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Psychometric Assessments Used With ADHD Students


This in-depth literature review examines the vital position of psychometric tests as capital tools to advance our knowledge of ADHD among learners. It covers the cognitive, behavioral, and emotional dimensions of ADHD, which objectively assesses current research findings. The recent research highlights the importance of using multiple psychometric tools to diagnose ADHD appropriately, which captures diverse manifestations. Exciting is the focus on personalizing educational interventions according to individual profiles identified based on psychometric assessments, increasing the inclusivity and effectiveness of teaching techniques.

This review specifies existing research directions and distinguishes essential knowledge holes, thereby providing valuable recommendations for further studies and interventions. Evidence synthesis facilitates evidence-based formulation of strategies, policies, and programs to assist students with ADHD. This review is a valuable source and guide for teachers, policymakers, and researchers in enabling them to establish an atmosphere conducive enough for learners with ADHD so that they can perform better. As such, this literature review maps out the terrain of psychometric assessments regarding ADHD in students to establish an evidence-based base for research to improve teaching and learning approaches.

Keywords: ADHD, psychometric assessments, teaching strategies, learning programs, cognitive aspects, educational interventions, inclusive education, student support.

Research Questions

  1. What role do psychometric assessments play in diagnosing and comprehensively understanding ADHD among students?
  2. What routes could these findings influence the establishment of appropriate teaching and learning approaches, policies, and programs for students with ADHD?

Statement of Purpose

This review paper analyzes the existing major research concerns and findings focusing on psychometric assessments in assessing ADHD among learners. The focus lies on the objective approach to studying the contribution of psychometric tools in ensuring exact identification and global understanding of ADHD within educational environments. The review aims to be a complex analysis of ADHD based on the existing literature, considering cognitive and behavioral aspects and such emotional manifestations.

Several researches investigated the effectiveness of psychometric testing in determining ADHD among students. Gamvrouli et al. (2021) conducted a detailed review of several psychometric instruments to assess the reliability with which they can be utilized to diagnose ADHD accurately. Their results highlighted the need to incorporate various assessments to capture the diverse manifestations associated with ADHD. Likewise, Sawaya et al. (2023) investigated the dependability and accuracy of popular psychometric measures addressing underlying issues associated with ADHD that may escape a generalized method for examination. The work of Kreider et al. (2020) presents a study that seeks to shed light on how student mentors provide support for undergraduate students with learning disabilities and ADHD, thus showing the need to have a more inclusive learning environment for students with ADHD.

Deriving from the systematic method of literature synthesis, this review offers teachers, policymakers, and researchers a balanced summary of what we know about psychometric assessments in relation to ADHD. To summarize contemporary developments in research, this literature review will objectively reveal gaps in knowledge and provide a starting point for upcoming studies as well as possible interventions. It also contributes to the ongoing development of evidence-based practices, policies, and programs to enhance academic achievements and overall health for students with ADHD.


Gamvrouli, M., Gamvrouli, I., & Triantafyllou, C. (2021). Evaluation tools of the characteristics of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents: A literature review. Psychiatrikī.

Kreider, C. M., Medina, S., & Koedam, H. M. (2020). (Dis)ability-informed mentors support occupational performance for college students with learning disabilities and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders through problem-solving and focusing on strengths. British Journal of Occupational Therapy84(5), 263–270.

Sawaya, H., Miller, J. C., & Raines, J. M. (2023). Review of studies on incremental validity of assessment measures used in psychological assessment of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Assessment, 107319112311599.


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