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The Importance of Cultural Humility in Practice

Cultural humility is an indispensable aspect that is effective and ethical in practice and other domains. These include Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), which would require an inner understanding of the various cultural backgrounds. Some prospects that need acknowledgement have inherent biases since they tend not to align with other people’s practices and beliefs. Hence, the essay explores the significance of cultural humility in ABA, emphasising the need to comprehend behaviour analysts’ practices while simultaneously listening and learning from anti-ABA autistics. The analysis will require an open mind and a non-judgmental attitude to enhance the ability to provide effective and sensitive interventions in cultural practice.

Understanding Culture from a Behavioral Point of View

Culture can be viewed from a behavioral perspective by considering various factors. These would encompass aspects such as norms, beliefs, practices and shared beliefs that would define how an individual’s behaviour becomes shaped with time and in a particular group. Hence, culture influences how individuals perceive the world around them and interact with everything surrounding them. The whole viewpoint affects the prospects regarding their language, social behaviours, communication styles, and decision-making skills in their surroundings (Stubbe, 2020). The behavior analysts acknowledge the significance that culture plays in shaping human behavior, particularly in designing interventions that ensure appropriateness and the practical nature in each cultural context.

Culture in Applied Practice

Incorporating culture in applied practice is essential when developing interventions relevant to the client. The cultural factors present in these scenarios influence the responses of the individuals concerning the various stimuli that might affect them. The other factors that affect culture in practice include preferences for reinforcing these individuals and the social interactions that exist. Through comprehension of the cultural context of these clients, the most involved party, the behaviour analysts, can have an opportunity to tailor the interventions to the required specifications (Alves et al., 2020). These include the beliefs, practices, and values that people hold sacred, thereby increasing the likelihood of success while promoting cultural competence.

Cultural Humility

The aspect of cultural humility entails the incorporation of specific features that define its boundaries and definition. It is associated with a lifelong commitment to self-reflection, willingness and openness to gain knowledge. The learning bits resonate with the need for having a wide-scale collaboration of people from different cultural backgrounds. The concept also requires one to acknowledge that their limitations and biases, such as the acts of judging, tend to exist among them. These individuals should actively ensure that they seek to understand and respect other people’s perspectives. Several benefits can accrue among these individuals when they embrace the prospects of cultural humility. Some include enhancing rapport with high levels of trust when dealing with clients (Alves et al., 2020). There is also the concept of having improved treatment outcomes with a more inclusive working environment in which each person is respectful towards the other.

Skills for Culturally Humble Approaches

The adoption of culturally humble approaches requires the development of specific skills. One of the aspects denoted from these skills is the prospect of self-awareness, which would require an individual always to be aware of their cultural biases. The others that also require some awareness include assumptions and limitations that are significant in fostering humility in culture. The actual process, hence, involves an ongoing self-reflection that seeks feedback from others and identifies potential areas with blind spots (Foronda, 2019). Self-awareness requires the problems realized to be solved by generating proper strategies that mitigate them. The other skill that is needed for the development of a culturally humble approach relates to active listening. Different people usually have various perspectives that may not necessarily be the same. In this manner, developing g theto developive listening would allow other clients’ perspectives and experiences to be heard. The result of active listening would relate to fostering a mutual understanding incorporated with high standards of respect (Foronda, 2019). The process will involve suspending judgment and demonstrating that one can depict empathy and validation in all ways. There is also the need to have skills related to asking open-ended questions that allow the other party to feel that they are being heard.

The other skill needed as a culturally humble approach when handling other people includes the prospect of cultural competence. Culturally competent behaviour analysts tend to have knowledge concerning diverse cultural practices and values. They also have a vast comprehension of the traditions that define most people. These skills allow them to integrate the cultural considerations and transform them into their forms of assessment, intervention and evaluation strategy. These activities allow the services to be respectful and, in several instances, culturally responsive.

Strategies for the Development and Maintenance of Culturally Humble Skills

Behaviour analysts use several strategies to develop and maintain culturally humble skills. Some include continuing education, which engages people in ongoing training and develops them professionally. These types of development focus on cultural competence with humility to enhance their understanding of diverse cultural perspectives (Foronda, 2019). There is also cultural immersion, which actively seeks various opportunities to immerse oneself in different cultural environments. These include participating in cultural events and engaging actively with different community organizations. As a result, there will be increased empathy and appreciation of cultural diversity.

Another strategy that can be used relates to having peer collaborations. Various benefits can be accrued when peer collaboration exists among the participating groups. Some of them include providing valuable insights to promote mutual learning (Dowdy et al., 2021). People from diverse backgrounds can have different perspectives; however, there is a broader understanding of these varied opinions through peer collaboration. The strategies that aim to develop and maintain culturally humble skills should have a long-term impact to ensure the change is felt.

Instances of Culturally Humble Approaches

The statement that the anti-ABA autistic adult provides explores the significance of the adoption of culturally humble approaches in the bridging of gaps between behaviour analysts, practitioners or researchers, and anti-ABA advocates. There is the prospect of collaborative dialogue where the behaviour analysts engage in respectful dialogue with the anti-ABA autistics and different advocates (Dowdy et al., 2021). The need to have this instance relates to properly comprehending various concerns and perspectives when dealing with ABA therapy (Dowdy et al., 2021). There is an actual listening to the viewpoints of different people instead of dismissing them altogether. There is also the acknowledgement of the concepts related to the validity of their experiences and bringing efforts to work together. In this way, they can explore alternative interventions that align with their values and preferences.

In most cases, The other example that can be associated with using a culturally humble approach relates to cultural sensitivity, particularly in the intervention design. The behaviour analysts involved in this case tend to come up with various interventions incorporating the beliefs and cultural practices of these autistic individuals together with their families. The process may involve the modification of treatment strategies in an attempt to accommodate the various sensory activities (Stubbe, 2020). There is also the promotion of self-expression with autonomy, which fosters an inclusive environment. Other aspects related to the creation of a supportive community would also emerge in the process of celebrating neurodiversity.


Hence, cultural humility becomes an indispensable tool in promoting effective and ethical practice when dealing with Applied Behavior Analysis. Respect is generated when dealing with the cultural practices and various perspectives of the clients through understanding various cultural practices. Hence, The behaviour analysts involved have relevant and effective interventions that would foster trust and respect among them and the other related parties. Through the use of ongoing self-reflection, collaboration, and the skills related to active listening, positive outcomes that relate to the culturally humble approaches from diverse cultural backgrounds are promoted.


Alves, F. J., Carvalho, E. A. D., Aguilar, J., Brito, L. L. D., & Bastos, G. S. (2020). Applied Behavior Analysis for the Treatment of Autism: A Systematic Review of Assistive Technologies. IEEE Access8, 118664–118672.

Dowdy, A., Peltier, C., Tincani, M., Schneider, W. J., Hantula, D. A., & Travers, J. C. (2021). Meta‐analyses and effect sizes in applied behavior analysis: A review and discussion. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.

Foronda, C. (2019). A Theory of Cultural Humility. Journal of Transcultural Nursing31(1), 104365961987518.

Stubbe, D. E. (2020). Practicing Cultural Competence and Cultural Humility in the Care of Diverse Patients. Focus18(1), 49–51.


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