to mental well-being. Also, while the theoretical framework is good, it can made better packed with an added clear relation to the unique experiences of African American women counseling. Although Rolf can properly elaborate upon the synthesis of the previous research regarding the stereotypes and African American women’s coping strategies, the literature review can be improved by including broader perspectives and situations.

The critics’ arguments focus on the critical function of a literature review that must be developed according to the authors’ underestimated requirements. Thanks to its methodological accuracy, the wide variety of points of view presented and the correspondence with the research question under discussion, Petro’s study proves itself to be the winning one. The few reflections that mark these critiques shed light on the value of depth, diversity, and theoretical fit in literature reviews, critical elements that guide and sustain academic endeavours.

Therefore, for the way ahead, scholars should take insight into the impact of these critiques in their research ventures. Petro provides an exemplary model for writing literature reviews that do more than support the research method – that inform and extend the scholarly conversation. Likewise, the critiques further point out that research development requires constant sharpening, stressing completeness, pluralism and unity with the theory in the literature reviews to define the groundwork for insightful research. They must always remain sensitive to the appropriation of these aspects as their scholarly endeavours, for their bearing into the evolution of their academic fields, bring about enhanced depth, eminence, and perspicuity of their work’s impact.


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