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Social, Cultural and Historical Drivers Behind the Creation of Youth Clubs and Youth Groups

Youths are very critical as they are known as the future of societies. According to Tahir (n.d), youth are recently challenging the older political class worldwide and are forming a new political generation. By definition, youths are individuals between youth, 15- to 24-year-olds following United Nations(de-Brauw, 2019 p 2). According to Stecklov and Menashe-Oren (2019), the past evolution of the youth population was intense in Asia and the Pacific; in contrast, estimations propose a severe growth in the youth population of sub-Saharan Africa till 2050. creating youth clubs and youth groups is essential with youths facing several challenges. This essay will discuss the main social, cultural, and historical drivers behind creating youth clubs and youth groups.

Youth clubs and youth groups are linked to youth works. Youth work involves informal training that young individuals study and grow through fun, discussions, challenges, activities and associations (de St Croix, 2018 p414). Moreover, it is an evolving sequence beginning in various places by youths being intentional and led by a youth worker. It deals with voluntary organisations and the government set to promote significant impact among the youth. Youth works create a vital section of integrated amenities with three focal elements; collective services for every young individual, targeted provision for youth in dire need, and information, assistance, leadership and counselling. It takes place in community centres, schools, parks, colleges, youth centres and shopping places. Methods of executing tasks are individual, working in small groups and acquiring knowledge from experience. The services that provide youth work vary depending on the government concentration on the needs of society. The funding facilities of the young individuals are sourced from both local and central governments.

Youth work has various benefits for both society and youths. It helps them acquire knowledge about themselves, others and the community; knowledge is acquired through various activities, fun, interactions and discussions besides challenges. Youth works create space for individuals to offer opinions and perspectives in different areas. It builds confidence in young people regarding involvement in various activities and raises their self-esteem and self-identity by learning their strengths and weaknesses. It helps build strong relationships between youth themselves and understand community social relationships. Youth work generally assists individuals to attain their full potential in the different aspects of life.

Youth have various challenges that require creating youth clubs, youth groups. Unemployment and underemployment are global progress concerns challenges (Dadzie, Fumey, and Namara, 2020 p13). Most youths lack employment, therefore, seeking alternatives. Society faces challenges such as insecurity due to young people stealing to meet their needs. Besides, involvement in drug and substance abuse causes health concerns. Lack of employment among the youth affects the economic growth and progression in society. Family issues affect them negatively due to lack of self-esteem and mental health issues besides behavioural issues. Recently, technological advancement through social media and smartphones has accumulated mental suffering and treatment for mental health conditions among the youths (Abi-Jaoude, Naylor, and Pignatiello, 2020 p.136). Social media pressure affects individuals’ feelings and thoughts, leading to depression and overdue sleep. In the United States, the suicide rate between individuals aged 10–24 was statistically constant from 2000 to 2007, then progressed 57.4%, from 6.8 per 100,000 in 2007 to 10.7 in 2018 (Curtin, 2020). Besides, In Australia, suicide is the significant root of death among the youth ( Kinchin, and Doran, 2018 p672). With these challenges, the intervention of different organisations and the government is vital.

Social, cultural and historical drivers are essential when creating youth clubs and youth groups. Christian principles are considered due to the religious setup of communities. Most missionaries began youth groups based on their churches. Spiritual values are through religious education: honesty, faith, courage, wisdom and charity. The youths were expected to have a strong belief in Christ and carry out charitable activities in the community. It established a strong relationship between youth and the community, leading the economy’s growth.

The cultural driver of creating youth clubs and youth groups was based on values. Social value is all measured as good and right, which is anticipated by the community (Ritiauw, Maftuh, and Malihah, 2018 p. 4). They should show care to individuals around them. Creation of Most youth clubs and youth groups is in rural and poor areas. Upon funding of these groups, resources are distributed hence the caring aspect. Also, humility is a value expected of every individual. Older people must be respected by the youths, especially during community service.

Communication is critical in every aspect of the group. Youths are expected to have open communication among themselves and with youth workers. Communication is to ensure efficiency when carrying out various tasks. Effective communication is practical, polite, transparent, creative, innovative, beneficial, skilled, advanced, energetic, enabling, and sociable (Reddy and Gupta, 2020 p.3793). It helps in building strong positive relationships. Effective communication assists in preventing conflicts and disagreements. It helps in the total engagements of the youths in different tasks. Also, there is satisfaction due to effective communication.

The needs of the society were critical in assessing the creation of youth groups and youth clubs. Society needs vary between individuals; however, there are common ones such as poverty. They are initiated from human groups capable of enacting their positions depending on their strength in community and government (Vieira, J.E., 2021). Youth engagements in projects that will advance the community status attracted more individuals. Besides, organisations provide funds, therefore, assisting in achieving the community needs. In poor areas, the youths lack education hence less progression. With various activities carried out within the youth clubs and youth groups, they acquire appropriate knowledge vital for advancement. Besides, these groups have spaces for innovations that can improve the community livelihoods. Some communities have insecurities problems because of poor interaction with their neighbours. Educating the youths on th importance of peace and living in harmony will positively impact society.

Inter-personal skills are essential when creating youth groups and youth clubs. Self-discipline is necessary for ensuring the progression of individuals. Youths develop interpersonal and team-working skills with time (Ismail, 2018.). Besides, it assists in perseverance and self-drive while executing tasks. Showing concerns to others is significant in youth groups and youth clubs since it mainly involves working in public areas. Self-respect enables individuals to have boundaries when executing tasks. Collaboration with others is critical to ensure efficiency and high productivity.

Ethnicity is a significant factor when creating youth groups and youth clubs. It is vital due to the various cultural values, language and religion. Ethnicity affects the distribution of resources and influence of individuals. However, mixing multiple ethnic groups in youth clubs and youth groups assist in creating challenges among individual. It also builds understanding and acceptance of diversity in values and languages. Besides, depending on ethnic groups, youths differ in social and cultural experiences. For instance, ethnic entrepreneurship is measured to impact business performance because ethnic minority-based enterprises are likely to be weak: because of certain financial restrictions associated with the non-minority functional enterprise (Appiah, Donghui, and Majumder, 2019). Identification of ethnicity improves interpersonal skills such as self-awareness and self-esteem.

Utilitarianism is among the drivers of creating youth groups and youth clubs. It states that maximising whatever is upright for everyone is all ethics. It makes ethical results simply by providing a different extent of suitability: expansion of utility (Savulescu, Persson, and Wilkinson, 2020 p.623). It is based on three principles; happiness has a fundamental value, actions are factual because they stimulate pleasure, and everybody’s satisfaction is similar. Following Agustina and Clarista (2018 p.1). Application of the theory can be in issues that benefit society, such as law enforcement. It is significant in ensuring the growth of the community through spreading happiness in platforms of youth groups and youth clubs. Therefore, resources will be shared equally using the theory, advancement in society.

Youth groups and youth clubs contribute significantly to meeting the needs of society. Considering youths are the leaders of tomorrow, they will critically analyse an issue and find a solution. Besides, youth are innovative therefore quick at finding solutions to a problem. It is significant to have factors to consider before creating them. It helps ensure productivity and efficiency of the youth group or youth club besides predictions of the outcomes. Youths are vital in establishing the growth and development of society. Besides, they are future leaders and understand their environments well. Prioritising the youth and finding solutions to their challenges is beneficial to individuals, the community and the country. For the growth of a society, the youth should be involved in decision-making processes, especially in policymaking. Giving the youth a platform to express themselves creates a sense of well-being.


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