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The Incarcerated Self and Society

Summarize the myth of Atalanta as presented by Du Bois.

Du Bois employs Atalanta’s Greek legend to symbolize Atlanta and the American South during post-Civil War times in his essay “On the Wings of Atalanta.” Ultimately, Hippomenes emerges victorious over Atalanta by ingeniously tossing three golden apples as a distraction during their race. Atalanta stopped to pick up each apple so that Hippomenes could win. Du Bois parallels Atalanta’s distraction with the lure of golden apples and the city of Atlanta’s distraction with greed, prosperity, and the pursuit of wealth during Reconstruction. Just as Hippomenes used the golden apple to distract Atalanta, the growth of industry and the economic interests of Atlanta’s business people and industries led to a shift toward truth, justice, and the common good rather than self-interest.

How does Du Bois apply the myth of Atalanta to the United States in general and to the South and Atlanta in particular? Be specific (cite page numbers of examples).

Du Bois draws direct parallels between the myth and Atlanta’s greed for “purple and gold” (DU Bois 69), arguing that wealth distracted the South from ideals of justice and dignity after the Civil War. He warns against the emerging “Gospel of Pay” (DU Bois 70), fears the temptation of “mere gold” over virtue (DU Bois 71), and cautions against seeing “wealth as the end and aim of politics” in Atlanta, warnings tied to details of Atalanta being led astray by golden apples during her race (DU Bois 72). The myth is an allegory for how economic interests obscured moral purpose.

On pg. 71, Du Bois first suggests that the pursuit of money must not drive the goal of education. How does he develop this idea over the rest of “Of the Wings of Atalanta”? According to Du Bois, what is the purpose of education and the university? Be specific and provide lots of examples.

After first stating that education should not be about money or wealth (DU Bois 71), Du Bois expands that the true goal of education and the university is:

– To teach “the good of living” rather than bread-winning (DU Bois pg. 75)

– To ground knowledge and culture “on the broadest and deepest knowledge” (DU Bois 74).

– To enable people to “know the end and aim of that life which meat nourishes” rather than enable earning a living (DU Bois pg. 75).

– To “realize for men, both black and white, the broadest possibilities of life,” including sacrifice, righteousness, and searching for truth (DU Bois 74).

– To discover “the hidden beauties of life” and learn virtue (DU Bois 74).

– To become “organ of that fine adjustment between real life and the growing knowledge of life,” which enables progress (DU Bois 75).

– The liberal arts over vocational training to grasp deeper truths (DU Bois 76).

Du Bois argues that the university aims to cultivate knowledge, truth, and virtue to uplift society over wealth-seeking for its own sake. The soul and social good should be prioritized over greed or money.

Based on the examples from #3, how does Du Bois’ idea about education relate to themes we have already seen from our readings of Plato? Be specific (cite examples).

Du Bois echoes Plato’s belief in liberal arts over vocational training (DU Bois 76), arguing that true education uplifts from ignorance and seeks more profound truth rather than superficial pursuits like greed (DU Bois 71). It develops collective morality and virtue that enable society’s progress, as all are Platonic themes. Knowledge and truth over wealth align with the philosopher’s allegory and escape from the primal cave toward the ideal.

Based on your response to #4, according to this essay, what is the relationship between the color line (the Veil), education, and the ascent out of the cave?

The Veil has blocked equal education (DU Bois 76), limiting ascent from the “cave”; Du Bois charges that universities must provide enlightened education for all races (DU Bois 75) and transcend racism. If the color line persists, the path out of shadowed caves toward ideal truth and virtue will be obstructed.

Works Cited

DU Bois, W.E.B. “Of the Wings of Atalanta.” THE SOULS OF BLACK FOLK.


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