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Implementing Evidence-Based Practice for Improved Patient Care: A Comprehensive Approach in a Psychiatric Hospital Setting


Improving patient outcomes and assuring top-notch treatment in the ever-changing healthcare system is made possible via evidence-based practice (EBP). This study investigates the feasibility of implementing an evidence-based change in the operations of mental healthcare institutions using a PICOT approach, which covers population, intervention, comparison, outcome, and time. On top of that, it discusses a particular clinical problem by reviewing four academic articles. Healthcare organizations must address their change preparedness and culture, identify the issue or area that needs addressing, develop a plan to exchange information and experience, measure outcomes, and draw insights from the critical review. This study contends that mental institutions should adapt to the ever-changing healthcare industry by introducing new evidence-based practices. The present research intends to treat a specific mental health condition via a patient-centred and complete strategy based on an extensive examination of the relevant peer-reviewed literature. Working together to enhance patient care and results is necessary, considering corporate culture, effective execution plans, disseminating information, and change management. We are committed to continuously improving our mental health treatment techniques based on fresh findings.

Healthcare Organization Overview

The mental health facility that is now under scrutiny only serves patients who have mental health issues. Collaboration, empathy, and putting patients’ needs first are highly valued in the workplace. Nurses, mental health professionals, psychologists, and support staff work together as an interdisciplinary team to meet the wide range of requirements experienced by our patients. Although mental healthcare is dynamic and subject to constant change, a culture of continuous improvement recognizes this, yet several factors may hinder progress. To meet the prerequisites for their adoption, it is critical to apply evidence-based approaches cautiously due to the limits of limited resources. Because of the potential for change resistance in healthcare settings, they are developing a thorough plan to negotiate with and win overall team members (Varcarolis & Fosbre, 2020). Several organizational hurdles must be overcome to improve mental health treatment and meet the hospital’s goal of implementing innovations based on evidence-based practice.

Current Problem or Opportunity for Change

Inadequate care for a particular mental health problem by the mental hospital is the main worry. Several issues need improvement, such as the risks to patient’s health, the ineffectiveness of current treatments, and the meteoric increase in the disease’s prevalence. Mental health professionals, nurses, and support staff must collaborate to address this cross-departmental problem. The responsibility for delivering direct patient care lies with frontline healthcare workers. In contrast, healthcare administrators are tasked with adopting organizational changes at a strategic level because of how dangerous the situation is; making the change is fraught with danger. Workers’ opposition, operational disruptions caused by new ideas, and the need for more staff to handle the complex nature of mental health concerns are all potential dangers (Cullen et al., 2022). To increase the adoption of evidence-based treatment in mental health institutions, it is vital to identify and efficiently manage any possible dangers.

Proposed Evidence-Based Practice Change

As part of the planned evidence-based practice expansion at a mental health institution, a specialized intervention will be developed to address a specific mental illness. A thorough and careful review of the relevant medical literature supports this conclusion. The program utilizes cutting-edge methods in psychosocial treatment, pharmaceutical delivery, and other therapeutic modalities in a patient-centred and integrated manner. The suggestions are based on examining recent scientific findings and aim to improve patient outcomes comprehensively. The method accounts for the possibility that future research may add to the current evidence base for the selected intervention, which is essential since mental health is dynamic. The dedication to doing more research shows a willingness to adapt and improve the recommendations to meet the unique needs of the mental health facility (Gagiu et al., 2023). By encouraging a mindset of constant growth, welcoming innovative research, and tackling recognized mental health issues, evidence-based practice can improve mental healthcare practices.

Knowledge Transfer Plan

In order to implement evidence-based practice change at the mental hospital, the knowledge transfer plan lays out a comprehensive and realistic strategy for doing so. Obtaining fresh perspectives calls for integrating data from peer-reviewed journals, public participation in decision-making, and internal reviews. Establishing a systematic and evidence-based approach to the issue is the first stage. Therefore, distribution strategies should include a range of methods, such as seminars and lectures. By providing healthcare professionals with knowledge regarding evidence-based change, these seminars hope to facilitate agreement between them. Concurrently, we will strive to provide documentation and brochures that are simple to grasp so that frontline employees may readily access and comprehend information. Finally, stakeholders should collaborate with key departments to prioritize accepting and implementing the changes company-wide. It is simpler to apply changes based on evidence if the mental health institution can receive and incorporate new ideas into its operations, which may be achieved by creating these links (Gagiu et al., 2023). Thus, this all-encompassing method of communication demonstrates a commitment to a rigorous and collaborative style, which will lead to advantages for patient care that endures.

Dissemination Strategy and Rationale

A thorough distribution strategy was devised to reach a varied audience inside the mental health hospital efficiently. Medical practitioners will have complete knowledge of evidence-based change after participating in expert training sessions. This includes its rationale, potential benefits in enhancing patient outcomes, and conformity with present-day research. Staff members can participate in dynamic platform-based interactive seminars designed to solve problems, foster open communication, and promote cooperation throughout the implementation period. In addition to including interactive lectures, we will guarantee that the information is aesthetically pleasing and straightforward. There must be digital tools and readily accessible pamphlets that summarize critical points made available to all relevant stakeholders in order for them to comprehend and accept the complexity of evidence-based practice change (MacPhee et al., 2021). Establishing a comprehensive strategy for communication, increasing participation and awareness among healthcare professionals, and fostering an atmosphere where staff are eager to share what they know are the primary objectives of the implementation.

Measurable Outcomes

Using the evidence-based practice paradigm has substantially enhanced the quality of treatment in mental health facilities. There will be measurable gains in various areas thanks to this plan. The intervention seeks to enhance mental health outcomes via a patient-centred approach by enhancing community-wide health and symptom management. Simultaneous review of operational outcomes will evaluate changes in workflow effectiveness and enhance resource allocation, leading to an efficient and ecologically sustainable healthcare delivery system. A thorough battery of questionnaires will be sent to staff and patients to determine the program’s effectiveness. The usefulness of evidence-based therapy was the subject of several very enlightening remarks. Also, by encouraging strict adherence to evidence-based standards and boosting dedication to quality improvement, regular audits will ensure that processes are constantly improving (Varcarolis & Fosbre, 2020). Our well-defined and measurable objectives are to enhance patient care, optimize internal processes, and cultivate a flexible environment that can respond to the changing needs of healthcare practitioners and their patients.

Lessons Learned

Mental health institutions should promote evidence-based rehabilitation according to the results of a systematic review of the relevant research. A thorough and systematic evaluation of the chosen research was conducted using the Evaluation Table, part of the Critical Appraisal Tool Worksheet Template. A thorough understanding of the research’s validity, practicality, and methodological soundness was provided by this assessment. Establishing therapies based on evidence was greatly facilitated by this knowledge. It is critical to think about study design and ensure the selected research articles meet strict criteria to back up their claims; this was driven home by evaluating these publications. According to the researchers, determining the sample size is the most crucial step in determining the study’s validity and reliability. Also, to ensure the data was accurate and reliable, the critical evaluation stressed the need for a thorough statistical analysis.

In order to achieve greatness and fully grasp the intricacies of all the academic fields, the critical evaluation process was a priceless asset. The mental health facility created personal treatment plans after a literature review and data collection were completed. This approach has developed over time because it is adaptable to fresh information and grounded on the most recent scientific findings. The evaluation method emphasized the ongoing need for improvement while embracing mental health therapy’s dynamic character. By keeping up with the latest research and offering evidence-based therapy suggestions, the mental health institution can help develop a growth mindset. In addition to confirming the veracity of the facts supporting the proposed change, the critical review process established a flexible plan to strengthen the hospital’s resolve to provide cutting-edge, patient-centred mental health care.


When it comes to mental health institutions, implementing evidence-based therapy requires a complete plan. Considerations such as corporate culture, degree of change preparedness, patient group-specific requirements, and organizational culture must all be part of this plan. The planned shift to evidence-based practice in mental healthcare aims to improve treatment quality and patient outcomes. A thorough and critical analysis of peer-reviewed literature forms the basis of the research. If this implementation is to be a success, the distribution strategy must take stakeholder feedback into account and make it easy to adopt evidence-based therapy into regular life.

Furthermore, it is critical to have a knowledge transfer plan that has been carefully crafted. Quantitative statistics are crucial in determining how successful the intervention was. Furthermore, the thorough evaluation strategy results show a solid commitment to keeping up with the most recent findings in mental health treatment methods and creating an environment that promotes continuous innovation and adaptation.


Varcarolis, E. M., & Fosbre, C. D. (2020). Essentials of psychiatric mental health nursing: A communication approach to evidence-based care. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Cullen, L., Hanrahan, K., Farrington, M., Tucker, S., & Edmonds, S. (2022). Evidence-based Practice in Action: Comprehensive Strategies, Tools, and Tips from University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics. Sigma Theta Tau.

Gagiu, C., Mazilu, D. C., Zazu, M., Nedelcu, V., Jitianu, D. A., Manea, M., … & Klugarová, J. (2023). Patient-centered health care planning in acute inpatient mental health settings: a best practice implementation project. JBI Evidence Implementation, 21(S1), S28-S37.

MacPhee, J., Modi, K., Gorman, S., Roy, N., Riba, E., Cusumano, D., … & Doraiswamy, P. M. (2021). Strengthening safety nets: A comprehensive approach to mental health promotion and suicide prevention for colleges and universities. NAM Perspectives.


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