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Strategic Profile of Alibaba

In 1999, Jack Ma and a team of 18 pioneers founded Alibaba Group. This company conquered the entire world of online business, not only dominating China’s digital market but also proving its relevance in global affairs. The company’s flagship platforms include Taobao, Tmall, as well as, and it has introduced e-commerce to the masses such that it has become synonymous with the term itself, leading millions of users annually to transact on its platforms in an unparalleled manner. This paper comprehensively analyzes Alibaba’s strategic profile, considering its international business strategy, determining the effectiveness of the approach chosen, and understanding the rationale behind developing international competitive capabilities. This process includes the analysis of methods used for entry into global markets and evaluating structures fit to suit the adopted strategy.

Alibaba’s Purpose and Vision

One of the core values of Alibaba Group is ‘to make it easy to do business anywhere.’ Alibaba acts as a juggernaut in the global markets for online retail and mobile commerce, retail and wholesale trade, cloud computing, and related services. Alibaba’s technological infrastructure empowers consumers, merchants, and other participants to conduct business within this. The vision of developing the infrastructural features for future commerce has long-lasting implications and is based on a company that will survive at least 102 years (Falcone et al., 2020). This journey was launched by the founders of Alibaba in 1999 with their commitment to small business owners and their belief that the Internet would ensure a level playing field where innovation and technology would empower businesses not only at home but worldwide.

Strategic Profile Analysis

International Business Strategy

The global approach is manifested by Alibaba’s international business strategy, which emphasizes cross-country operations and a similar product offering. It is evident through the example of platforms such as AliExpress, whose services are targeted at worldwide consumers. The global approach strategy is validated by the nature of the firm’s presence in many countries, capitalizing on economies of scale by providing a similar range of products worldwide. The global strategy puts Alibaba in an availing position to benefit from the internationalization of the e-commerce industry, fostering a solid platform for long-term growth and market dominance.

The reason for the global strategy that Alibaba has adopted is based on the exploitation of numerous markets and leveraging the growing bandwagon of global consumers. Through the provision of a standardized set of products, Alibaba can achieve operational efficiencies, lower costs, and increase effectiveness. The global strategy enables the company to manage and negotiate the intricacies of international trade through a uniform platform across different markets. In this connection, the global strategy may be associated with Alibaba’s persistent drive to enable business anywhere, which is ideally in line with the concept of a worldwide business orientation.

Appropriateness of Alibaba’s Strategy

The effectiveness of the global strategy applied by Alibaba is emphasized due to the fact that its international platforms have proven to be a great success. AliExpress, a significant pillar of this approach, has become one of the largest private online global consumer marketplaces that bring together consumers across the world with Chinese wholesalers and manufacturers. However, this success is proof that Alibaba’s strategy was indeed relevant and practical as it was able to act as a bridge to narrow the geographical gaps, satisfy diverse consumer needs, and create a global platform.

The cultural diversity that Alibaba’s global strategy allows the firm not only maximizes economies of scale but also helps in tapping into this power. Through a standard range of products, Alibaba reduces the difficulties of having to revise local preferences, languages, and regulatory frameworks (George et al., 2020). The efficiency of such a strategy becomes clear if one looks at the fact that all of Alibaba’s platforms can flow smoothly into consumers’ lives. As a result, they create a borderless marketplace experience.

Rationale for International Competitive Capabilities

Alibaba’s quest for international competitive capabilities has a strong rationality under the visional investment to be a perpetual leader in global business. The need to cultivate international competencies plays the role of a strategic mandate since Alibaba is equipped with the necessary tools for navigating the markets that are constantly changing. These lines of reasoning are multiple, emphasizing a number of fundamental aspects that serve to support the robustness and adaptability of Alibaba’s business model.

First, international diversification gives Alibaba an excellent opportunity to access a more significant and broader market. It not only reduces the risk of relying on one market but also creates options for creating other means of income growth. The fact that Alibaba is able to meet the different needs of cultures further penetrates the market and makes it a global leader.

Second, the drive towards global competitive competencies stimulates innovation because of the diversity of opinions. These diversified markets are those that demand different strategies, products, and services from Alibaba in various regions. This agility fosters a culture of constant innovation and allows the firm to see what lies ahead in terms of trends and technology. It is also important to note that the innovation and technology approaches implemented by Alibaba align perfectly with its international competitive advantage.

Third, globalization makes Alibaba Group more competitive as it becomes a global player. The risk is mitigated because the company becomes less vulnerable to regional economic fluctuations and regulatory barriers. This argument is fundamental in the world of geopolitical uncertainties and changing international trade conditions. To establish a meaningful global presence, Alibaba seems to be capable of withstanding uncertainties on a worldwide scale.

Methods of International Market Entry

Alibaba employs several market entry mechanisms targeted at addressing particular market dynamics and consumption patterns. A significant example is AliExpress, a platform that allows clients to buy goods directly from Chinese manufacturers. This approach enables global consumers access to the myriad of products that are competitively priced because the goods are sourced directly from wholesalers and manufacturers in China.

Furthermore, sites such as Taobao and Tmall target the Chinese audience. However, they also have the secondary effect of attracting non-Chinese consumers interested in purchasing products from China. These platforms use the popularity of Chinese goods to guide international consumers into Alibaba’s ecosystem. Even though this strategy is based on the robust demand for Chinese goods worldwide, it also raises issues concerning cultural features, language barriers, and diverse regulatory structures.

The benefits of Alibaba’s multifaceted strategy for getting into the international market are remarkable. Using a direct-to-consumer approach, AliExpress opens market access and provides consumers with a direct channel to Chinese manufacturers (Yoon, 2022). It not only ensures that the supply chain is made more efficient but also enables Alibaba to capture a significant chunk of the value chain. Instead, Taobao and Tmall capitalize on the popularity of Chinese products to generate an indirect avenue through which international consumers are able to interact with Alibaba’s platforms.

Nonetheless, potential weaknesses arise from the difficulty in coordinating multiple market entry methods. Cultural peculiarities, consumer habits, and regulatory environments are different everywhere; therefore, Alibaba has to work with a number of weaknesses. Furthermore, the firm has to keep on readying its strategies to justify the unique needs of each market, striking a delicate balance between global uniformity and local applicability.

The issue of whether Alibaba is entering the international market most effectively requires careful consideration of the strategic goals and peculiarities of each market. The direct-to-customer approach on AliExpress enables efficiency and market access, but the indirect method through Taobao and Tmall appeals to Chinese goods at a global level. The efficacy of Alibaba’s chosen methods becomes evident from the fact that its platforms are global and, therefore, can meet the needs and desires of consumers on a worldwide scale.

Organizational Structures and Alignment with Strategy

The organizational structures that Alibaba adopts are in line with the transnational strategy, combining features of global integration and local adaptation. An international strategy tries to achieve such a compromise between control and freedom in local markets so that the firm would be able to react to regional changes. The move by Alibaba to embrace a transnational organizational structure shows an intention of long-term strategies to optimize operational efficiency, increase innovation, and foster adaptability.

A multi-domestic strategy emphasizes local response by adjusting products and services to specific target market needs. However, a global strategy entails standardized products in an attempt to achieve a level of consistency in all markets. The transnational strategy seeks to balance between these two approaches by championing global integration and local orientation simultaneously.

In the case of Alibaba, its transnational structure has some functions that are centralized so as to ensure economies of scale, and these include research and development activities. However, the company in question decentralizes decision-making to local teams to accommodate different market conditions (Cheng, 2023). It is the kind of organizational flexibility that enables Alibaba to respond quickly to regional concerns, comply with local regulations, and meet the individual demands of each market.

The global and local operations have been brought together quickly, which proves that Alibaba’s organizational structure matches the desired strategy. The transnational approach allows the firm to gain from its global presence without missing the finer details of individual markets. This alignment strengthens Alibaba’s capacity to implement its global strategy well, making sure that an appropriate level of structure rigidity is sufficient for the benefits of a uniform product portfolio.


The strategic profile of the Alibaba Group is an international business strategy that perfectly matches its mission and vision. The justification of this strategy is supported by the unprecedented success of its global platforms, with a compelling argument to create international competitive competence. Alibaba’s ability to adapt its modes of market entry to suit the different market dynamics is evident in the various methods employed by global market entry, including AliExpress’s direct-to-consumer model and indirect approach through Taobao and Tmall. In explanation, the efforts towards international competitive capabilities are motivated by a variety of reasons, including access to a more extensive market base, innovation through variances, and possession of a global enduring structure. Alibaba is also successful because of its organizational structures that have been developed from the transnational perspective and find a balance between global integration and local responsiveness. With Alibaba’s evolution and growth, strategic decisions continue to play a critical role in advancing the development of global trade. The complex symphony of global strategy, international market entry strategies, organizational forms, and the desire for competitive competencies places Alibaba at the forefront of the dynamic e-commerce terrain. By being meticulous in comprehending different markets and focusing on adaptability, Alibaba is the innovation that challenges the boundaries of success in the digital age and is continuously redefining the prospects of global commerce.


Cheng, S. (2023). The positive impacts on employees and corporates’ benefits of the egalitarian corporation culture. Interdisciplinary Humanities and Communication Studies1(4).

Falcone, E., Kent, J., & Fugate, B. (2020). Supply chain technologies, inter-organizational network, and firm performance: A case study of Alibaba Group and Cainiao. International journal of physical distribution & logistics management50(3), 333-354.

George, B., Li, C., & Hou, Y. (2020). Human resource management strategies in the Chinese Multinational corporations: Ideology, institutions, and culture. Ecoforum Journal9(3).

Yoon, B. (2022). Proposal for Maximizing E-commerce Sales in the 4th Industrial Revolution.


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